How do we get women back in the home?

How do we get women back in the home?

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we should begin slaving them.. so they will eventually learn their place

drag them

lure them back in with meme magic

lock the doors and windows

chain them to the kitchen sink

done and done

By acting like men. They will naturally follow. It's our fault this happened.

Between erasing the ovarian jew from existence and getting the ovarian jew back in the home (only to backstab you again in a few generations) the choice is obvious.

This. This this this this this. Women WANT to be women, no need to force them even.

Deflate the housing market. Vote Trump. Make consumerism less attractive. Most women are happy to stay at home but right now they can't afford to. Not in the UK anyway.

By making them dress like that again








1. Take away their right to vote and free speech.

2. Have standard education replaced by mandatory "housewife, nursing, sewing and literacy" courses. Women pass based on obedience levels to their teachers. Men who seek marriage will be able to have full access to the information from the school and can see specific incidents that may have occurred. Also mandatory IQ tests.

3. Have mandatory "women studies" course which teaches men from a young age that the two sexes are different and that we must not assume they are of a similar intelligence to ours simply because they look like us. Teach men about the negatives of promiscuity in women and the danger that may occur if society fails to prosper. Also mandatory IQ tests.


By creating a parallel fantasy universe on imageboards in which women exist solely to suck our weenies and not to remind us of our perpetually unattractive permavigin status.

>How do we get women back in the home?
Invent logic based door handle locks so they can't get out.


more importantly, why does that thumbnail look like she's putting "her" dick in the bowl

4. Tax families who refuse to marry off their daughter past the age of 16 and increase this tax by 10% every year. When the daughter reaches age 25, her father is sentenced to life in prison and the mother and daughter are sent to the church to become nuns.

5. Tax high IQ men who refuse to marry past the age of 30. This increases until the age of 45 when he is sentenced to life in prison.




This is the closest thing to anime I've seen in western drawings.

Shock collars


2 and 3 are unnecessary. All you need is heavy social/economic ostracism for any women who reject their role as housewife. It worked for thousands of years.



In this economy, I have no choice to be in the home. I come from a poor family so I have to work.

I think the only women that are able to stay at home are the extremely attractive ones that rich men take care of. Ugly girls have to fend for themselves.



Bring back the single salary household
Raise men's salaries and have act like men again
Women don't wanna work but feel like they have to otherwise they'll be looked down on by men and be called lazy
Women are lazy, of course, but it shouldn't be called out unless she's lazy at home too
Tldr they shouldn't work

If anyone wants more 1950s stuff :

You guys are idiots. Let them go to work. Men stay home, home school your kids and red pill them hard. Don't be a fucking beta cuck either, make sure you have dinner ready, clean house, and absolutely FUCK your woman like every day is the last day you're alive. All her friends will be jealous as fuck. This is NOT the same as being a NEET. You are raising the next generation, it's up to us men now because women don't have a clue. Make sure they still pump breast milk, don't use (((formula))). Accept the role reversal with pride, be a real man, learn how to bring in an income at the same time while staying home with the kids with real estate, software dev, or internet marketing.

Throw a naked nigger into the kitchen. Works here.

>not suitable for chubby girls

how to we get women to get blacked at home?

Sup Forums is not a pedo board
go post your pedo NN shit on cripplechan

If a woman cant cook, then she's useless. We need to train women to become good homemakers and take it upon ourselves to make sure they're all good housewives. Also, it gives women a sense of belonging when she is taught a skill which is expected of her by society.

Also 3 is very important when looking at the big picture. Men have always given rights to women towards the end of an empire, and this is inescapable unless we come face to face with the fact that women will ruin society unknowingly if they are given the power to do so. Every man has his inner white knight whether they like that or not.

It's just 50s fashion, you dip. Why would you even bring that up? Are you projecting?


Waste of time trying.
Modern women will burn a boiled egg, they can't cook anything except bloody fairy cakes.

Get a robot to do housework

keep flooding the thread with your pedo shit
that's not normal for a guy to enjoy watching or posting little girl fashion pics
you are fucking cancer

U guys are actually retards and I don't think any of you have wives, children, or let alone a girlfriend. Learn how to fuck.and give multiple orgasms before worrying about this shit. If you're not the best sex of her life, your lady will be tempted to stray, period.

This. Women leaving the workforce effectively solves the unemployment problem and makes sure every man is on an equal footing when it comes to success in the workplace.



>How do you we travel to the past?
You don't.

I agree women need to be trained but shoving them into government-mandated classrooms is not the solution.

