Elon Musk: Robots will take your jobs, government will have to pay your wage

Computers, intelligent machines, and robots seem like the workforce of the future. And as more and more jobs are replaced by technology, people will have less work to do and ultimately will be sustained by payments from the government, predicts Elon Musk, the iconic Silicon Valley futurist who is the founder and CEO of SolarCity, Tesla, and SpaceX.

According to Musk, there really won't be any other options.

"There is a pretty good chance we end up with a universal basic income, or something like that, due to automation," says Musk to CNBC. "Yeah, I am not sure what else one would do. I think that is what would happen."



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this thread was up before saged

he needs a bra, ffs his nips are even showing

Good, we will have people educated to maintain these automated systems. FINALLY America to make the first leap to advance schools

t. engineering major

>implying everyone who holds a supplanted menial job will be able to maintain robots
>implying they'll be happy about it
look its so fucking obvious. whats gonna happen is, yes, robots are going to advance and be able to take our jobs, but the government will regulate that shit so it wont.
Already I'm seeing automated self check out stops in supermarkets go back to normal people working there. The masses won't let their jobs be taken over by robots. The government isn't as powerful and scary as you see.

Yeah I can see that too, but think of how much time you will save if you don't work on a repatative task. Giving your people higher education would be the way to go because then you will be able to advance in technology and focus on newer things.

But that's hard to do in America because our government, all they do is shit on other countries and make wars instead of progress.

I understand where you're coming from, I too want to encounter a human when buying things, but usually the self checkouts are maintained by a person and you can call him/her.

Also, the government is already paying welfare, it will only be ideal if we expand companies by automation and create new jobs with these systems. I'm pretty sure training existing people (older) will be easy because they will be motivated by the madness of the idea of robots replacing them, so showing how t maintain the system would be easy.

I don't know, overall we'll see how it plays out, but it does have potential, though I am at 50/50 on it, but it depends.

Yes, good goy the robots will take your jobs, any day now, any day. Just give the government your money so it can give it around.

It's for the best.


yes but i dont think we need that living wage shit. will just have to adapt or starve. make the robots work for us. this living wage shit is dumb. it makes people lazy. you need an incentive. look at venezuela, they made it so no one could starve and everyone became so lazy

Why don't people fucking analyse their batshit insane economic policies before pushing them through? They almost always fucking fail, so why not actually fucking think about it first? It's always just "this will be good because I have good intentions"!
Fucking (((Elon Musk)))

i think what would be more appropiate if we just died out

more people out of work = more violence desu

THIS is the final step in the globalist venture. Once UBI is established people will hardly work and mega corporations won't ever face any competition from anyone. Entrepreneurship will die and the rich will stay rich with taking away the poor's chance to be rich


Either basic income or the goyim will be exterminated

"Never Trust a Jew!"

-Nikola Tesla (company

If you guys boost your education, you'll surpass Korea and Japan in I.T.
I agree with you man, robotics do have a chance of benevolently impacting job growth in our society. It depends on how delicately our government implements it. People are scared of how fast the world is changing, they've always been. But at some compromising level, neo-luddism can be lowered down with insight and co-operation with our evolving machines.


you've been creating ten eggs per day.
now you invented the super egg machine.
super egg machine can create 100 eggs per day.
you don't have to create eggs anymore.
so you just started creating sausages.
by the way, since you don't have to pay wages to a machine, now you earn the price of 100 eggs and some sausages.

this is how robots work economically.
they don't take your job.

more violence=more happenings

Praise KEK

Ah, the jews. I get it now
Time to enforce another socialist policy that'll work unlike every other one!

Fuck, I guess NEETS were right all along

and NEETlords will rise to the top to educate the former wageslaves. yes in the future, we NEETs will be celebrities.

Yes, instead let's spam kek threads even though they are dubs posting which is against the rules.

Btw, announcing sage is against the rules too.

Thankfully my job will never become automated. Let's see a robot put a house together

won't be long and you will see just that

Anyone else see this as some sort of disgusting future?

