Allright faggots, I'm coming to your country in a few months. Rank the top 10 cities keeping in mind the level of homos, migrant filth, feminists, and overall librtards. 1 on this scale would be the city that has the least of those categories.
Allright faggots, I'm coming to your country in a few months. Rank the top 10 cities keeping in mind the level of homos...
go to melbourne
heres the list
1.Fuck off their full
2.Fuck off their full
3.Fuck off their full
4.Fuck off their full
5.Fuck off their full
6.Fuck off their full
7.Fuck off their full
8.Fuck off their full
9.Fuck off their full
10..Fuck off their full
Brisbane, Brisbane, Brisbane, Brisbane, Brisbane, Brisbane, Brisbane, Brisbane, Brisbane, Brisbane.
Best state, best city, best women, only a fool would live anywhere else
this works too
fuck off we're full
btw wanna meet up and suck each others dicks?
>he thinks there are 10 cities in australia
There are only 4 cities.
As a SJW, black lives matter, Hillary loving American I can imagine you would enjoy Melbourne. Muslims and Scientologists can be found proselytizing on most street corners.
Tennent Creek
>Can't count to five.
>top 10 cities
That's all of them, cunt.
>he thinks adelaide,canberra,hobart,darwin are cities.
>Adelaide, 1.3 million people
>Not City
Kiwi education everyone
go to alice springs.
truly the last bastion of conservative outback life
no pooftas
no lefties
no greenies
Well, it would be a straight up lie if i said no
We should be teaching some of that.
Goober pedy, Albany (WA) , Collie, Kununurra
Mate just rent a car/van and fuck off up the coast. Don't need to go to 'cities' just the little coastal towns. Either VIC, QLD or WA
>Rank the top 10 cities keeping in mind the level of homos, migrant filth, feminists, and overall librtards
Brisbane would be high up for an actual city.
Honestly, Darwin would fit #1. It's by far the least progressive city. Libs hate the place because we treat coons and foreigners like trash, everyone is racist as fuck towards abos, our gun laws are looser than everywhere else and half-assedly enforced, we still get fireworks and we have lots of 'old school' Aussies and country people who don't tolerate their shit.
But. The weather is terrible, absolutely disgustingly hot and trash. There's fucking coons everywhere in the city. The city itself is complete garbage and I avoid it unless it's life or death. Everything is expensive as fuck. It's only liveable if you like outdoors activities and are immune to weather. I only live here cos muh guns and the incompetent police force leaves me alone to live my life in peace. You want Brisbane my seppo friend.
tl;dr Go live in Brisbane. It's probably the best for what you want.
Why don't I ever hear anyone talk about Perth?
fuken nowra is the place to be you silly cunt.
No coastal towns in NSW worth living in mate?
>come to think of it maybe you have a point.
I've got family up in Scarborough, it's based as fuck. Much more chilled out than Melbourne. Fair bit of abos but they don't do no harm
Straight up I live near Melbourne don't go there.
Come down near the Great Ocean Road, its scenic as fuck.
The Asians seem to love it.
Perth is expensive as shit and full of cashed-up bogans who work in the mining industry. So it's like paying to live in New York but actually living in Scranton.
we're so irrelevant that not even the lefties care about us, all the action is over in Melbourne and Sydney
it's a blessing and a curseđ›˛
Would you call a bunch of faggots, churches and serial killers a city? Adelaide is more of a weird cult than it is a city.
I'm cool with this,
What's wrong with melbourne?
All the Meth you can smoke bruz
A lot of glory holes in public toilets, I let off a lot of steam thanks to them. Married australian men are great at sucking cock.
Mate, if you can call the hellhole that is Melbourne a city. Adelaide sure is. I have been, relative to Melbourne its quite nice.
progressive uni students son, I live in Geelong but its bogan as fuck.
>Electing a Greens MP
>teaching 'male privilege' to primary school kids
>Female quotas for hiring math and science lecturers at Melb Uni
>shit weather
Golly gee, sounds like a great place to visit.
Only been to Geelong and it's shit.
Is Melbourne really this bad?
I'd cum in that.
Melbourne is left af, but I've visited it twice and I really like it there. Nice city. I don't know what it's like to live there though but yeah they elected a greenie so it ain't perfect
QLD is apparently the most conservative state in Australia but NT has to be close as well. So because the weather is fucked in NT, QLD would be the place you want to visit. If you want to visit a city, then Brisbane it is.
I don't think we even have 10 real cities.
Come to Newcastle cunt, we can sink piss, talk shit and shoot some roos
brisbane is full of fuckwhits.
Brisbane is shit can confirm.
Melbourne and Sydney are 1 and 2 respectively.
Melbourne is a progressive sjw city tho and Sydney is the most conservative.
Yamba is fairly decent
>i love how bright my eyes look in natural light
A bright of skinskin green.
Mt Druit
Cennie coast
Fremantle, 6160.
Dig your way through the shitty hipsters and you'll be fine.
The fuck are all of these small cities with goofy names you guys keep bringing up.