Thoughts on this show?

I only watch because I’ll eat up any shit that Tim Roth stars in. Love that man.

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I wanted him to have sex with his daughter. They worked well together!

S1 is cool. S2 they made Bond out of him and ruined it.

i liked it, gets pretty bad pretty fast though. right around the time he picks up an assault rifle

>"see this little arc in the mouth means untrustworthy"
>cut to photo of george w. bush making the same face

I’d lick her toes

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I only saw season 1. Didn’t get around to season 2. What do you mean they made him bond?

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s1 was pretty good and creative. s2 becomes too action-y and adds layers of character development that don't really fit the original intention of the show, so it loses its charm

I like how they worked together.
Castle was airing at the same time and Alexis and Castle were like all perfect father-daughtery.
Emily was more rebellious. I liked her.

I want to FUCK Emily

i liked it

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>His father was born with the surname "Smith"; having changed his surname to the often German/Jewish "Roth" in the 1940s, "partly through solidarity with the victims of the Holocaust
Fucking christ I didn't even think cucking on this level was possible.

I really liked it. Parts were cheesy or just downright wrong, but it was entertaining enough. I can understand why it didn't get a season 3.

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Dude I honestly don’t care that the fucker even has a Jew nose. no juden
He’s a fun actor who, though type-cast, often plays patrician characters.

I unironically think The Incredible Hulk is the best capeshit film because of his and Norton's performances.

Season 1 is kino.

Season 2 changes to shit

I want to lick her eyeball

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>watching people at a party
>someone snarls furiously for a whole second before smiling again
>so-sono microexpression ga...