Robots doing everything, humand becoming lazy or violent without any purpose or self meaning.

Like everything in society ran by robots, no more human contact, you go to a restaurant and its all machines, no people, seems fucking dehumanizing to me.


learning how to do something takes your job because it takes less people to do something when they're competent
the economy must be best when we amputate all limbs and make employees build cars with just their faces

They're already testing it
you're going to be jobless m8

there's a movie that fits your description, think its called Wall-E

Just embrace stoicism

is this breakfast related? i don't eat breakfast it hurts my stomach, only coffee

Its called judge dredd, and its gonna be great, we'll have block wars all the time.

Every time this guy opens his mouth, nothing but nonsense spew out. Does he truly believe he can sell cars and trips to mars as iphones.

>basic income
it's easier just to exterminate the underclass desu senpai

>we'll have block wars all the time.
The future looks bright once again, thank you user

>Does he truly believe he can sell cars and trips to mars as iphones.
it's more likely than AI going off on its own and killing us all or having a decent economic system where no one works and the government pays everyone

he's doing it with tesla

robots will never become viable to replace human workers unless they become as reliable as the human body, and even then, software/hardware updates are always going to be more expensive than training sessions with experienced workers. the losses a competitor would take from not using robots will always be recouped in the cost of maintaining said robots. technology is only adopted when it is both cheaper and more efficient. show me a robot which can stay relevant with it's peers for the same 50 years of work a human has to do.

>i don't eat breakfast
WTF I hate spain now



still needs an operator though, seems unlikely it will replace masons anytime soon

wagecucks BTFO

that's not how it will end.
As more robots take over, goods become cheaper.
So people end up paying more for services.
Having a human waiter will be a plus-value for a lot of clients. And I certainly wouldn't mind paying more for a human waiter. The same way I don't mind going to a more expensive restaurant because I liked the waiters and the chef there.

It's stupid to only think about the production and price.

>Work hard all life advancing in field
>robot takes your job
>you get same basic income payment as lifelong NEET


no shit

What's the difference between universal basic income and welfare?

"it takes less people" is wrong.
"it takes less labor" is correct.
you can work as a button pusher of robot or checker of condition of robot.
any robots can't hear one voice from the recorded audio which three people are speaking simultaneously. robots can't solve CAPTCHA-level quiz.
you can earn foods by doing simple chores.

this is The Fourth Industrial Revolution.
The Fifth Revolution is beyond the technological singularity but that is far away yet.

We are already lazy and violent.
1: if someone loves what they're doing they'll be fine with doing it for log hours.
Good chance we can focus less on required jobs and more on individual advancement which would mean more people who work their asses off rather than just slapping shit together to fill a quota.

2: We have violent movies video games T.V. programs and even hands on entertainment wither it be participating in boxing/MMA type things.
It's about control and knowing where to outlet the urge.

basic income = everyone gets it
welfare = only a few get it, or have to apply for it

basic income in exchange for sterilization

>Giving your people higher education would be the way to go because then you will be able to advance in technology and focus on newer things.
What if they're not smart enough to receive higher education?


What does he know about such things, he is just a salesman

i'm nauseous every morning, it's like i was pregnant or smth

i'm a guy btw, so i hope it's not pic related

I used to get that too, went away for some reason

Judges willcrack down, welldosome years inan iso cu e than repeat.

It won't happen in any reality we are able to flip over to. The distance to the parallel universe where that happens without millions of people dying is too great, our reactors can't produce enough energy to make the jump.

Only a small percentage of people can be engineers or programmers. I certainly can't. I think automatization will eventually be banned by parties once unemployment reaches 30-40%

I've always thought about this. It is coming.

In college I saw the Sony dog robots play soccer and the robotics professor putting it on said that computer scientists, engineers, and others in the robotics field hope to field a team of robots that can beat the FIFA World Champion by 2050.

We will be able to create these one day. We'll create them in mass for cheap. They'll be everywhere.

Construction workers? Plumbers? Carpenters? Trash men? Postal workers? Doctors?

