checkmate trump dumpsters
Checkmate trump dumpsters
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obvious sandnigger trying to speak on behalf of germans.
>the people of Germany
Are you assuming my species and location?
> Can't even fucking win a world war
Holy shit, a foreign country wants to tell me who to vote for? As an American this makes me feel great and my first instinct is to follow the direction of these foreigners! Looks like I am now a shill for Hill.
Thanks Germany!
German media shills hard for Clinton.
German goybook is full with "b-but Trump is sexist and racist!" posters, most of them are women.
Trump must win at all costs.
whoaa did all of germany say this?
fucked up
kek willst it
Germany would've gotten away with it if America hadn't stopped them. Also if they didn't invade Russia in winter.
Who's going to have the strength to stand up to a Trump America?
>Implying Germany did something wrong
and nuke berlin by the way
If only it were a comparable rising, maybe we could get it done right this time.
not in my name though, faggot
>hates minorities
no he hated the "rootless international clique" who was "at home everywhere" and would be "in Berlin one day" and "In London the next"
these are the people that were killed, and judging off the reactions of leftists they have a pretty similar opinion about the evil rich and the bankers, who are really the same people in the end
>imprison his opponents
for breaking at least 5 federal laws including ones regarding classification (that's treated seriously, some information about stuff like nuclear bombs can be retroactively classified and you can be shoved in prison for even inventing it) that would already have a normal person in prison
the founding fathers were pretty clear about the pitfalls of "democracy", the main one being that if you give every fuckwit a vote eventually they'll discover they can vote themselves gifts and they will then drive the country into the ground
why do you think only land owners could vote?
>can fix everything
hitler didn't do this, if you listen to his speeches he talks about the german people doing the work with him at the top guiding it.
for a people who use hitler as an argument so often you'd think they would know what he actually was going on about
>Germans are incredibly mad about Brexit
>They will be even saltier about a Trump victory
What are the chances of the country literally turning into salt?
Wait, who are they talking about? Because that's obviously not Trump and Shrillary isn't a he (that I know of).
Is it Johnson? I'm not voting for Johnson, don't worry about that.
Hitler comparisons are pretty much meaningless at this point. Bush was Hitler. Obama was Hitler. Trump is Hitler. Seems like there might just be a little Hitler in all of us.
Iam sorry you had to see this.
Iam for Trump.
t. German
yeah an american SJW wrote this, not a german
>all this projection
specially since putin supports a trump america
You CTR shills are really scared that Trump is winning. FeelsGoodMan
Yeah, we'll take advice from Germany, and Merkel, we have a little more self respect, and backbone than that.
I'm surprised Germans are allowed to speak at all anymore without facing serious charges.
Dear Turkey*
Oh shit I am a racist now
i somehow doubt they even teach about him there
I hope when the next Reich starts, I get hired by the government with the only purpose of beating the shit out of leftists imprisioned in underground cells. They all fucking deserve it, there is no group on the planet expressing more arrogance, elitism and allegeld moral superiority than them.
Hitler made Germany great again, it's not his fault the rest of Europe wanted to attack him because he dared go against the Jewish banks
In a strange and ironic fashion, I have come to despise my own country thanks to messages like this.
By now I'd cheer Skelehitler returning.
>surely making fun of their opinion will sway them to mine
and retards here actually assume this was made by germans
only the media is mad and the think they can speak for the whole population because they are all on coke
If only we had a leader like Merkel to fuck our shit up pham.
Dear Germany.
Go ahead and elect an old hag that wants nothing more than a country filled with violent immigrants. Express your tolerance for other cultures by submitting it to middle eastern refugees. Sooner or later your country will be swarming with no go zones, violent gangs, terrorist attacks and rapes. If this is what you really wish and want to happen then go ahead. Soon your country will fall.
I did not say that.
If Trump wins I'm doing a one man "Autokorso" with my MAGA hat and an American flag just to feel the salt.
>t.german people
Joke's on you, Kraut. I'd rather have a Hitler than another Merkel.
Dear Germans, go sit on a Syrian cock you bunch of self-loathing progressive European faggots. Whatever shred of self respect your people had died 60 years ago and you can do us all a favour and keep your shitty opinions to yourself.
I've always told myself I would NEVER fight other white people in a contrived war where young patriots die whilst psychopaths get richer, but against the Germs, I might consider it.
Nothing is below you cucks. Your country has been on a rollercoaster of leftist depravity for years now.
Go ahead, vote for the woman who wants to increase Muslim rapefugees and says anyone who disagrees with her is committing hate speech.
-The people of Germany
Fuck merkel and fuck her supporters
It took 3 of the world's most powerful military's combined, with 50 million soldiers and 15 million KIA to stop Germany. If the kikes think rest of the world is prepared for that kind of fight to stop the rise of American nationalism, let it fucking happen again. I can promise you we will make them regret it.
>A country currently handing their own over to refugees trying to make anyone feel guilty.
except this time we'll win
God bless you Hans. I pray the day will come when we see our respective countries freed from the grip of tyranny which currently binds us.
We must strive for that day.
thanks germany! hope you have the chance again!
