WTF - During Dr. Phil yesterday on WTNH in Connecticut results from the election started coming in. Theres a video too, but I dont know how to save it from Facebook. I have two stills with results.
WTF - During Dr. Phil yesterday on WTNH in Connecticut results from the election started coming in. Theres a video too...
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>Theres a video too, but I dont know how to save it from Facebook.
give me a link, or learn how to use youtube-dl.
Interesting. Someone posted a website yesterday that posted results early and that is exactly the same amount of votes.
Wait, those are the same numbers from the "data test" we saw from other sites.
oy vey
please provide fagbook link
i will download it
Test data?
I don't know, this shit is 100% rigged.
Its on the NBC Connecticut Facebook page in the comments section. Its from about an hour ago under an article reporting you dont have to rake your leaves. Its easy to find. My old ass is 9n mobile and cant figure out how to give you the link. Forgive me, Kek
Shameless self bump
A lot of people have been saying that, but I don't buy it. If you wanted to test it, you would use obviously fake numbers so as to confuse people.
Trump - 99,999,999
Clinton - 99,999,999
OR you would just mash the keyboard
Trump - 04987309
Clinton - 99849201
You wouldn't use actual, realistic, close results.
so as not** to confuse people
Post the link OP
Do you have any experience in database or analysis? You want test data to be as realistic as possible to develop any sort of aggregated analytic tools
Here are the CT results from the video
Clinton 502,310
Trump 456,231
Blumenthal 564,699
Carter 5,985
What's weird is that if these are leaked results, then Carter should be much closer
Ok I uploaded it to Youtube.... try it
Jesus Christ it looks like I uploaded it via potato
Is this normal?
It makes me uncomfortable I know that. I domt know how to reach a broader audience though - or how to get any answers as to why even testing the system was being done at 3 in the afternoon.
If Trump really is getting 46% in CT, this election should go really well for us gentlemen.
Tweet at Wikileaks or inforwars
I'm in CT, I just sent it to a few friends... maybe they can put it on fb
Honestly I think hes going to do better than than. Whether Im in Hartford, the litchfield hills or down by the sound I only see Trump signs and stickers. I th8nk I can count on one hand how many Clinton/Kaine signs Ive seen here. Trump signs - probably around 1000.
Have you provided the Facebook link yet? The quality of the video you recorded is very poor, no offense meant.
I should hope that no one is going to be an asshole on your profile.
Actually, I'm going to see if I can find this myself...
Yeah. I'm down by the's all Libero and Trump stuff. A few Gary Johnson. The most Clinton I see is on bumper stickers.
Maybe Trump supporters are just more visual, but it's overwhelming how much the stuff out does Clinton's.
The original is on the NBC Connecticut facebook page in the comments for an article posted this AM about not raking your leaves. A woman named Mandie posted it - its much better quality there. I tweeted infowars, wikileaks and WTNH already
Im in the Bristol area, and its suprising how mich support he even has here. One guy has a 4 by 8 piece of plywood sign out by the street and no one has vandalized it suprisingly. Its been there for 4 months
I'm in the same area, over in Terryville, and can confirm. Bristol has one or two Hillary signs on rt. 6 but most of not all of the surrounding towns are very pro Trump.
CT is Dem as fuck and every major poll shows it as Clinton territory, uncontested. If these numbers are real then Trump is going to curb stomp her.
Her only support here I th8nk is coming from the Fairfield county area and inner cities like Waterbury, Hartford, and Bridgeport. 90% of the people I know here are voting Trump whether they are D, R or I.
Nice... I get the feeling that while Trump won't win here, he will do considerable damage and pull the most any Republican has gotten in a while.
I was driving down 34 towards Newtown and Danbury and saw a few large signs like you talk about. And in Litchfield, outside the yuppies and old white folk, Trump seems overwhelming up there.
But I know Bernie still draws in some kids and rural people.
The Bernie supportera I talked to seem to be on the Trump train. They say they feel betrayed by him for backing her after beating his drum to the fact she isnt fit to be president. They almost j7mped on to the Trump train out of spite for Bernie lol
It's about the same midstate. I went through Glastonbury the other day, saw a dozen Trump signs, and only one Clinton/Kaine.
The state might not go red, but damn if it won't be purple.
I just moved out of Wallingford also, and there are Trump signs everywhere there too. Which is surprising considering how close to Meriden, Hamden north haven etc it is and the large amount of Hispanics living in these towns. Density of signage != density of Trump voters however. The minorities living on the 91 corridor will be CTs downfall.
Can be found here;
(FACEBOOK) /mandie.fagan/videos/10207215532457808/
Why are you watching dr Phil
I've think I've convinced a couple to write him in instead of voting for Hillary.
You're right though, luckily a lot of the Sanders people seem more questioning and actually look at wikileaks and stuff, so they hate Hill too
Middletown here. I've only seen H-> signs in Litchfield. All trump everywhere. Even in Waterbury somebody paid for a trump billboard
>Trump billboard in the dirty Waters.
Now THAT is ballsy.
Yeah it was right there before the interchange, amazing spot. It was there for a few months, if it isn't still there...
Thanks for getting the good quality linked
Can you find that image if you have it?
Someone posted this a few days ago
Anyone have the original numbers from that website that also showed the results too early? Do they match up?
They look to only be a couple million off
It was there last week on my way to New Hartford. All it says is TRUMP and paid for by some couple. I saw a similar sign in NY and PA on routes 84 and 81 two weeks ago.
Hillary has supporters, but Trump has fans. Big difference. YUGE.
81 south between Binghamton and Scranton. Beautiful isn't it?
>Clinton 41 191 253
>Trump 43 678 784
Trump wins.
>Clinton 41 765 317
>Trump 40 124 438
Clinton wins.
WHAAAAT A CONSPIIIIRACY oooooor just maybe they accidentally ran their sites and software to see that it doesn't fuck up when it's showtime on election day.
Couldn't this just be early voting results?
Plausible. Politico reported a few weeks ago that there are 200 million registered voters this year. Could 80 million plus or minus already have voted? I did read the other day that they were expecting 40% of registered voters to vote early.
Connecticut doesn't have early voting
Holy shit, I just looked into that image...
Bumping with Americas hat
Video file attained from original uploader
Can Anons compare numbers with
Da fuck?
Numbers close but not identical.
Which means? Why are both sets of numbers out?
So what is that plus or minus 5%?
Theyre testing their graphics
it's called testing things..... yawn