Paris is losing its tourists: japanese avoid deserted, the americans keep coming

>Paris lost more than 2 millions tourist since the 13 November attack in 2015
>touristic frequentation of the country fell from over 8,1% with japanese (-39%) who deserted the most, followed by chinese (-23%), germans (-10,8%) and americans (-4%).
>the cost is estimated to be -1 billion this year and -1,5 the next one
>not only the small entrepeneurs are affacted but the big palaces too
>government launched a 10 millions plan to promote Paris
>20 biggest touristic companies in the capital are calling for a vast security plan to counter the petty criminality robbing tourists

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nobody wants to visit that nigger shithole
Hitler should have burned it down completely before leaving

What's happening to European cities is what happened to US cities a long time ago. Detroit used to be known as "the Paris of USA." People who visit France want to see french people and eat French food, not see Algerians and get blown up by Moroccans.

careful Hans, your gov hates when you speak the truth

>pay money to sit in a plane to get assaulted in the street

that's fucking sad, m8

Pretty much yeah, Detroit had really beautiful Art Déco buildings.
D.C. was always ugly even before being 50% niggers though.

This, reminds me of the video of a Jap girl going to Paris and saying it was like she was in Africa

Socialistes made this city a nigger hellhole, unsurprisingly tourists are leaving in droves.

My city is now full of niggers, sandnigger and coalburners.

My ancestors had been here 500 years ago already, now I have no place here.

Fuck this shit.

>government launched a 10 millions plan to promote Paris

What is there to promote?

>ppl expecting a midnight in Paris-ish experience
Sure SOME areas in the capital are nice but for me the beauty of France lies in the rustic little towns way outside of the cities.
There are some gems out there, still untainted by Muslims and dindus.

Good. Let it burn.

Not enough diversity, that's why. You should double your migrant intake.

>government launched a 10 millions plan to promote Paris
I can already see the ad campaign. Visit Paris, the terrorist attacks aren't that bad I swear

Well, Paris is worse then Berlin plus it gets bombed or shot up regularly so this is no surprise.

I think the bombings also made a lot of tourists aware how arabic Paris became and that they are not just not visiting because of the direct terror threat but also because Paris is not french anymore

After hearing all the radical islam shit on this board honestly I'm afraid to go to western europe. Hell maybe I'll visit Slav Europe.
How's Belgrade for tourism?


Wait......... so THAT is why they are clearing out the migrants! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!

>PICTURES: After Calais, Frances Clears Hundreds of Migrants From Paris


>americans keep coming
what does that say about us exactly

I was at a layover in paris airport, 90% of the people were niggers or arabs.

I went there this summer. Most disappointing European city I visited by far (next to Amsterdam)

No shit
The problem is that you (as France and its government) seem to like it

why there shit spraypainted on that statue?

>nobody wants to visit that nigger shithole

well if it isn't the Pot calling the kettle black

That's Republique, the worst place in the whole country, shared by Islamists, leftists, homeless, hipsters and niggers.

Why nuke a country when you just drop niggers on it

kek, europe is such a dirty, smelly, old as fuck, miserable, and anti-aesthetic shithole. I've visited most of western europe and i was sorely disappointed with almost everything (sights, food, people, etc.). Home of arabs, niggers, and mong-looking white people.

im glad it exists tho, i wouldn't want ur ppl here. North America is truly the greatest continent.

Diversity decorations user :^)

Solution - import more muslims!

45 million niggers in your country aren't enough for your women.

Why would they tag that nice statue?
Fucking retards!

Instant classic.

>shit hotels
>thieves everywhere

B..but i thought DIVERSITY is beautiful!?!?1they don't like the vibrant negro/arab culture?


>flood country with Muslims
>Ignore no go zones
>Even after terrorist attacks bring in 30,000 more Muslims
>"Why are people not coming?"

Why are Americans such gigantic pussies?

I would have loved to visit Paris when it was fully of smelly froglegs, but now it's full of smelly...fuck. What do Muslims eat?

that's fucking infuriating

Well in fact with all these gooks around it's not even Africa too.
Niggers and muds are terrible but all the rude gooks with no souls are no that far.
For example chinese shit in the showers and use the towel to clean their ass after, they are extremly loud in restaurant, always stuck with their camera jumping everywhere instead of calmly enjoying the moment, push people without ever excusing and they treat the personnal like shit.
Oh and they are goddamn ugly, not just visually displeasing but REALLY ugly.

Parisians used to bitch about the lack of manners from americans in the 80s but it's almost like they are pleased to see them now they are flooded the rich arabs/russians tourists, the gooks and the local (sand)niggers.



Hehe good, keep sending those rich japs our way

Isn't it funny? And the regime of traitors in my country pretends Pegida is the problem that keeps tourists away and is ruining the reputation of Germany.

Meanwhile thanks to "vibrant diversity" and "enrichment" Paris lost more than 2 million tourists.

Lügenpresse at its finest.

>>government launched a 10 millions plan to promote Paris

Only plan that will work is ridding France of muslims.


My parents canceled paris from their euro trip, were told not to bother by my brother, who is super lefty liberal, and for safety fears....mugging, snackbar etc.... rip french babes

My cousin rotates through vineyards of france as part of his job, france has gotten very nasty with all brits since brexit. They feel our money si their money, they are the most entitled of the european nations.


stop posting while high, faggot

They are trying to feel at home ironically. Only thing missing is a shanky town and rivers of flowing shit.


