i just found out that Sup Forums and Sup Forums think Sup Forums is a "containment board". h-how do we stop them saying this about us??
most Sup Forums are faggots
But it is
This. Low test anime weeb faggots.
She is done !!!! look at this:
Clinton foundation took donations from Qatar while Hillary was secretary of state!
This, they're all liberally indoctrinated SJW kiddies over there now
With how many gay SJW indie games out there it's no wonder those dang kids ain't right
This! Spread the word and upvote!
It's true though.
This is why You're filthy redditors.
>actually giving a shit about what Sup Forums thinks
>about anything
also Sup Forums went to shit a long time ago
Sup Forums has SJW mods and is literally the first board newfaq redditors visit. It's shitty and the worst board alongside with Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is retarded too. They act superior despite barely anyone having tech knowledge above high school.
It is a containment board. Do you remember the utter chaos caused to other boards last time they shut this place down.
Stop shitting up other boards
>tfw you realise every board is a containment board.
What the fuck do you care what they say user? This board has made international press...50+ times this year, including a "Time" and New Work Magazine Cover. They've made nothing.
This is whereto intellectual energy is. Of course, it also bring a LOT of fucking trash here, which takes long to sort through, but we can do it. This place isn't as good as it was, say, a year ago but, but that's price we pay at election time.
They're not all liberals they just don't want right wing sperglords shitting up their board more than it already is
The board was created as a containment board by Moot, this doesn't mean we can't hold our discussion though.
stop being a faggot
v is a shit show. all they want to do is jack off and talk about lame ass indie weeb games that no one has ever heard of. that place sucks HARD and I wouldn't take anything they say personal.
Gas the kikes, and you'll never here phrases like "containment board" ever again.
They're manchildren who want to be liberally unbiased. Leave them, the holy trinity of /fit/, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums is still strong.
Sup Forums = only neogaf idiots go there in 2016, real Sup Forums is on infchan
Sup Forums = butthurt redditors spouting back to Sup Forums, the rest is ok
you just proved them right
I don't know if you are an user or an asshole, but always give a direct link to the twatter, not via reddit or...whatever....I assume you know this and are just a hard on trying to shit up the board.
Reddit is the best exposure besides MSM, and we know how that goes. Sacrifices have to be made to prevent a Clinton presidency. Suck it up and stop being such a goddamn pussy.
who gives a fuck what those losers think.
By stopping to bring Sup Forums stuff everywhere you go
t. crossboarder
stop coming to that boards and stop shilling trump.
keep Sup Forums in Sup Forums
I think the only Sup Forums-friendly board on Sup Forums is /x/, which explains all these retards spamming moloch satanism bullshit
>some dead boards think Sup Forums is containment
so what?
>say my opinion about a movie on Sup Forums
>they immediately send me to Sup Forums
Why do you care?
Sup Forums is the annoying retarded boy that thing he is smart than anybody else when in reality his the dumbest motherfucker ever.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums is just reddit autist tier.
Who gives a fuck what anybody thinks?
Not joking, CTR knows Sup Forums is a lost cause so they're attacking the other boards
That is because Sup Forums is full of indie game faggots who cannot go five seconds without sucking Marx`s dick and circle jerking about how socialism would make gaming better, more inclusive and more diverse. You can smell the blue hair dye from miles away.
Sup Forums is legitimately one of the worst boards on Sup Forums and has been dead for seven years. it's not even bad in a good and funny way. it's just cancer
>implying we have accounts on that shithole
Wake up, stimpak.
Who cares what those faggots think?
Every board that isn't Sup Forums or Sup Forums is a containment board. Those were the first two boards on Sup Forums.
Everyboard is their own containment board for their unique brand of faggotry.
>implying you shouldn't create a throwaway just to upvote this into relevance and destroy the antichrist demon Clinton
There not wrong. Other boards are the arms, legs, arm, and feet. Were the head except sometimes blood flows to our dick instead (Sup Forums)
>giving a heck about low testies spouting their fee fee's
you ever notice how you'll be saying something about a nigger on Sup Forums then all of a sudden someone starts spamming nigger dicks?
Why do you think Sup Forums was made months after /new/ was deleted?
What boards are on 'our' side?
We know Sup Forums belongs to the great enemy, who can we light the signal flame for in times of need?
>implying Sup Forums wasn't the fist containment board
Reminder to all you GAIJIN out there that this is a website for discussing ANIME
Spotted the redditor. Sup Forums was always full of casual manimefags, post 2014 it became an extension of neogaf and an SJW hive. Way to give yourself up as a newfag while looking like an idiot, Ahmed.
>caring about what the goypilled masses think
It's the price to pay for being so utterly superior
pol has always been and will always be a containment board.
A lot here are just bitter right wing retards.
It is. People don't want to discuss politics on hobby boards. Stop being autistic. Most on other boards support Trump they just don't want to discuss fucking jew memes 24/7 on their anime forum.
