Prove me wrong

prove me wrong

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>" defenders of Christianity" at the top and not in the trash tier they belong in

Wew lad

Daily reminder that atheists are enabling Islam and leftism

Roman empire wasnt pro christianity... That was byzantine empire.

>Mongol Empire

If it wasn't for two typhoons, the nips would not be producing manga shit today and you weeaboo fags would have to find alternative porn.

>Mongols shit tier
>crushed islam, the middle east and russia
>British empire
>Mid tier
>conqured half the world
>Kingfom of Jerusulem
>Held strong for 200 years
>shit tier

Remind me. What empires did the leafs have?

>British empire
>not the highest possible tier

>Macedonian 'Empire'
>Greek chimpout replacing glorious Archaemanid empire with shitty warring greek general states
>Not shit tier

USA should be there at the top.
It's the only empire which still exists.
God bless America.

>US oil empire not listed above all else

>Thinking the cradle of Western civilization established by Christ almighty belongs in the trash

O I'm laffin. How do you live being so delusional?

B-but muh domiunium maris baltici. Gott mit uns, papal shits.

Underrated comment


Alexander the great was a violent drunk who was only good at fighting battles. This is objectively true.

The Persians on the other hand did NOT own slaves and cradled one of the bastions of civilization at the time that connected the eastern and western hemisphere promoting culture everywhere.

ebin menes
We had a good run, but max in mid tier.
You cannot judge few empires based on religious shit and base others on something else.

Swedish empire should be higher, they were glorious

Commonwealth pre deluge should be DOC tier
Post deluge they should be failed state tier just like "Prussia"

>swedish empire
>shit tier
t-thanks guys
p.s empires are not built on landmass, only muriguns think that

Daily reminder that Christianity wasn't welcome in Roman Empire because Christians refused to see the Emperor as the God, and when it finally was accepted, whole empire went downhill.

Don't make me cry.
Atleast put Prussia up a bit.

Is that a joke?

What exactly did we defend? Dusan's state didn't have many notable conflicts with muslims.

Daily reminder retarded atheists spread this meme every day

The Roman empire fell to multiculturalism. It's common knowledge Christianity did not cause the fall of Rome.

Do your research before looking like a complete dumbass

>Aztec Empire

>mid tier

All they did is piggyback off of Tenochtitlan people's architecture, farming and irrigation technology. Do not say that Tenochtitlan = Aztects, Aztecs came from Assland which is modern day new mexico/Arizona.

Cant say they were >intellectual because the Mayans BTFO the Aztecs in that regard.

afaik he sent soldiers to fight alongside the byzantine empire against the ottomans

I win

>wanting to be in the lake of fire

feel free.

Daily reminder that no one took the divinity of the emperor seriously, because they weren't fucking retarded

Replace tenochtitlan with Teotihuacan. It is late and I am sleepy.

No I'm not, cunt.

Dumb religioncucks, stay bluepilled

>Defenders of Christianity
>Serbian Empire
>Roman Empire
Fucking keke.

Ok I'll give it to Russia but those other two failed miserably. Such dick riding meme wow.

>jebus invented western civilization meme
How deluded can christcucks get?

yeah, our idiotic nobles managed to mostly kill eachother off before the ottomans even came
and then there's that embarrassment that was the battle of Marica

no HRE?

Western civilization was founded and spread from ancient greece
which got its civilization from the ancient civilizations in indus valley/mesopotamia/egypt and their successors


>Biggest case of Poland-Lithuania defending Christianity is post-deluge

While leading a constant effort to conquer what's left of it? Doesn't sound right.

The biggest move he made against the Ottomans was to conspire with the pope to launch a Crusade that would push them back once and for all. Though that was cut short by his untimely death.

>Talking shit about pre 1945 germany, one of the richest, most important and most successful states in science and engineering

> Wallachia
> resisted turk invasion attempts for over 600 years
> almost occupied constantinople in a lot of wars
Why is Wallachia not at the top of the list?

>dude kruppstahl lmao
>muh 262s
engineering so good you couldn't make an engine that didn't set itself on fire

>Who is Constantin the great

A Byzantine emperor.

He lived before it was founded

fair play

>german inventions: cars, airplanes; literally countless others and not to mention the discoverys in chemistry and physics
>british inventions: weird food, funny accent, ???

I'm noting a lacking of American imperialism

We kinda own everybody

Literally everything is wrong

>Defenders of Christianity
>Roman Empire, a civilisation at its' prime that persecuted Christians, and was explicitly in decline when Christianity became popularised, also with a correlation of decline in Latin
>Russian Empire
>That kid at school who sat around the cool kids table and never talked

Top tier:
>Japanese Empire
>Lasted less than a century and was characterised by instability from a retarded foreign policy
>Macedoniain ""Empire"""
>Ptolemaic Egypt

>Mid Tier
>British Empire
>Literally contributed the most to world science and therefore general wellbeing, proliferated the English language, and is lower than the '1st French Empire'
>Aztec Empire
>Tang China
>Wrought the Sinosphere (Korea, Vietnam, Japan are all civilisations because of Tang China)
>Aztec Empire
>Nigger: the civilisation, and not the Incan Empire
>Song China
>Invented movable printing press
>Dutch Republic
>Han China
>First nationstate to create a multilevel bureaucracy, something not even Rome reached,

Low Tier:
>Everything with Caliphate just cuz although the Abbasids developed the first universities, had the first womens property rights, made the first welfare state

Failed-State tier:
>Mongol Empire

Are you fucking retarded? If the Macedonian Empire is 'top tier' and the 'Mongol Empire' is failed state tier you're seriously retarded. Although both collapsed promptly after their founders' deaths, their impacts on the geopolitical scene on Eurasia are worldshaping

ye, na leaf faggot

>Over the past 50 years, according to Japanese research, more than 40 per cent of discoveries taken up on a worldwide basis originated in the United Kingdom

Guam and American Samoa are literally nothing tbqh.

t. Sailor



How do I upboat on this platform? xDDD

>German invention
If your argument is you invented AN airplane, the brits did that too.

Image is missing something.

what do you have against the republic of venice you fucking leaf-nigger?