
Redpilled negro here. Ive done my research & I believe in racial hygene & eugenics to be benificial for us as a species.
Here's the issue though - can we promote racial cleansing without senseless hatred of other races & a superioty complex of your own race? I believe the message could be sent with a logical argument that benifits all of us as species. Yelling fuck niggers, whiteys, chinks & spics kinda has a counter productive effect on the whole premise.
I belive Hitler had it spot on, but is there a possibility to have mutual respect for other races while still promoting eugenics & racial hygene.

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Eugenics would allow proper race mixing and artificial improvement of each race.

But the (((scientific))) funders refuse to support it.

Sooner or later eugenics will be needed. Currently the people who have the most children tend to be less intelligent.

All my university lecturers are insanely clever and none of them have children. And then you get council estate scum having 7 for the benefits. Its like inverse natural section, all the good genes will die off.

does this mean we've peaked as a civilization and the next step is eugenics or annihilation.

> Can we promote racial cleansing without senseless hatred of other races

It's time to see racial animosity less as an actual policy, and more and an indulgence of certain social classes, namely the working class. And if we're being honest, their lives are shit, and it makes no sense for us to insist on scolding them when other social classes have views on race just as retarded, just in the opposite direction. No social class has the moral footing to act as the wise informed lecturers on race to the proles and the working man, and rough manners are his lot. Grow thicker skin and just ensure the racial tension doesn't reach a breaking point, like America seems to be doing its damndest to reach.

> is there a possibility to have mutual respect for the races

No, not really. The hard truth of genetics is that some races are in general MORE than others in almost every way. Some have, really, very little genetic potential. Insisting on 'mutual respect' in this day and age is inevitably going to lead to tons of people trying to blind themselves to this fact. Good eugenics needs to be brutally honest with itself.

I think without eugenicis or a technological singularity our species will start to regress. Currently this effect is somewhat masked by the high population, leading to a fair few intelligent individuals. But at a lower amount per capita than in the past.

>Sooner or later eugenics will be needed. Currently the people who have the most children tend to be less intelligent.

The solution becomes more and more extreme every day that passes.

>Yelling fuck niggers, whiteys, chinks & spics kinda has a counter productive effect on the whole premise.
>possibility to have mutual respect for other races while still promoting eugenics & racial hygene.
Only segregation would work.

Die nigger

I seriously doubt there will ever be a serious attempt at negative eugenics for societal growth again, especially based on race.

Now positive eugenics on the otherhand, is likely to be one of the major leaps forwards in our species future.

You should specify which you mean OP, as they're VERY different, both scientifically and (arguably) ethically.

Based black person.

(((they))) won't let us. White people are paralyzed completely.
Unless a bunch of you get redpilled soon, we're going to devolve into Brazil-tier

epigenetics, learn it.

>without senseless hatred of other races & a superioty complex

Might as well acknowledge the facts of things.

>racial hygene
>racial cleansing
>Hitler had it spot on
my god you're a retard. Hitler was a fucking AUSTRIAN POSTCARD PAINTER.

why would you listen to such a douche instead of literally ALL GENETICISTS FUCKING EVER?
"racial purity" makes absolutely no sense from a scientific perspective and Adolf was seriously full of shit



Hey, stormfrontcels, guess what? Good genetics aren't about being "smart" (lmfao), it's about fucking LOOKS. Good genetics = a handsome FACE, a tall HEIGHT, a massive DICK and good BONE STRUCTURE. LMFAO at STORMFRONT INCELS thinking they have good genetics because they share the same skin colour as a few autistic scientits.

Your chinless, incel ass is fucking INVISIBLE to prime women. Your dreams of running around rounding up the "weak" are about as likely as you ever finding a girlfriend. I know you like to get excited online, but remember what happens when you find the courage to leave your room: no MIDDLE CLASS SUBURBAN BOYS aren't going to do SHIT in the face of a massive dicked 6'3" low inhibition Tyrone.

Eugenics happens EVERY DAY and it's WOMEN who decide it, and guess WHAT? NO WOMAN ON EARTH GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOU. LMFAO. That's the funniest thing about Sup Forums - PASTY WHITE BOYS who have been INVISIBLE to women for their ENTIRE LIVES, talking about how "we need to defend mother europa". LMFAO. "Western civilization" = western women, and WESTERN WOMEN DON'T KNOW YOU EXIST. LMFAO.

Tyrone spends his youth SWIGGING 40s WITH HIS BOYS, BLAZING POUNDS OF WEED, and FUCKING YOUR ONEITIS SO HARD SHE CAN'T FUCKING WALK THE NEXT DAY. LMFAO. And you SERIOUSLY think your life is better than his, because you "work hard and study". LMFAO.