Sup Forums is full of Obsidrones trying to defend their beloved company from the criticisms. Considering that we are speaking of a company who took down some text in their game because it could offend the trannies, I wouldn't consider the opinion of these people important.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are societal containment hobbies.
Who cares all boards are containment boards
This is not what is happening.
Normally some lefty faggot brings up his retarded opinions, gets corrected by somebody who visits this board and then everybody in the thread cries about >muh Sup Forums.
Really made me think
Bitter right wing retards are OK, I'd take them over the hordes of redditors that have flooded the site, especially since the /r9k/ shooter
>not including /k/
Sup Forums is a Sup Forums colony, we recognize the kikery in hollywood. We are under attack by CTR though, would be cool if Sup Forums could back us up
This. I used to browse Sup Forums back when gamergate was kicking in, it was basically like a watered down version of Sup Forums. Everybody was making threads about how feminists are invading the gaming culture, Hamburger Helper threads, SJWs in the industry, DLC jewry (people actually used the word jew over there), forced diversity among Ubisoft's staff etc. If you sounded like you were from rebbit, people told you to return to that place and never return.
Nowadays it's literally rebbit. They encourage you to post links from there. You will get two week ban for saying nigger. Any business about women in video games will automatically trigger the OY VEY ITS ANUDDA GAMERGATE mods they installed there and will net you a ban.
Two posts ago I got Hitler quads
What the fuck is going on
When trump wins the entire world becomes Sup Forums
>pillars of shiternity
>representative of obsidian
And yet they discuss the politics on Sup Forums all the time, just not right side of spectrum.
Let them realise most of their members also are members here
There's no such thing as a containment board. We all post on multiple boards
Guys I'm sorry to break this to you, but the world thinks, rightly, that you're idiots and losers. Yes, there are many of you, but you're all losers and idiots. Succesful people, intelligent people, people who have meaningful jobs and do well in life, that have a sense of empathy and sympathy are very worried about your ascendency. You're breaking down the world, simply because you're losers in it and this will hurt a lot of people, but most of all it will hurt those who are already losers, in other words yourself.
You're cancer. We can't wrap our heads around you. We can't understand how you can be so gullible, deplorable and idiotic.
>Hey guys thoughts on "thing"?
>It's for cucks and pushes the SJW agenda
>Fuck off to Sup Forums
>muh SJWs censoring muh speech
Stop making us look bad, you fucks, you've turned us into the new horsefuckers
Every fucking board is containment board you fuck
Why are her hands and fingers so freakishly large and long compared to her head
This board is like an Indian street. A designated shitposting gutter.
i play games, not that gay shit though, lots of arma and rts games
>And yet they discuss the politics on Sup Forums all the time
Yes, because retards keep bringing it there since it has got a fame as the shitposing board
This exactly. Everytime I go to Sup Forums just to get away from Sup Forums there will be some fucking Bernout sperging about diversity and sharing. Everysinglefuckingtime.
>And yet they discuss the politics on Sup Forums all the time, just not right side of spectrum.
Sup Forums is shit and the third most newfag board after Sup Forums and Sup Forums. Not to mention my anecdotal evidence states the opposite to your's and says most are also right wing.
That's not true, I am a mulit-board dweller. And often spout my politically incorrect views elsewhere
But you're blatantly wrong faggot. That's Sup Forums.
Aaaaand that is supposed to mean what?
>Imlying that there are not daily threads related to games, pop culture, art or any other shit on Sup Forums
Sup Forums is a disaster
rule number 3 :
You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
>off-topic replies
you're doing that in all threads
>just found out about Sup Forums
> even clicked through on a couple other boards
> since ending up here a few hours ago
Welcome to Sup Forums, newfaggot.
lurk moar
You know what the matrix needed the agents?
to fight those that want to destroy the matrix
Who cares?
>Felicia Day
Kek, just when I thought I was done with chemoteraphy.
Makes me remember that, for a while, gamergate was a banned word.
Good observation, satan.
the twatter is old faggot! learn how to read you sideways lying kurwa
Every other board is a containment board to keep off topic threads from shitting up this site's flagship board, Sup Forums
what's worse is places like Sup Forums have homosexual shit spammed all the time and yet not a single fucking person says go back to /lgbt/. say nigger once and they all sperg out and tell you to go back to Sup Forums
really makes me think
yeah i dont have one either
Sup Forums are a bunch of sjw, what do you think they are gonna say
he godded me
>but the world thinks
>sense of empathy and sympathy
Fucking women, seriously. Internet would be a better place if you whores never found your way in.
They're right. This IS your containment board and you should fucking stay here. No one. N O O N E gives a shit about your crybaby fucking noise, Sup Forums.
>>>/new/, and have always been containment boards. That's the only threat we have to keep open for business.
> You actually thought /pol was something else?
I dont think 98% of the people here believe in a single word they type.
/pol is just hillariously addicted to cunt-hood
I second that. Those "succesful" people are innately ignorant. They are the true losers. You have to be to ignore so much wrong in this world and ascend in power without regret...
/n/ is still with you guys