Would he have been any better than King Nigger?
Would he have been any better than King Nigger?
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He's still alive. Go figure.
He was a neocon maniac. He wanted more wars and bigger wars. The guy was a fucking nut on foreign policy.
this. the old GOP and the dems are equally bad.
His name is President Obama and he was the better choice. I used to respect McCain until he supported Drumpf. McCain would have been a hundred times better than Drumpf.
He's an absolute shitbag and a traitor and deserves a firing line.
Just like most of the traitors in congress.
>Would he have been any better than King Nigger?
That RHINO globalist shill? Hell no. He is a fucking hot head. They say Trump cannot have the codes. This man makes Trump look like a Buddhist monk.
He is so fucking crazy, He will make the planet into a glass marble.
No. Would of done the same thing as Obamy minus healthcare + war over syria.
so yes?
No, he would be even worse, actually
yet he still would have been infinitely better than Obama
ISIS never would have even got off the ground,
I respected McCain until he rolled over like a bitch in the 2000 primary. The guy is a weasel who only ever wanted to be a famous war president.
Sure, they wouldn't. We'd just have ANOTHER terrorist organization growing rapidly due to wanting us the fuck out of their country, as well as growing international scrutiny from countries who want our president to stop being such a warmongering idiot.
when he says "i know these people intimately" he is talking about the national security people who wrote the report about ISIS, not ISIS
>John McCain
>Against ISIS
Pick one.
>Not knowing Neocons are Obama on steroids.
>Kike loving McCain is against Jihadis
Being this delusional
Far worse. This guy belongs on a rope alongside his terrorist friends.
I hate John McCain. But if you hate him more than Obama, you're an absolute faggot.
>isis wouldn't exist because mccain isn't retarded and pulled out of iraq
>USA would be more interventionalist
>Putin would be scared shitless
>Hillary would probably win 2012
Really when it comes down to it you have no Hillary or no ISIS/refugee bullshit.
Going with no ISIS
This century:
Bush=Gore Bush=Kerry Obama=McCain Obama=Romney
Trump is the first choice we've had in a long fucking time
He sang like a canary to the Vietcong. That's why he was able to run off the airplane when coming home when all the other vets were in crutches and wheelchairs.
Yeah, um.... Nope.
Mccain was (and still is) a huge supporter for arming the "moderate syrian terrorists!.
and I would have been complaining the whole time because I wanted us to pull out of Iraq and stop being so interventionist (still do)
but in retrospect McCain was right on Iraq. We never should have gone in, but pulling out the way we did led to an unbelievable quagmire.
Sup Forums hates Obama but does give credit that he was way better than both McCain and Romney. Obama vs Trump would be completely different.
That's actually a pretty good post. It's hard to remember how much they pushed his age.
Yes, but if he died Palin would have destroyed the country.
you don't know anything about politics if you think Obama is "way better" than Romney
We would have had WW3 by now.
He was a neo con so no. We probably wouldn't have as much racial tensions as with Obama but situations like Assad being killed which would increase the migrant problem would happen, also the income gap would probably be higher.
Luckily I feel neo conservatism is dead an can never be resurrected. Even if Trump loses he still would have done better than any of the neo cons, even the politically illiterate know too much to vote neo con.
Would he have been any better than Dubya?
>also the income gap would probably be higher
Romney was a corporate raider - meaning that he gutted the middle class for the sheckels. Yeah, no thanks (although I'm not sure if Obama is much better in that respect).
The fucking over of the middle class was definitely a DP from both the democrats and the neo-cons.
Have fun with that invisible hand of the market up your ass. Both support NAFTA, WTO and hate protectionism; in either a McCain or Romney administration we'd get cucked by China even worse than we have with Obama. Not to mention the million dollars of debt they'd run up in foreign wars, given their neverending support of the stupid fucking Iraq war.
We would have won WW3 by now*
No, he's a pile of shit and he's just as bad as any politician. The whole "maverick" shit was just stirred up by the media prior to his run so they could have an easy opponent for Obama.
>millions of dollars in debt in foreign wars
>national debt more than doubled under Obama
>foreign wars persisted for last 8 years and have since been escalated
>literally more military action under Obama than Bush
Not saying Romney is good.
But Obama is the bottom of the barrel. It's not possible to be worse than Obama.