It's way way darker than all of you might think.
It's more than /x/ tier maybe.
But AMA, I'll provide as many info as I can.
And yeah, it's all about (((jews))).
It's way way darker than all of you might think.
It's more than /x/ tier maybe.
But AMA, I'll provide as many info as I can.
And yeah, it's all about (((jews))).
Other urls found in this thread:
How the fuck do you manage to deep fry ice cream its frozen wouldn't it melt?
Enlighten us then, how is it darker?
I'm ready for anything
How do Chinese view America's future, is it as bad as we think it will be?
Are skeletons the enemy that will defeat China?
Recently my father returned to Guangzhou for cancer treatment, can you tell me what you know about the government-run/sponsored/managed healthcare system? He said it was really bad.
Also what's your favorite city?
Why is Hotmail allowed through the great firewall now?
Considering the current climate, it looks favorable to me, the U.S. Is about to clean house. Power will be restored to the citizenry. The U.S. will return to being based as fuck.
Who runs the show in China?
Their end goals?
Is Hillary a Chinese agent after all?
How does the near future (2 years) look in regards to power struggles/possible wars/coups
The ice cream used for frying, is stored with dry ice. Coat it with whatever crushed cereal of choice. Dip in really hot oil for a short time. Serve with whip cream and whatever other shit.
The Triads, obviously.
can you make a post in chinese?
Zero Point Energy.
It's way darker than u guys might think. Current physics is altered by jews.
And they are not (((smart))). They are indeed devils.
They altered the history too. Chinese culture is the last bastion of the true. But it is also been altered too.
Good. Moon is the key.
Moon is crucial to us human beings.
In Chinese kidneys and stuff are all moon related.
moon = 月
kidney = 肾
liver = 肝
Lung = 肺
heart = 心脏
Stomach = 胃
intestines = 肠
U think the moon being part of these parts is a coincidence?
It's not (((American))) 's future. It's man-kind's future.
Jews deserve to be purged.
Is it true China gets 200 terror attacks from various disgruntled religious and political movements and you just do a good job of covering it up so no one outside of the place it happens in hears about it?
I remember reading about a stabbing spree in a train station in China some militants went on and people were saying that happens all the time but the media doesn't want anyone to know how common it is.
Are the Hongmen like the Freemasons and are they connected in any way?
Oh fuck I just keked out loud
>that wife agro
Maybe unrelated but what's up with the fear of cryptocurrencies from the Chinese Gov ?
Also, opinions on what's happening in South Korea with Megalia and the like ? Are Gooks part of your big master plan ?
Cheers, chink-shite buddy
how come I've never seen an pregnant chinese women in my entire life?
what's your take on this fellow chinese user ?
Are the Hongmen like the Freemasons and are they connected in any way?
Does China know anything about ayyy lmaos?
show us your cock (you) larping chingchong fagit
What's up with all these unnamed Chinese billionaires? I know someone personally who"s worth about $20b, hangs out all the time with celebrities like Justin Bieber and Lindsey Lohan, but I bet 99.9% of people haven't even heard his name.
Is this like a cultural thing to lay low and not show off your wealth?
Don't look at the moon for powers, look inside yourself. Power comes as a need, not as a desire.
What skeletons?
Chinese medicine treatment is not top-notch.
Yes hotmail is allowed.
It's not US cleaning the house. It's the human beings cleaning the house.
Show? Xi & Putin are against the Illuminates
Hillary WAS a Chinese agent. But it was not technically Chinese. It was the Chinese Illuminate part. Hu Jintao & Wen Jiabao.
Xi is purging them.
Future? The justice will prevail.
when will you invade Europe and go full cultural revolution on us? we fucking need it.
Ones that are inside every human.
>What skeletons?
Does it have to do with the impending disclosure of ETI/UAP phenomenon?
Is Xiaomi the Chinese Spies work?
What is this, what does it mean, who is running this shit, and do you know anyone who can read these languages?
I have my own theories...
Are WeChat and QQ safe to be installed on my phone?
How deep is the rabbithole; does it go back to Deng Xiaoping and maybe even Mao?
Are the rumors that China is in Africa to prepare for a global war true?
Why is the government so keen on purging Cantonese and Wu dialects?
A-actually nevermind senpai, you know how skeletons are illegal in Chinese media right? Wouldn't it be a good idea to send an army of skeletons to defeat the Chinese government? Have they prepared for that type of attack yet?
care to answer a few of my questions
1 whats your religion
2 tell me about gene editing hows that going in china
3 whos the military power house is the us a meme in technology and what are modern weapons
Yes. It's true. It's way worse than what you might think. 100 ppl die in one incident by (((Islamic terrorists)))
Fear? The jews control'em.
Megalia is just like (((spirit cooking))). It's all jews.
Remember Falun Gong? Jews.
The cult leader revealed the truth in 2012. He escaped from America. He is protected by Chinese gov now.
