can we have a discussion on the social manipulation that was done to the jappanese after world war 2 by the americans. they made all the men betas and turned the greatest fighting culture on earth into a bunch of pussies that love anime and love being neets. the women all idolize western women when in fact they are superior
Can we have a discussion on the social manipulation that was done to the jappanese after world war 2 by the americans...
t. Anita Sarkeesian
More pics pls
i also heard that hello kitty was a weopon against the jappanese and seeing it as a child causes horrible psychological dammage
Japan is literally fine
I'm fapping, moar
no japan was completely different, the americans used psychological warfare on the japanese and destroyed their fighting spirit, to this day they continue to be under u.s influence
we were not the "greatest fighting culture on earth", we were the most easily brainwashed. we were farmers and townsfolk who knew nothing of the outside world, we had no television, no media, nothing to believe but the propaganda lies and fake "bushido code" created by the war cult that owned the government.
you can see the exact same thing happening in NK right now. their people are much more poverty stricken but they will still fight to the death for their "god leader"
>greatest fighting culture.
Lol what? Is this a joke?
That ain't a bad thing, considering how the recent the South Korea incident happens.
yes but after your brainwashing your culture would fight till the death and you did the americans were very scared of this. i read a couple of reports where the american generals knew that japan would never pose a threat again
sup, AsianMasculinity
exactly their all betas know
Never thought i'd see an American acknowledge this. (If you really are). You're wrong about them though. Alot of Japanese people don't like Anime or love being neets. Many of the men become literal wage slaves aka Salary Men.
witch means beta cucks
>blaming America
>not blaming Western influence as a whole
That's some good old penis envy.
but you cannot use Hissatsu: Kamikaze Cannon without incredible "fighting spirit"
>Western Influence as a whole
Yeah nah it's not western influence as a whole.
>they made all the men betas
I guarantee there are more actual betas per capita in burger.
and the samurais? ninjas?
>Their women are superior
Says who?
All statistics disagree.
Now are you gonna tell us what this cruel manipulation they did?
this is what led to the bomb being dropped, the japanese were not going to give up shit, the invasion of japan was to cost 30 million more american lives. hell yeah the generals put a shtoff on that spigget
Japan must become a military superpower again. We need their help against China. Japan should, by itself, ensure the complete destruction of every major Chinese city as well as the entirety of North Korea. We should merely be a supplement to their might.
I love Japan, and I'm willing to take the risk of them becoming an enemy again. Better them than the goddamn Commies.
Did we manipulate all other races too into finding us attractive then?
Another thing, it's not like I see China, & Korea etc. as more manly than Japan. Do you have that impression?
If anything I see Japanese as the most manly of the East Asian countries.
most fake thing ever
Sry dude, it's legit
are you actually japanese?
>It's an OP is a retard foolishly shilling his yellow fever against his own benefit episode
yeah dude thats legit, the world media has made fucking africans love raping white women
no but i read this book abought how the united states fucked with japan after the war. they knew that the fight spirit must be crushed
yeah no, its bullshit
there isnt even a dont care option, which is what all girls say when asked, probably cause they dont want to seem racist or whatever
girls literally talk about black men all the fucking time now, even in my rural england
In my humble opinion men like olive or white-skinned girls, regardless of race (feminine characteristic, I think) (I like olive skin)
And women like men with darker skin (the feeling of being protected and man be more aggressive).
Sorry my dude. It's legit. Deal with it.
dude why do you think indians love gangraping white girrls.
yellow fever rising
dont know why you're trying to be smug because if it actually was legit it would be a good thing for me?
im telling you, as someone who actually does leave the house regularly instead of sitting in the basement on Sup Forums all day, that it is totally false
it is true but in societys where brown and blacks are assimilated and rascism isnt a percieved threat then yes its fake
samurai were faggots
the last known guy to commit seppuku was a author who's life partner was a trap
they used to do flower arranging
ww2 japan was basically ISIS tier behavior, you wouldn't even be able to explain to me what's different
yes and no, they were fucking crazy but at the same time they had far more intelligence than any isis.
Maybe it's because you're a basement dweller & ugly as fuck?
Don't blame science
Why are asian women so degenerate?
>70% of Asian Females find White as the most attractive.
How come Asian women aren't loyal to their race? Are they much worse than White women who burn coal?
That place is a guilty pleasure of mine, I find them all adorable. Little manlet asians trying to prove themselves as 'real men'
lol they banned rapiers because they couldn't win in a duel with "muh katana"
dude you can find a whore anywhere for money
and now they are facing the biggest crisis since being toasted
their collective views on sex are beyond laughable and this is evident in their reproduction rates
agree with their mudslime prohibition though
Will be a neat social experiment to observe to see the effects of low birth rates and whether it really is as bad as they say
>greatest fighting culture on earth
I don't much about women, and I don't much about Asian women either, but I'm pretty sure it's a cultural thing and most asian men have a "beta" connotation and lots of asian women have low self esteem. Not only the japs.
They aren't breeding at sustainable rates. I wouldn't exactly classify that as "fine".
They don't realize if you're trying to prove as man, you have nothing to prove, and the entire thing makes you less of a man
It will benefit you since you can travel there in future for virgin girls and boipussi.
Her name is Perfection
>fighting culture
asians has always been doormats with no ego
I'm just here for that gif.
>but but was all ninjas and shhiiit. Merica is bad cus dem asians as is was nice too us. Mericans needs to done did fixs dem japs to bein ninjas again.
Japan is literally this:
That because they are going into a type 5 civilization, they don't need to breed as much so they don't. They rely on foreign migration for population. Every civilization that is past type 4 is doing this.