Why would Walmart hire anybody that can only work so many hours when they can buy one of these robots, load Shelf Stock 2.0 into it, and get 100% productivity 24/7/365?

It's 3 am and need a plumber? Roto-Rooter will send out a robot to do it. No need to pay a human overtime that might not be able to do their job correctly due to lack of sleep.

Restaurants can stay open 24/7 with their robot servers and cooks.

Doctors and nurses will be replaced by robots with detailed medical information, records, and files.

Convenient stores can hire a robot to work full time.

The banks will no longer need to close as robot tellers can take care of things. Also there will be no worries for the bank as accurate counting and possible theft don't happen with a robot.

Uber? Taxi? Somebody will buy a car and a robot, or a self drive car, and people can party all night.

That also means robot bar tenders.

Computer technicians? IT? Who knows a computer better than a computer? Robots, unlike humans, can also plug into the system to help find the problem faster.

Airports can replace all their flight crews with robots to run flights all the time. Most new commercial airplane can take off and land themselves, if needed, so a robot by that time will be standard.

Millions of blue and white collar jobs will disappear overnight. What then?

there will always be stuff to occupy you with

Price of goods doesn't matter if people don't have jobs and money to pay for them.

Not even. He's a corporate welfare vacuum. When he says government should pay for everyone he's just deflecting from the shot loads of subsidies he's sucked up.

creativity is something robots probably can't do

>also we have no idea how the human brain develops
we can not really replace humans any time soon.

For now it's cheaper to use human workers, that's what the whole outsourcing is aobut. Even though factory work and even white collar work can be automized to a high degree there will always be operation controllers necessary for the foreseeable future.

I believe this type of '3d printed' style of construction will become viable within the next few decades. You would probably see '3d printing' prefabrication inside factories as oppose to onsite due to the huge ball ache of preparing the land for a large machine like that(or many multiples of them).

This machine seems ok for what its built to do but not only will it need an operator it will also need to learn to build the typical 2 skin brick wall with a cavity as well as place brick ties and consider windows, doors and the placing of lintels, I also think something like this would struggle with gable ends. If it could build the typical 2 skin wall and was cheap enough and not inconvenient enough/smart enough to warrant its application it could certainly speed up construction whilst reducing costs but who knows how far off this is.

For my particular line of work (which is in the construction field) the application of exoskeletons will help immensely I think this will be one of the first newer technologies to be adopted.

He's right, though. Automation is taking a lot of jobs. Look back at the Luddites - it's a hundred times worse now.

It's inevitable. What's the point in producing robots, machines and software if we aren't going to use it? Let's embrace it, try not to produce a killer AI, and increase our technology base. At some point we will be able to make it out to the stars

you're....not thinking about all the other people employed in the process that wouldn't be.

>What then?

This is the big question. Universal basic income doesn't nearly answer it on its own. We all just sit around, party a little bit, and just get fat on our universal income? It will be like being children with monthly pocket money allocations

Ofcourse tthey take the job. If 10 people can be replaced by 1 robot, it means 10 people without jobs.

Why is this faggot regarded as some sort of authority on technology/business/economics? He as no discernible talent except being able to obtain tens of millions of NEET bux to throw away on his useless pet projects. He's fallen short on literally every goal he's set for himself and relies on his army of actual experts to clean up his mess every time he makes a horrible business decision. The only reason this scam artist is still in business is because braindead TZM-tier utopians and guilt-ridden leftists keep bailing him out of all his failed projects.

Machines will never create a video game.

What motivates the robot owners to keep us alive, happy and well fed? Nothing. They will just exterminate the excess humans and keep the rest as a labor force for those jobs robots can not do.


Obama didn't create any jobs anyway.
Between 2009 and 2016, the US population increased by 17 millions.
Obama created 14 million jobs among the population growth.
That means the US have lost 3 million jobs to laxative immigration policies.

Job creation cannot be a slow process, as it must follow the population growth.
Population growth and job growth are correlated statistics, for a job growth to be significant, it must be significantly higher than the population growth.

