Sup Forums approved career paths or qualifications?
Post your job.
>excavator operator here, r8 that
Sup Forums approved career paths or qualifications?
Post your job.
>excavator operator here, r8 that
Nice color good sized bucket looks like decent reach 7/10
CTR employee here.
Fun job, but the pay sucks.
NEET master race, I shitpost 14 hrs a day
Bid Manager here. I conjure numbers out of thin air and ensure project management suffer the consequences.
park ranger
Any job where you provide a real service or goods is Sup Forums approved
That sounds like a nice job.
Your drink beer. You probably smoke. Not into niggers or queers. Based job
Either a numale hippy with short shorts. Or lord of the rings bad ass
I test sex toys for durability and safety.
Whats an unsafe sex toy?
That job seems so based.
Investment banking here (S&T... yeah laugh if you want)
Currently working at 3rd shift job stocking shelves at a store and will eventually go back to college to get a degree in business or some shit so I can jew everyone. Have a few family members that have a master's in business as well.
I play with Excel / Access / SQL Server all day
Good job that we is universally needed. As long as there is dirt there will be a need to dig it.
Job shop Machinist.
I fix old stuff
lucky fuck. where?
Take your shelkels and fuck off.
Machinest is uber based. Blacks dont do it. Unless its all programmed for them and they just push the go button
You know one when you see one...or if your dick snaps off.
Pipe fitter/ Mechanic here. I'm voting for Jill Stein because environmentalism is very important to me.
plumber, excavator operator was my second choice if anything happened
Damn, that's actually really aesthetic currency.
I wish our coins weren't so shit.
What's the most interesting thing you've excavated/exhumed?
Software engineer.
>desk job with excellent benefits and pay, occasional travel
>log into support tickets
>get to tell customer resources how badly they fucked up
>>Per Note 123456, the procedure you used is unsupported. Please revert to a production backup before you did that. Thanks for contacting Megacorp Support!
>>Dear customer, the mistake in your customization is considered consulting and thus falls out the scope of normal support.
When I'm not telling them what I did wrong, I do work for customers (correctly) for $3,000 USD/day (goes to my company, not me).
Neat. What's your full job title? How'd you get into it?
Car designer. Just sketch cars all day make mad bank.
I load freight planes, going to school for metal fabrication though
What did you expect? The Jews like to blindside cunts by dangling their cash in front of them.
Is it also important for your elected officials to not actually be elected? Because that's the only reason anyone is voting for Jill Stein.
I want your job
Just got accepted into an apprenticeship program for sparkies. Being a unioncuck will help me put the socialist in national socialist
Marine biologist
The pay is alright but I get to do what I enjoy and potentially expand humanities knowledge of the world (albeit in a very niche area).
Family ranch in Montana 4800 head of cattle. i have a horse named Fred
f-15 armament specialist
Office Administrator.
I deal with customer oriented incentives and complaints, I pretend that I care, I've become double faced working in this environment. My Manager is a holocaust survivor.
I'm a painting and frame conservator although I do other items privately on the side.
I studied conservation whilst at university then built up a portfolio until I finnaly found a job, the pays pretty shit but we get lots of coffee breaks and it's pretty relaxing work.
TIG welder
Working in Communications for a German company and its Korean subsidiaries. Pay is pretty good and I get to travel to Korea quite a lot. Probably goong to be permanently there next year.
I work in software development.
programmer at a gamedev company
Make one that looks like it was build in the 50's. I want my nostalgia cars and I want them now!
Why on earth would you be using access and sql server at the same time?
Im telco linesman
Rome wasn't built in a day. The two major candidates are guaranteeing the destruction of earths ecosystem. I don't know why..possibly they already have their ticket for evacuation or possibly they subscribe to the philosophy of human depopulation but in the end both are misanthropic. Strategic voting is meaningless in this election and the fear or near certainty of loss is no reason not to try unless you are a pussy
The most redpilled careers are either being a robot and doing all the jobs or not being a robot and being a NEET for life because robots do all the jobs.
Sounds cool OP how much do you make?
Arcade Manager. I play vidya all day.
Locomotive Engineer
My goal is to be a spook and spook the spoopy spoops
Carpenter (Joiner)
Wont that give you cancer?
running for president, career politician/criminal
Barber. Own my own shop.
I don't do faggot cuts so don't ask.
I use them at different times, all depends on what I'm trying to solve for. Also, there's a chargeback for SQL server usage so Access ends up being used when I need to do some number crunching quickly and/or a temporary solution to something.
Chemical plant "operator"
Everything is actually operated by the computer so I mostly do office work or browse Sup Forums
Baker. I work in a vegan bakery, and I'm fucking surrounded by the most bluepilled women I've ever met. My boss says she's literally been losing sleep since the FBI reopened the Clinton investigation.
Lol no, but the schedule sucks I spend lots of time away from home.
everything gives you cancer
Do you at least get to bang them?
director of interactive marketing at an advertising agency. it's fun and my office is teh sex. mostly cook up interesting ui solutions customer experiences.
I've always thought it would be cool to have a barber shop. Do you like it?
Hvac and electrician gotta love that 150 dolla hour labor
Electrician. Opens so many doors Career wise. There's industrial, residential, commercial. You could work in a facility or go union. You get to learn how to fix shit and you can always do side work if you want a little extra cheese. Few people like fucking with electricity.
Aussie shitposting at its finest.
Parts interpreter for things like pic in the OP
Project engineer working with chemical processes currently. Basically a project coordinator and general workhorse.
I put the holes in bowling balls.
Easy money. Give a man a good hair cut and he will come back for life.
Um, I shoot birds at the airport.
>all these jobs that are either better or comfier than mine
here i am temping at almost 30
how the fuck do i manufacture a future for myself and my wife
IT Director, almost no qualifications, dropped out of doing electronic engineering and started work in IT as a systems administrator and just climbed the corp ladder.
Mobile Diesel Fleet repair mainly, I also do other projects on the side. Currently busy with restoring a old mazda to factory spec and hot rodding a old for deluxe.
>Pay is good on average. Some months I make as little as R1500-2000 profit, other months I make upwards of 50-60K.
>Live like a NEET and only really get up and dress when somebody calls me for a repair.
First post best post
Go to Schorem and learn how to cut hair.
It's ntbd
God, no. I have a long-term gf and I'm not a fucking degenerate.
As far as I know, locomotive anything gives a pretty good pay, is that correct in the US aswel?
I work at the Carslberg Brewery as a storage worker.
I earn around 200 kr an hour (ish 25 dollars an hour). If I work overtime, I get around 400 kr an hour.
I am studying electricity on the side, so I dont have to work at a storage my entire life.
crocodile hunter
Minstelonn, morsomt det!
I assume that's not a job.
>200 kr
Har du noensinne vært i arbeid?
200 kr for ufaglært arbeid er usedvanlig bra.
I'mm technically in a trainee role so a measly $18.50 an hour. Lots of overtime though. Usually 55+ hours.
Hi Steve! Been diving lately?
Social worker in housing project for psychiatric patients.
I have a couple of buddies that work for Norfolk Southern and they say its great pay.
DPRK agent. don't tell anyone
If you're still here
What are your thoughts on train hoppers?
t. Former crustie
Railroader reporting in.
(Making) Building America (Great Again)
Commercial construction