Homogenous socially conservative ethno-states without welfare is the best way.

This would allow the better races to have higher populations, eventually naturally replacing the lower races without racial tension or violence.

Not gonna lie, I'm more worried about cultural mixing and erosion than the color of my skin.

What's sweeping in from the third world is nothing short of a wave of literal filth in the form of backwater savages who are hundreds of years away from being even remotely be considered civilized.

If things don't change fast, say hello to a mostly muslim savage wasteland in Europe.

I don't care about race mixing that much, because pic related is two generations away from Muhammad Ali, the one drop rule is a total meme. But cultural changes take longer to correct and we're on a disastrous course.

is the orange one in the middle donald drumpf

To expand:

Homogenous society eliminates racial tension.

Conservative society with an emphasis on family and monogamy makes children desirable for successful people, and stable for multiple generations.

Not having welfare stops stupid people and races from expanding beyond their potential, because they simply die off.

Hitler did have respect for other non-Jew races.

I have no problem with Africans as long as they behave like civilized humans

Try harder, nigger

Delusional kid, not all of us is a single desperate trash eater like you.

You just got seriously butt blasted by truth m80.

what info can you or anyone else point me to to totally redpill me on race? evidence ? im interested AF BRO IM WHITE AND MAYBE 1/4 NATIVE AMERICAN BUT AM WHITE AF ok but rly send someone send me a wikipedia or something

>that far right arm
Rare Pepe?

silly op only whites are allowed to self hate

it's all we're allowed to do anymore


How the FUCK am I delusional, when I've literally seen ALL of this with my OWN EYES?

I've been ALL over western Europe, multiple other countries, and I was actually in France just last month. You know what all the guys I saw with hot white girls had in common? BARELY ANY OF THEM WERE WHITE. LMFAO.The same girls you spend HOURS white knighting for online WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU, while they fucking DREAM about Ali and Tyrone.

I'm not stupid, obviously women do sometimes find (good looking) white men attractive. But you Sup Forums browsing autists who've convinced yourselves that being white in itself is somehow worth ANYTHING are fucking RETARDED. Women are attracted to robust, handsome men with massive dicks. Unfortunately for stormfag incels like you, blacks and arabs are on top in those areas.

Stormfag cope is hilarious. You're a virgin yourself, so why the FUCK do you even care about Tyrone fucking white sluts? You're PATHETIC. Your oneitis probably got fucked by Tyrone and now you're permanently butthurt.

You should probably google James Watson.


Expected the flag to be aussie or a leaf on this post. Surprised.

i used to think that was possible but then i realized literally every african interest group promotes a situation where they can live off white people, while the white interest groups promote situations where they have nothing to do with blacks. what does that tell you?

Yea he still got a bit of the nigger lips, but come on. That's less time passed than your current monarch's reign. For a civilization in total, this literally doesn't matter. You'd have to reach US levels of mixing (~40+% foreigners) for this to even start to become a problem. Even my cucked home country still has over 90% whites, unless they repeat last year (muh million) for the next 30 years or so, this won't be a factor.

It takes significantly less intermixing though to create a social and cultural unrest. In Sweden, even now with more than 90% native whites, huge swaths of land are practically a muslim country because the muslims don't tolerate other cultures and systematically bully them out. The cucked "tolerant" western white beta cuck is incapable of handling this threat. They just go elsewhere and let them have their way. There is already a shift in cultural attitude happening RIGHT NOW. This is a hundred times a bigger problem than race mixing.

No, it will fix itself when the welfare state collapses.

You are a smart man, and I agree with you wholeheartedly. I recently realized myself that the superiority thing was out of spite. I also believe each race has its practical use, Negroes being physical ability.

It needs to be a function of tradition or religion.
There are shitloads of irregular minorities living around here and while none of them have any sort of problems with slavs or da system and are perfectly integrated, some of them will still chimp out if their daughter were to date a russian. They wouldn't honor kill her, but probably disown her or something like that.

The problem is that it always only applies to girls, since it's considered to be alpha to bang foreign chicks by pretty much any culture, so this kind of racial purity attitude needs to be upheld by every party, not like it is now, when the majority nation is cucked as fuck by globalist and cultural marxist ideas, while minorities are encouraged to believe in whatever the fuck they want.

Fuck off we arent retarded.

>Not gonna lie, I'm more worried about cultural mixing and erosion than the color of my skin.

it's not just the color of your skin. The ethnicities have different personalities. Why are whites always accused of being stuck up and overly concerned? It's a trait we have. And it's difficult to live together with people that have disdaind for your kind of personality.

It will be a factor much sooner than most people perceive. Check out the number of minority background children compared to native children. It's almost 50/50 -- today.

couldnt read this cancer

2/10 bait

some moron will get triggered by this