>japanese avoid deserted, the americans keep coming
That's logical, Americans are used to get shot already so they don't mind

Being beheaded isn't that bad man, just learn to dodge! They can't help it if they want to kill us, we need to adapt to their life style?
Yay, globalism!

I literally went in 2013 and it was pretty good. Spent days at the Louvre alone.

I guess I got a glimpse of the future when we went up toward Sacre Coeur and it was like stepping into the third world complete with veiled women pulling clothes out of "shops" that were like giant piles of clothes.

What the fuck are we doing to Europe?

>Have nice tourist city
>Let in a bunch of brownskins

Pick just one.

It's a false Sup Forums meme that I keep see circulating, probably by some dumb stromfaggot.
It has been cleaned up since then, the place was used by people to pose their flowers and words to the victims after the attack.
The photo has been taken after the flowers were taken out but before the statue was cleaned.

I went to Paris once - it was full of North African beggars and trinket sellers at all the major attractions, despite the police moving them along. Never again.

Why do cucks always refer to nonwhite immigrants as "vibrant?"

"If you don't visit Paris, you're a bigot."

Goin after the brokeass millennial market. Bold strategy.

>take (once) beautiful city
>fill it with horrible people
>turns into a turd world cesspool
>wonder why nobody wants to visit it anymore

actually, that may actually work to improve tourism
rich arabs are quite generous spenders


On the other side of the coin, airlines now doing cheap flights from Europe to Japan in a desperate measure to fill their planes back up.

The 5 d's of Muslim immigration

1) Dodge
2) Duck
3) Dip
4) Dive
5) Dodge

Why don't they go back to their own countries? Fuck these leeches.

>Paris Streets See Influx of Migrants After 'Jungle' Camp Evictions

>Some of the thousands of migrants evicted from the sprawling "Jungle" camp on the northeastern coast of France have set off for the streets of Paris, creating a headache for authorities.



Visited Paris for the first time in 12years. Utterly depressing. Wandered the streets looking for something French to eat. Eventually found a bistro and set next to an old couple visiting from Bordeaux. They were as shocked and angry as I was.

Fuck socialism. And fuck black people.

Nice, how cheap?

but that's not from black people, that's from the Nuit Debout and JesuisCharlie crowd, aka the rich white leftist crowd that got shot up last november

Yeah I'll give them a D, for Double action


When the Japanese tourist start to leave that has to be the final nail in the coffin! Right!?

New France: Haiti 2

what we need in France is more foreigners.....


If i Go to France i want to enjoy French stuff and Not nigger shit. We have niggers in Germany aswell. For this i dont give to visit another country

Is paris burning?

That's ok then.
Wake up!

The statue was graffitied way sooner than that.

Also France had the most graffiti in all of the European nations I visited. You just get the general sense that the french don't give a shit either. They would rather type out lame excuses for this behavior on an anonymous image board.

Typical gov, just throw 10mill and spam paris to potential visitors. Fuck the underlying issue, tax, spend, borrow.


Who cares about tourism, the economy, and safety of the population?

At least there are plenty of useless shitskins!

Show me a picture of the clean one then.

Enjoy your Nigger Shithole

>government launched a 10 millions plan to promote Paris

Unless it's a Frexit, and booting the immigrants on a fire-ship to africa (but because it's on fire, it won't make it all the way there), then that is a waste of fucking money.

"rotting" would be more adequate

What an awesome way to lamet the fallen by smearing shit on a national monmument that's intented to contemplate existence.

when i was in berlin i saw almost no non whites except for the Turks running the kebab shops

Dumbass frogs, serves them right. Trianon never 5get.

but he didn't and now your country is the most cucked in europe,hans

>taking history class over the summer
>coincidentally we get to the French Revolution on Bastille day
>professor brings French pastries, wears a moustache, striped shirt beret, etc
>I do a presentation about Napoleon
>go home
>check Sup Forums
>see nice truck slaughter happen

France is dead, and is most likely never coming back

Paris is poor man's Prague


I'm a hotel receptionist, and I fucking swear there's so many Japanese people coming to Copenhagen now. I guess we still have the fairy tale charm that they're looking for.


Why are north-american cities so superior?

Dont worry we will come to america when nigger population gets super critical

>what does that say about us exactly

To be fair, you media has been rather silent on the refugee shit and everything.
The average american isn't aware of what's going on in europe, compared to american Sup Forums users.

That's funny, because most of them are lefty butt-fucks who claim to be more cultured and open minded.

Paris, the Baghdad of Europe

FN 2017 m8

Do people still stare in awe at the sight of them are have you gotten used to the sight of enrichment?

Gooks got it right. People go there because Paris used to have a special charm about it. There's nothing charming about shitskin muslims, terrorists shooting up the city, and faggot antifa losers rioting

I will never visit Paris again after it received critical levels of enrichment.

It's a damn shame because it used to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

I wonder how our major cities will look after 20 more years of this.

You have 15 more chances to be murdered in your own capital than Paris.
The countryside (where most of the cultural interest here by the way) is as safe as the countryside in the US.

The problem with Paris isn't that much the security anyway, the problem is one of the most enjoyable city to visit and live in the world became extremly unpleasing.
My father made his med school in Paris in the 70s, it wasn't perfect but he had a great time, now everytime he goes there he just says me how happy it is to escape it just after one day because of the crowd.

I often go there to visit art and historic exhibitions and there are still place I enjoy but I'm relieved that I don't have to wake up there every morning, it is a suffocating.


Don't kid yourself, San Francisco is literally poo in loo tier