The absolute madman did it
The absolute madman did it
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I'm glad they cut the video before he pulled the Assault Machine Gun with Hi-Point clips from his jacket and mowed them all down
kek that rich piano music at the end
What a douche.
What? Sam Hyde was in my home town and I missed it?
>we love you!
>proceeds to throw him out
Virtue signalling is out of control
What is this? where is the mass shooting?
These people don't even realise in how much danger they were.
wtf he can't keep getting away with it
did what? Was this supposed to funny? Or political? I only see a man being a douche with no consequences for anybody
does "douche" mean "guy who would have bullied you in high school"?
What you see is a man continuously getting away with it
God we're all talking shit on this site and he's literally running his own tv show and has the time to do and execute this.. why can't more of us do this?
She sounds so much like Hillary
I don't get how calling her ugly is funny. Its just shock value middle school tier shit for seal clapping retards. But he does know his base, i grant him that.
quick laff not bad
Because he went to film school and got hit hard by reality and a shitty useless degree.
He was forced to get red pilled and try to make the best of it. I can bet that most of you fags were already in the know and none of you went to college/art school/universities.
>that french version
holy fuck
>he didnt open fire
still based but kinda dissapointed
What is going on big guy?
You just tripped my daughter.
So is his show canceled or what?
and no casualties?
holy shit
>pic released is Jewish racial activist Sam Hyde being killed by the CTR mafia
Three types of leftists i met today:
1.) deflated bernie bros. these are the guys who chuckled when i said her mom is going to jail, and were laughing at my podesta email jokes i made before she started. principled and pissed off and really unhappy about the choice they got coming up. if youre one of these just vote for trump... get the vampiric pedos out of power then make your case again in eight years. life will go on, youll have more money, and youll live in a country that's not a corrupt shithole so you can talk all you want about green environment and all that shit. We both know hillary will be even more unforgiving on whistleblowers and activists than obama was. We are sympathetic to a lot of your ideas. just suck it up and make it so we have an actual country again then u can go back to doing your thing. we mostly agree with you that college lending is predatory and we shouldnt destroy the environment.
He's going to be second on Hillarys kill list after Trump
2.) dumb ass fucking women. Women who actually think you can say "we love you sir" and it will make this gut wrenching conflict go away. the girl in the audience taking creepshots of me because im tall and looked like a freak, and she was showing off pictures of how great hillary looked in her pantsuit like a barbie doll "she looks so great, can you imagine having that as your president"... probably couldnt name one position on hillary's platform, just spouts feel good vagueries like "make gays equal" and "make the world better, not worse"... these women need husbands. Also: the guy who is staring around and the VO says "you let another man sleep with your wife", i'd put that guy in the same category as women. When the inside of your brain is just like a big bouncy castle with pinwheels and lemon drop candy like that guys head is you might as well be a woman. It's like Ellen Degeneres saying "i just want everybody to get along"... this is a good attitude for a daycare teacher or a momma but lookup pictures of libya for fucks sake.
3.) actual 'get it done' 'we need to motherfucking win' leftists. the guy who grabbed the camera also asked the cops "what can we do to make their lives hell? can we make it so they have to go to court or pay fines?"... he also stood behind the cop like a kid hiding behind his mothers dress and said with complete hatred in his eyes "fuck you, you are a fucking loser" and started to say some other shit before the cop shut him up.. like rabid, foaming at the mouth shit. These guys see 95% of their constituency as useful idiots, as sheep who need to be dragged by the ears. i could almost admire their realism if they werent such evil little fruitcakes. No idea what makes them tick. it's definitely not "love" or anything like it.
i wasnt joking that it smelled like shit. it smelled like big woman ass shit and old lonely lady farts&shit
post boipucc please
it's been a fun enough night
>instead of going deep cover he yells at HIllary's and Hubble's horsefaced brood
He couldn't harass Snipes down in Florida and her volunteers?
is mostly right though for the third category it's a case of getting power and a feeling of action.
HOA, pastors, low to mid level bureaucrats all have nothing really going on for them and instead of making their peace like 99% of the fucking world they think they have a right to destroy and manipulate systems to make life harder on people that they arbitrarily determine to be enemies.
what exactly was this supposed to achieve?
reinforce the angry uncivilized republican stereotype?
They weren't playing around in K-Town
>We love you, sir! We love you!
What did they mean by this?
he didint want to give the Clintons more ammo.
>We love you (we hate you)
See category two these people have literally never developed past preschool morality and mentality. It's like the retarded horse rats mentally ill Sup Forums tards post.
>Its just shock value
Leftists need to be shocked. They want a clean bubble wrapped world for every "not straight white male" person on earth. They need to have this shit forced on them. Think of every shitty thing said about and to Trump, they have no issue with it but call Chelsea Clinton ugly and all of a sudden they feel like fainting. Fuck those people.
Isn't that the town where Cuckstopher Cuntwell lives too?
He should have paid him a visit
Luv u Sam
Agree wholeheartedly about men having a feminine intellect. Seriously think that this is a genetic predisposition that is exacerbated by social validation of these meaningless platitudes and equality memes and probably by a higher incidence of environmental estrogens.
Reading these posts makes me feel that population culling is the only way to get the demographics back in check so that the moral and political decay of this country can be stemmed. Because the women's suffrage genie is just not going back in the bottle anytime soon
Did you meet any immigrants there? I feel like 1st gen immigrants see the social validation of holding those daycare teacher attitudes and behaviors and therefore feel like supporting Democrats is the way to truly assimilate, because they don't yet understand the implications of this stuff
Hopefully their kids end up finding Sup Forums and cancel out their parents' vote
>tfw no friends like Sam
EW...she sounds like Hillary.
