I'm not interested in watching anything with Mike Cernovich. You're all gullible as fuck swooning over his blowhard tweets. When Trump wins his career is over.
is Vox Day that guy who writes sci-fi books
I think I agree with Styx's interpretation of these rituals to these three normie dudes who don't understand what the fuck they're seeing.
Also this, fuck you Mike, I know you're reading this.
Is cernovich really a Jew....?
>Vox Day
>American flag
There's nothing American about him. Give him the Mexican flag he loves so much
>He didn't perceive Kike Circmvich's whining voice, big nose and rat like eyes.
I'm done with Cernovich, that lispy cunt is out for his own gain which is his own media empire.
His entire mindset ethos is a load of crap which is the most basic bitch cognitive behavioural therapy armchair psychology ever. Only utter fucking losers buy his book for some redemption, they're literally self help books for cucked men.
He's about as bad as Trump with his postulating the numbers bullshit, I don't give a fuck how many impressions on twitter you got. You haven't broken a single story worth a shit for some """"media empire"""" and your only source is on a dying social media platform. The closest he got to a story was the DNC.
He never brings anything new to the discussion of the political climate, he's the male equivalent of shoeonhead, just regurgitating things from other smarter people explaining shit in his long-winded fashion.
Fuck Mike. Sick of his shit.
Was with you on everything until
>He's about as bad as Trump
There's no equivalence to be made here in any way, you're just shoehorning your bias.
I like Trump. I support Trump.
You can't deny Trump loves to talk about polls.
It's an accurate observation.
Jew, attention whore and literally who
None of them are Jews. Cernovich posted his 23andme and no jewish ancestry.
Molyneux has stated he's irish and german
I don't know if he "loves" the Mexican flag...
Yeah fuck Mike the Kike
If your mother is a Jew, then you're jew. It doesn't matter if you're not religious.
Molyneux is a French name
What's wrong with Mike? Or Voxday for that matter?
Mike Cernovich is an absolute faggot of the highest order. He's the kid in school who had no friends, always talked shit but never backed it up. This is a guy who fancies himself an expert on masculinity, but never worked a day in his life. He was the house husband to a Facebook patent lawyer, who made bank, divorced his ass, and he is now living off the alimony and claims that makes him "ALPHA".
He wrote blog posts about fucking tranny's, so people in his old PUA circles too the piss out of him. He then added a disclaimer at the start saying he was mailed the story by a reader, but forgot to take out the hyper links in the story which referenced his own previous blog post about him being an alcoholic.
He was spouting off about betting anyone $10k on trump winning, some guy took up the offer and he blocked him. Pic Related. I'll dump more. But this guy is a bigger faggot than Milo, and needs to be outed.
Gorilla Mindset is a walkthrough guide that holds you by the hand and will eventually lead to your failure because if you skip a step or miss a task you're going to panic and think you've fucked everything up. It's a baby's guide to getting through life.
The Way of Man tells you, "Hey you, quit jacking off and start doing stuff." That's where your money should go.
Why are they taking this so seriously? If they didn't have confirmation bias they wouldn't act like crazy cooks. They should have invited Scott Adams to kind of make a less hysterical analysis of the emails.
Cernovich isn't a jew. That's a serbian surname.
Look at his fucking eyes, lad. He admits it, but even without him doing so it's obvious.
Good goy
Both of his parents are Croatian. You forget Sup Forums is full of autists who have rarely have any contact with other people outside of their family.
Watch his the truth about George Washington and also The True Cost of war he says he has Scots Irish ancestors, in the True Cost of War he says his mother is a Jew and has reported psychological mindfuck abuse from his mother, very Jewish. In the video about his brother Hugh Molyneux he describes typically Jewish business practises and on his profile on which may or may not be associated it talks about his mother's Jewish nose. He enjoys the company of Jews greatly, he has a nasally kike voice, superhuman verbal acuity and has typical Jewish political autism. Unmistakeable.
He is married to a Greek and has one child.
So, the overwhelming evidence is that he is half-Anglo, half Jewish. The same as Christopher Hitchens for example.
Cernovitch is fucking cancer; not gonna watch it--Vox is a cool guy though.
here is a northern irish politician with molyneux surname like stefs northern irish father
In falsetto nasal voice: "You know when people call me Cernovich Jew
Lots of French moved to Scotland a few hundred years ago my grand father was Scottish but had a French name aka decided from some French dude.
Oh lord, so now these gullible memelords are swallowing the spirit cooking bait too?
also went anti-ESS JAY DUBYAS when GamerGate happened.
his right is in the right place but unfortunately he is kind of an idiot.
haha I didn't know it was THAT bad
jesus what a cuck
>He is married to a Greek and has one child.
How is that even remotely Jewish?
my mother has a french surname Guerin
Because his mother is ethnically Jewish.
A lot of Paddies have Norman names. It doesn't stop them bitching and whining about how the Eeeeeeevil English have been keeping Ireland down.
Anglo hate isn't just an Irish phenomenom.
Every race on earth despises you.
Vox Day lives in Spain and is half Mexican.
How? Seems pretty intelligent to me.
I'm pretty sure I heard Cernovich on periscope said he was trolling people when he said he was jewish.
Voxday is part Indian/native american, I think.
Not too sure about Molyneux.