You dont understand Asian culture. It's all about trying to put the other person down in order to prop yourself up, so in order to be a less likely target of bullying, you need to rude and prove yourself strong. Westerners in Korea and Japan can attest to this. Their society has been like this since Confucian times.
>poo in the loo females higher than hispanic females
Workaholic culture made it so that all the men in society post-war were working such long hours that they never saw or raised their children. Children were all raised by moms who couldn't teach them how to be proper men.
This culture just never stopped, generation after generation men practically abandoned their children in order to pursue a career, there isn't anyone left in Japanese society who was actually raised by a father. What do you expect to happen in a society like this?
Anyway, Japan's population currently is way too high, it's good that it will fall back to normal levels. You can only pack so many Nips onto a single island.
Nu male detected
Nigga that is basic cultural evolution.
So literally western world 2?
Well shit more lands on the shit list srs i don't thing there's enough nukes and gene modification kits to fix it
I'll take "what is Political Geography" for 1000 Alex.
Here is the thing about this "asians are better than white women". I just don't see it, Asian women are (when in a western country).
>Bigger gold diggers
>Not as conservative (bigger SJW's)
>Much bigger race traitors
>All look similar (majority ugly)
>Genetically inferior overall
>Soulless and boring
I'm not saying white women are perfect at all but if you think you are upgrading by going with a asian or hispanic girl like a some of (((Sup Forums))) says, you are wrong.
That's Indian + East Asian
And I think you're reading the chart wrong too.
honestly, this sort of subordination and low-key disobedience was already the culture of Japan. How do you think the country was peaceful, government was allowed to disarm everyone, etc.?
Didn't take any social manipulation, Japan just accepts the new order and moves on with their life.
Sorry, my brown retarded friend, but that's how the entire world works. You're reading too much into it, though. Naturally social people will always shit on the opposite.
I think OP want to do something riot now.
They're literally the biggest sheep on the planet. I don't understand why weebs love their culture so much.
Are you jelous of Koreans now?
S. Korea political scandal: Thousands protesters gather in Seoul calling Park to resign
Yeah alright mulato boy
What? No, the West laughs at your stupid shit.
No it isn't you fucking moron.. Have you ever been to Japan? The majority of density is centralized in a few large metropolitan areas. The majority of the country is farmland. A shinkansen ride is nothing but countryside for 90% of the ride, anywhere you go....
the biggest reason for this was that they believed capture by Americans was a fate worse than death. Japanese who surrendered instead of just killing themselves would often ask for a swift execution, or otherwise try to make themselves useful to the Americans that had just captured them--they did their best in the role they were given, including making good prisoners.
Japan's views on sex are mostly pretty okay, desu. The "Sexless Japan" meme is mostly for western consumption; there is still sex in Japan. The much bigger problem is that getting married, getting a house, having a family etc. is very expensive, and people are already tired from overwork.
But then you're uninformed enough to believe facebook memes.
I mean, it's pretty obvious. Japan has been promoted as this strange, mysterious, everything-is-backwards, nothing-at-all-like-us society for at least the past hundred and fifty years, probably even longer. The idea of Americans seriously reading Bushido and taking it as a warrior code would be like Polynesians reading Sovereign Citizen literature and taking it as a philosophical treatise on man and law.
The media that we see, both produced in Japan and exported and produced domestically, about Japanese warriors is about as accurate to real samurai as an Eastwood film is in depicting cowboys. On page and screen, they're badass fighters; in reality they were mostly doing arts and crafts and looking after animals. We love to sell the image of Americans as strong independent figures who rely on no-one and will fight to the death for their values--in reality most Americans are dumb, weak, barely capable of supporting themselves and won't even work for their own benefit if they can avoid it. Same for Japan; the image reflects a little bit of what is valued, and a lot of what makes for a good story.
>What? No, the West laughs at your stupid shit.
West laughs at protesting against Puppet President issue in Korea or not?
Does Japan recognise they have this severe problem with overwork? If they do are they trying to change it?
well that went over his head
absolutely they do. There are some efforts to change, but change comes very, very slowly in Japan. Even compared to other countries, Japan is incredibly resistant to changing anything. This is a big factor in the "Galapagos Syndrome" of Japan using methods and technologies that seem outmoded or bizarre to foreigners (like the famous Fax machines).
It's very, very rare that you hear Japan ever make progress on anything that didn't have some compromise to keep people happy, or let them hold on to the old way for a little longer. Hell, after two nuclear weapons were used on their country, they *still* kept the emperor around and in power. Nothing that displaces old power happens quickly in Japan. It actually seems quite similar to England to me.
to add onto this, I don't see why people think they are "more traditional" somehow. Wouldn't all the actual traditional ones be marrying Asian men? Most people would say BMWW or something like that would make them not traditional or a race traitor, and should be hated. What is different here?
it really depends. imo the biggest difference between women in western/modern countries and eastern and southern countries tends to be the variation. Western society pushes people to extremes of ideology and behavior to express yourself and form social bonds. Eastern society tends to focus more on forming strong bonds within groups, and not making a scene of yourself outside those groups.
What this means is you get much more A+ tier and F tier women in the west, and many more "passable" women in other countries, but less amazing ones.
Most of this is muted by the fact that people only focus on their own previous experiences, so if they had a single relationship with someone of X origin, they're just going to assume they're all like that.
That said, Japanese and eastern society doesn't place the traditional emphasis on not cavorting with other races that, say, Americans do, because there aren't a lot of 'other races' around to cavort with.
You had a culture, beautiful and unique. Now you make shit for the world to laugh at.
there sure are disgusting aspects to it
but consider this
the rice crispying tamed the japs
so much they turned into the pinnacle of technology
just look at their toilets, ffs: they taught robots to spit at your ass and clean it
this proves well enough that japs are still at the sharp end of civilization
>asians are degenerate
>not posting nose hook porn