No south korea is fully (((Worst Korea))) now. U know what I mean.
I don't know. Maybe just try to live longer.
HK is fully freemasons. We are getting it back though.
Yes. ayy lmaos. Our ancients know about the ayy lmaos, too.
Jews are the ultimate evil ayy lmaos just fyi.
Don't racemix. Never circumcise. Don't ever fucking donate blood.
Larping? We'll see.
The truth is more than your imagination.
I've heard Sup Forums is the last bastion of free speech so I came here.
You might spread my words. FBI is doing a good job.
Most of'em are illuminates.
What is the relationship of the high speed colliders to the moon and physics alteration?
Has Chinese intelligence provided support for Donald Trump, and if so, what is the nature of the support?
Interesting, moon in Vedic lore and Vedic astrology represents manas, part of our mind related to heart, it's part of it that travels from lifetime to lifetime carrying all karmas. Moon in that is like supercomputer storing all this shit.
Where Sun represents soul, part of us that is not touched by anything, rooting itself into different points in existence at one time, moon is in that point of focus placed in one of the roots reflecting light of the soul.
There is much talk on Sup Forums about Hillary wanting war with Russia, where would China stand in this conflict?
How much of the Illuminati is new money.
What's so bad about donating blood?
What is this about aliens? Are aliens confirmed?
Why donating blood is bad?
>The justice will prevail.
Yeah just like it always has (kek).
Nice roleplaying.
Are you gonna co-work with Russians?
How about this new Silk-Road?
Anything in particular for my country?
Sorry bro. It seems that you are lost hope. The jews got u. Blame your (((elites))).
It's way too fucking obvious.
Skeletons what? U mean the censoring skeletons? Yeah because it's part of satan worship. Our gov knows it.
Yes. But in a good way.
You got it.
We've lost too much bro. Jews ruined everything.
Do you recall Chinese language are """moon runes"""? Think harder.
Yes they are. WeChat & QQ are anti-illuminate.
Yes the fucking rabbit hole goes back to even Mao.
Do you remember (((one-child))) policy? Thanks to
Notice he studied (((abroad))) and never had children.
You guess why? Circumcise accident.
Who circumcises?
Hmm... hehe
Yes just replied. I thought u were saying actual skeleton army.
Religion? Taoist.
(((Gene editing )))
For military part I can't leak cuz it's sensitive. But the actual technology is more than u think.
Bumping for interesting thread
What can those of us in the cucked western world realistically do to help?
>Larping? We'll see.
i don't disagree
i've been here too long, am slightly acoustic
ok im eating gmo food because im poor please spill the beans about it, am i test subject.
whats the reason behind jewish circumcision?
I was circumsized as a kid, am I fucked?
If you want to verify your info tell me what happened to the chairman of FAB Universal Corp after he got arrested in Beijing.
What do you mean by a good way?
OP tell me more about the moon.
Is there a base there? Human?
What do you know about the secret space program.
Why never donate blood? What do they do with it and the DNA testing?
How much Chinese intel is sigintel vs humint? Do you guys use a lot of remote viewing?
I understand the push against Falan gong.
But why the Tibetans?!?
Also what do you think of these?
China Uncensored YouTube channel? Is it just more propaganda?
Also do you use BioGeometry?
Do you know of the different densities that we are and the assistance or RA and the confederation?
>And yeah, it's all about (((jews))).
as always.. What can we do brother
I just read somethinf China successfully completing some sort of small nuclear fusion thing can you elaborate on this?
I'm not part of it. But the Chinese gov is heading towards it.
Our plan A was for Hillary presidency.
Now we're likely to execute part B for Trump presidency.
Just remember we are anti-illuminate. Trump is a stray dog.
Yes. Chinese history think human are filled with solar energy/ moon energy.
Now we have (((medical science)))
We're with Russia.
Taobao, Alibaba, Mayun, most of the stupid bitch actors in China.
Because blood is not (((regenerating))) as u think. It's part of your body. Don't think (((donating blood will make u better)))
There is an ancient prophet book called Tui Beitu.
The ultimate winning of justice is been predicted.
Oh and btw, we are in graph 42 now.
It's about hillary.
The explanation for graph 42 is wrong though. I'll explain later.
Yes it's anti-illuminate.
What was the ACTUAL purpose of Nixon's 1972 visit? Surely it couldn't have all been pleasantries and basic policy?
How redpilled was 钱学森? What did he learn in the US that made him want to return to China so much that the US had to lock him up for a few years? Is he still admired?
Moon runes? Is there something going on with the "base" on the moon?
Is China going g to jump the gun on disclosure?
Is there a faction trying to stop disclosure?
>Yeah because it's part of satan worship. Our gov knows it.
Nice, if only our media wasn't that stupid, but do you think people will be scared if a bunch of army men in skeleton costumes started attacking?
Does Ft. Worth ever cross your mind?