Is that Tony "molesta" podesta onstage at 1:16
wtf. One would think the daughter of hillary would attract more people than that. Until the crowd got fired up she was such low energy.
Why didn't he kill her when he had the chance? He always gets away with it anyways.
What is his end game?
Sam do you live in Boston?
I was in NH undercover shilling for hill last week to pick up chicks but when I went with my friend to canvas we just told everyone to vote for trump.
I'm surprised any Bernie Bros would bother to show up to see Chelsea. You'd think that with all the damning evidence in the Podesta emails that the DNC was working with Clinton from the start, they'd have nothing but contempt for her. I mean, shit, the GOPe was obviously doing all it could to undermine Trump, and I'm still pissed off about it. I don't know how that's going to affect my votes in future elections.
she is ugly on the inside
omg literal police state. Violent mob attacking and dragging peaceful protester into the street. The clinton name is synonymous with political violence now
>No consequences
Did you miss the part were violent intolerant thugs dragged him from the rally?
Do you think it ever crosses a leftist's mind that even the most diehard stormfag probably doesn't outwardly hate Jews as much as the average Muslim.
How do they reconcile that into their worldview? Do they not realize that whites and jews are really the only ones that push liberal values?
I don't see how calling him racist is funny.
But it works for low I.Q. mouth breathing sub-human pieces of shit I suppose.
So I guess Bill Maher, Lena Dunham, Stephen Colbert, Sarah Silverman, John Stewart, John Oliver know their audience.
Bernie Bro's are literally the dumbest fucks in the whole election cycle.
>too elite to find middle school humor funny
Do you love puns and hate fart jokes too you preening faggot?
Why'd the cameraman get escorted out?
What's his end game?
>forced to campaign for your evil mother
>don't want to be there
>give a fake speech you didn't write because you have to
>some random person in the audience starts attacking you personally when nothing is your own fault
>when nothing is your own fault
She could have always distanced herself from her criminal family.
>spoiled child that never worked a day
>wat r u implying here senpai
>useless degree
>has tv show
lol what a little sour-grapes bitch you are. You were redpilled before college and didn't waste time and money on a useless degree and that's why you think you don't have a show and channel with tons of top quality content and fans?
Chelsea would not know how to function in the real world
I've had a friends like him before, they are not easy to tolerate for extended periods of time.
>big woman ass shit and old lonely lady farts&shit
you're a fucking poet, sam
Hypothetically, how would liberals protect themselves from being hunted down by alt right death squads?
Oh shit. Ma nigga!
Oh, you mean like the entirety of the MSM Clinton campaign? Fucking mongoloid scum.
Honestly, I'm lost.
Go fuck yourself. Said 'friend' probably finds you and your group insufferable. It's a rare personality type.
Holy fuck I love him so much
*how much danger they were in
9/10 keep it up
She could have made a break at college. Like many, she took the easiest path presented instead.
I can't imagine my father as a world known abuser of women. I assume she just denies it and buries it deep down like her mom.
Was this supposed to be funny? It was just kinda sad.
He almost had to defend himself. And if there is a crowd of people in between him and his attacker, so be it
Literally doesn't matter. Sounds like you're an ESL just trying to one-up other ESLs.
I was just trying to help. I always welcome being corrected on grammatical mistakes when I write German.
>Sam Hyde will never cuddle and kiss you in bed before he goes into another genocidal rampage
Why live
Stop posting pictures of yourself. It's disgraceful.
>It's like Ellen Degeneres saying "i just want everybody to get along"... this is a good attitude for a daycare teacher or a momma but lookup pictures of libya for fucks sake.
My Constitutional Law professor said, "If everyone had the openness of children, the world would be a better place." The scariest part is that some of my class agreed with her.
>These guys see 95% of their constituency as useful idiots, as sheep who need to be dragged by the ears.
Precisely. They want easy to manipulate children, who respond to punishment and are quickly chastened.
Are you going to do a skit based on this stuff? Please do. Wake the normies up to what the government wants them to be.
thiccc ass in the crowd
Keep doing your thang Sam
I have a buddy from the military who is a die hard Bernie supporter. He knows all of it was rigged and is still going to vote Hillary.
I've tried to reason with him time and again, how Hillary is the polar opposite of what Bernie stood for, but Trump is Hitler so it doesn't matter.
She is really really ugly though. When I was in like 4th grade my school brought us all into the auditorium to watch the inauguration in 1992 on this giant projector screen. A close-up of Chelsea's hideous face came on the giant screen and the entire auditorium went "UUUUUGGGGGGGGGGG" and starting laughing. Then the black kicks started chimping out and running up and down the aisles laughing and falling on the floor. Her face elicits that kind of response in people.
Last episode was much funnier
The people in that room are alive only because Sam the hydester allowed them to live another day.
Ha. I guess she was forced to diet for the sake of this campaign.
>Precisely. They want easy to manipulate children, who respond to punishment and are quickly chastened
I've noticed that Samantha Bee stands like a mother leaning forward to scold her children when on her show scolding the public. They even set the camera low so the viewer's perspective is from that of an adolescent. Liberal numales that love her have mommy issues.
I hadn't even considered the production aspects of it.
Now we just have to get Sam to do something about it...
What an unispiring low energy speaker she was
Can't hide from the hyde
It's not him, someone just copy/pasted the description from the video.