Why do the medias praise Obama as a job creator?

The truth is that we have too many jobs and most of them are Sisyphean tasks.

Name one, just one, project that Musk led in which all of the stated goals of the project were completed.

My resume may not be as colorful as Musk's, but at least I have a few successful projects under my belt. And I didn't need a big fat government subsidy.

AI can already make basic musics, so yes, they can be creative. Don't forget we are at the beggining of it.

>If 10 people can be replaced by 1 robot, it means 2 people building robots, 2 people inventing the next robot, 2 people repairing robots, 2 people extracting the additional resources to make the robots and 2 people working in leisure activities.
Unless, of course, you give a livable wage to unemployed people. Then you have 10 unemployed people and you borrow money to import the robots and to pay the unemployed.

Demand will rise for "artisan" crafts. I mean we're still a ways to go and the demand is already there.

This isn't the future my grandfathers fought for.




Tesla(inb4 you say Tesla is a failure based on your complete lack of understanding of the business model)

It doesn't work like this.

It's more like you pay 10 people to make eggs at $8 an hour for 7 hours a day.
SOMEONE invents the egg machine, initially costing 35k or roughly 3 months wages for the egg makers.
It also costs ~$8 a day to run, not taking into account maintenance and down time which ends up pushing the operating costs to 400 a week.

The workers aren't the ones who make the robots they are the ones who are replaced by it. The person who owns the company is the one who profits, along with those selling the machines.

>That also means robot bar tenders.

>not hacking your robot bartender to pour free drinks

I can live with this.

>taxi drivers become software developers
This is what AI cucks believe

>what then
If governments are not stupid , they preapre themselves and change their fucking education so you don't raise workers but humans, get them to enjoy a side of life that for me would involve creativity , you are someone into music ? they will push you in that direction , you are someone that loves robots or space etc ? they push you in thta direction because while robot are running earth , humanity still has the whole fucking space to discover

>implying the globalists won't kill off 90% of the population through some virus once the working class is no longer required

He's right you know. All that anger you fucks have for globalization/illegals and 'dey tuk er jerbs' is really misplaced and is caused by the automation revolution

How will the government sustain itself (let alone provide for an entire country) if no one has jobs and pays taxes?

Regardless, he presided over GOAT total job growth streak of all time and six times more jobs than Bush

Theres no decline in output with automation, quite the opposite

partial nationalization of the companies. For example the government owns 49% of all companies worth more than a certain dollar amount.

for that you need the whole world to agree on this so markets dont go into the deep sea when everyone allows more money, remember one thing in this day and age 1000 on your bank account means you have money , you don't even need to print it anymore, so just put 4 numbers on everyone account, but if someone does and the market doesn't agree , it's war

Everyone who isnt a technician or designer or the robots or in "creative" fields will just end up being in service industry kissing 1% ass

>you wouldn't download a gf

>Government will HAVE to pay your wage

I'll believe it when I see it.

They might pay his wage, but I don't think the rest of us will be so lucky.

Eventually service sector jobs will be automated too. There are practically no jobs safe from replacement by automation/AI

So with automation reduce or increase the cost of living? Is inflation just going to continue an upward trend forever so that by 2030 a McMac meal will cost 28.99 plus tax?

Upper tier service jobs will never be automated.

Nationalization of companies sounds alot like socialism my dude. I hope I am long dead by that time.
>you need the whole world to agree on this
I don't see that happening in the next 1000 years. Sounds like a pipe dream for globalists that could easily be exploited by power hungry individuals who want to control entire populations. See my first point about how I hope I am long dead before I see that day.

the one that are laughed at right now , arts mostly and i think somewhat human intertainment , some people wont like all those robots so let's say someone in comment higher was speaking about soccer team winning against world champions by 2050 , i think some people will be interested in humans only competition , robots might be too perfect and we might come to an age were non perfection in humans is more valuable than eprfection, this doesn't mean you want trash for your soccer matches , but good enough to be entertaining but not perfect

such as high dollar prostitutes