More like
>Vote for a woman see what happens -The people of Germany #beentheredonethat
funny because Turkeys Erdogan has gone full dictator using money and political cover from 'the people of Germany'
Germany has been the king of cucks since they lost WWI. They are so lacking in national spirit, they are committing national suicide with glee.
is germany even a country anymore
they dont have borders
they dont have a leader
they dont have an army
they have a language, but they had that before the founding
That's an ugly nigger
>threatens to jail opponents
Yeah let's leave out how the opponent in question knowingly diverted FOIA legal requirements and has several concurrent ongoing FBI investigations...
Germany why don't you focus on your rampant (REAL) rape/sexual assault problem and just shut the fuck up
> calling madame Clinton a "guy"
We still pay taxes and have a police that is actually quite redpilled
Silly crypto-Aryan. Germany's mistake was losing the war.
Or they could vote for the woman, like Germany did.
What could possibly go wrong?
>there is no group on the planet expressing more arrogance, elitism and allegeld moral superiority than them.
Fucking this. That's why it's impossible to have any sort of meaningful debate with these people. No matter what you'll always be racist, sexist, and whatever other buzzwords.
Germans are destroying their country right now with this refugee situation. I think it is in any country's best interest to do everything opposite of whatever Germans suggest.
>germany telling people who to elect
top kek
Top Bantha mate
Who/what group made this pice of shill shit?
>complains about ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS
>says he loves legal immigrants
>says he loves mexicans
>complains about legally german jews
do you see the difference?
it's quite genius of the left to be able to turn anti-illegal immigration into being literally hitler though. perhaps the single most effective piece of propaganda of your entire election cycle.
logically, the left's position should be this:
>there is nothing wrong with illegal immigration
>so make all of them legal. case closed. everyone from mexico is allowed in
but they don't do this.
they instead say:
>there's nothing wrong with illegal immigration
>but we won't make them legal.
>we'll offer a path for a select few of the ones that are already here
>we'll quietly deport others and pretend we don't
>we won't change the laws that make illegal immigration illegal
>we'll just pretend you're racist if you point out it's illegal
which leads you to what they really want:
>cheap illegal immigration
>easy votes
>but not uncontrolled illegal immigration because they know they need a border
>just enough immigrants for easy, illegally cheap labour for ""the economy"" for the supposed jobs that no whites will do
>just enough extra votes for them
>just enough so that hopefully only working class americans get affected, not any of the middle class and upper middle class liberals
the left's entire position on illegal immigration is not actually logically consistent. it's not actually defensible. whenever you start to follow their train of logic, it either falls apart, or exposes them as immoral and wanting to exploit a set number of illegal immigrants
Fuck, meant for
Easy on the coke, Chang
OMG!!! Trump is literally hitler!
Can someone make a Sup Forums version making arbitrary comparisons between Hillary and Stalin
Dear Germany
I don't give a damn about the opinion of conquered bitch countries too weak and frail to defend their own children against rampaging foreign rapists
Fuck off
- The people of America
lol what a bunch of fags glad I don't live in germany
Isn't your police too soft on antifa and now going out of their way to underreport migrant crime?
Well I guess I was against Trump all along.
>threatens to jail opponents
Yeah let's leave out how the opponent in question knowingly diverted FOIA legal requirements and has several concurrent ongoing FBI investigations...
Germany why don't you focus on your rampant (REAL) rape/sexual assault problem and just shut the fuck up
Utterly, triumphantly BTFO.
>mfw Trumps career is literally like Hitler's in "Look Who's back"
That said Look Who's Back makes you actually Pro Hitler
There are white french people?
I thought the only white thing in this country was their flag.
fun fact several "refugees" from iran and irak went back voluntary because the goverment stoped the paymet because they couldn't affort it anymore
germany fucked up so hard that some refugees are going back
and ze jews are flee from germany too
wtf I hate trump now
>the people of germany
You mean the offspring of genetically inferior leftovers that didn't go to war?
They're saying this as if the years of the Third Reich were any worse than what is happening now.
I have a German friend who fucking adores Trump and thinks he'll give America the kick in the ass it needs, which in turn will give Europe some balls again to do things like handle the refugees.
I fucking hate our media. There were already headlines a few weeks ago after the 2nd debate which said "Game over, Drumpf" and articles saying "3 weeks before the election, Trump has pretty much now chance of winning". Now the leftist nu-males and SJW whores act as elitist as always and think they have to the the evil US about democracy.
tl;dr: Nuke us
Damn, I'm not even a Nazi and I've gotta admit, that's pretty cucked.
A-are you trying to say he's Hitler?
Shit, if only I could vote for him again.
>hates minorities
panders to minorities. loves everyone.
>threatens to imprison his opponents
his opponents are under FBI investigation and appear to escape justice through political corruption,
>doesn't give a fuck about democracy.
committed to the constitution.
>claims he alone can fix everything.
he alone among the other contenders...
>t. the country 25% albanian, 25% african, 25% muslim, 25% latino
Prevent the German people from turning into Bolshevik commies?
The NEW people of Germany
>muh hitler did it too
Thats how politics works in germany.
Germany is pro Trump