你从哪里了解到/pol的?Sup Forums在中国被墙了吗
ching ching ching ching ching chong?
Do you ever see the Communist Party becoming irrelevant? Not so much China becoming a democracy, but China being less socially Communist ?
>Do you recall Chinese language are """moon runes"""? Think harder.
and niggers are called moon crickets... OMG
What's China's plan to deal with long term demographic collapse from a rapidly aging population? Are the "little emperors" expected to have crazy numbers of children?
Is the Chinese fascination with Jews a "know your enemy" type mentality? I've read that there are Chinese self help books that teach people how to emulate Jewish success.
there is no push against tibetans, tibet kept its culture, language and whatnot, the Dalai Lama is a NWO puppet though.
He willingly signed away Tibetan independence then one day suddenly started to deny it.
Trauma, it shocks the system and brain. Like building an amnesiac block at an early age... it definitely has a lifelong impact on a child
Why did they really purge Bo Xilai? Surely all those corruption incidents were just an excuse
wechat is the ultimate tracking device for the chinese government. it not only tracks your position but also they store a record of all your communications, your connections and with the wechat wallet, can know where you spend money and what you buy.
qq is the same as facebook in regards of data collection. with the cloud storage, tencent also have access to different media you consume.
you need to ask yourself if that bothers you. it doesn't bother me. but to consider these apps as safe and innocent is naive.
Where does the I Ching stand in all this, does it relate to meme magic? Or, better put, is it truly a worthy oracle?
Let's go back to some questions about the moon. That seems to be important.
Was the moon constructed/built, or developed naturally?
(REF: Who Built The Moon?)
Do you like dogs?
>Because blood is not (((regenerating))) as u think. It's part of your body. Don't think (((donating blood will make u better)))
Does it have anything to do with this? Young blood regeneration.
Yes this. Is there suppressed knowledge?
What happened to my man in pic related
This is why the (((Rothschilds))) are not dying
>Why never donate blood? What do they do with it and the DNA testing?
i used to live in china and had to submit blood as part of my medical. i was then invited to donate blood and other fluids to medical study. i had to go to a special hospital in the city to do it. all i was told was that i had 'special blood'. i got paid quite a lot of money to do it for a year. i had to do some sex experiments too.
What are you really doing in Scarborough shoal?
>Don't racemix. Never circumcise. Don't ever fucking donate blood.
errr... why not? For all three.
I guess I'm damned to eternity in hell for being circumcised already, right?
You said jews altered history, how did that even happen?
What thoughts do you have on Donald Trump imposing tariffs on trade goods, labeling countries as currency manipulators?
Can you elaborate the connection between us humans our organs and the moon or the chinese sign for it? What is their etymology?
cern dude atleast i think
Yeah, this is a good question.
OP: how long until the public knows about ayy's?
are there cults/belief systems around chi that have helped people attain/hold positions of power? Is it related to moon energy? Should we all start practicing qigong?
Whats your opinion about Taiwan?
Whats your gov policies about it ?
What about HK ?
(((cucked))). Not cucked, controlled, dummy.
It's a cult. SJW cult. Very subtle but it's still a cult.
Warren Buffet's son is (((growing GMO food))) for african ppl. Oy Vey.
Taking out of your soul. I'm not kidding. The ayy lmaos jews worship do not have foreskins. And they can't replicate it.
It's what makes us human.
Do not buy into (((Chinese have no souls))) shit.
Jews have no souls, more like it.
You FBI?
Infos and stats are critical, bro. The dark side already has it.
There is lost tech. Anti-gravity and zero-point energy. Current (((Clean Energy))) is all a hoax.
Something in the blood can never be regenerated.
How much? Check Xi's actions. Just google Xi Jinping purge.
(((Tibetans))) is basically a Jew cult. It's altered Buddhism with human sacrifice.
Don't buy into the nuclear fusion shit. Zero-point energy is the shit.
> pic related is human-live-skinned drum. With human bones.
>Don't racemix
Not even with my chinese soon to be wife?
And this here proves you're full of shit.
If you were an actual Chinese (or knew jack shit about your language if you actually are) you'd know that
月 in words pertaining to entrails are actually simplified 肉, which means fucking MEAT.
Come on, I'm just a russian weaboo and even I know this.
You can just google it in 2 minutes. You should be fucking embarrassed.
The moon, my yellow-skinned friend.
Tell us about the moon!
Do you know of ZPE through BioGeometry?
>Sup Forums trolled by a roleplayer
So what's new? This thread is some /x/-tier shit
Is it related to the South Korea thing?
Do you like dogs?
Damn. What about the aliens. Are there several factions?
Do we deal with mainstream aliens or just drug dealing pirates? I assume theres several factions in play.
Which ones are bad?
When will China be overtake USA and become a world power country?
Sup Forums always gets into good roleplay threads
and then we recall it later and see if it turned out to be bullshit or not
Nobody is deciding their future existence based on these threads.