The skills of a housewife were traditionally passed down from mother to daughter. Likewise, avoiding whores and other such manly advise was passed down from father to son. I see no reason to abandon this model.

do we*

>leaving women to their own devices
Look where that got us!

an economic catastrophe will do it

Yea, no one was thinking it was pedo shit until you brought it up. Stop projecting, Jacques.

Wanna go out together?

This actually sounds great.
Make Women Great Again!

all your women are now in my harem

We don't. It's all too far gone now. Welcome to the new normal.

>Civilization is crumbling

Where did I say any of that? All I'm saying is that fathers would do a much better job of raising children than politicians.

Men should be the explicit owners of the household and wives should be obedient to their husbands. There. Happy?

Shoving women into classrooms is fucking stupid and will never be a substitution for proper parenting.

Make enough money. Be attractive. Find a woman who wants to stay at home and maintain a house. Just be clear about what you want early...

My wife approves of this post.

As long as the economy is in the shitter, women don't have the luxury of staying home and keeping house. But if a man provides a decent living, most will leave the workplace by choice.

I'd happily get back in the kitchen and look after my man, but feminism fucked me over.


>Deflate the housing market
This. Make it so only one income is necessary for a family






Do you have to spam?

>muh 50's meme
The 50's was the start of it. Women started getting bored because the regular house work was replaced by appliances and kids spent most of their day at school. It's just like how the old rich wives and their daughters were the biggest whores, they had too much free time. The same thing applies to men. The best solution is to
>live off the grid
>have a large garden and some livestock
>don't have a dish washer (laugh if you want but it makes a difference) and generally cut down on the appliances you have
>own a lot of land that needs to be taken care of (keep the man busy and in shape)
>homeschool your kids
It's really that simple, find a happy medium between an agrarian and and post-industrial lifestyle. Unfortunately for most white people, especially Canadians and Americans, these opportunities to go back to this proper way have been slowly being stolen from us as mass third world immigration has increased our population density (which drives up demand and prices for land) along with brought in populations (non-whites) that are more complacent and compliant with big government, banks, and corporations that make this harder than ever to make the dream of having a big happy rural self reliant family a possibility. It's slightly different in Europe but the reasons for immigration are the same, to create a diverse, mixed, multicultural mulatto muddied society in which all these different groups are at each other's throats and so the real arbiters of misery will never be touched with a rough hand(the secular heathen government, the money changing usurious international banks, and the greedy bloated monopolized and globalized corporations.)

>Someone took the time to draw all of this


No user. anime is the closet we've seen to older western drawings/animation

You insolent children will never understand. First off it's covers for these things that moms used to get that had the materials and instructions on how to make those dresses for their daughters (I think, it might just be from a catalog but I think I remember seeing some from my mother's childhood in her stuff). Y' know, back when women were women. Anyway, the artist behind these probably spent a goo 20+ years working for the same company or two drawing these. Every season he'd laboriously draw these cover pieces of art, color them, and then send them up to his boss to get reading for printing. That was probably his life's work and he died a happy man knowing that all those mothers and daughters had those bonding moments that they remembered for the rest of their lives, at the heart of it, having started with HIS drawing.

These threads are always ridiculous. You complain about women lacking traditional values but you're posting in a board that is SWIMMING in images promoting whorish behavior from women. Women respond to what men like so every time you post a whore or comment about how "thicc" some slut is, you are contributing to this problem.

>Sup Forums is one person
>women aren't responsible for their own behavior and are dependent on doing what men want from them
Wow, it sounds like women might be more submissive, emotionally immature, and emotionally driven than men! But wait, my sociology class said women like being whores and that it's men who should have to put up with it and if they don't they're misogynistic? Haha, crazy!

Yeah but the people who openeded this thread are probably less like that. Certain people post in certain threads which means opposite views can coexist on the board.

oh right lets ignore the fact that woman have their facebook filled with pictures of half naked jared leto.
at least we are smart enough to not do it in public eye







You can move to an Islamic country, or better yet appropriate Islam in your precious shithole.


Maybe 1850's, fuck the 1950's, it was already 50 years into the degenerate decadence that changed America forever

Stop being autistic, it's fucking simple.
Keep having kids.
Leave politics out of it entirely, keep your woman happy, be a good husband, and a good father. She will be unable to leave and she won't even realize she is unhappy. She won't have the fucking time.

The only women who want to work are women who live with beta nu-males.

>we meme them going back to the kitchen
Kek wills it!

Putting a lot of pressure on yourself there.

There was an article that I don't care to track down right now, which stated that women were in fact returning to the home to raise their children before going into the work force, an increase of which that the US hasn't seen since the 50s.


Don't be a pussy. I took a strong independent woman and turned her into a housewife because I'm alpha and she acquiesced to my superiority.

>skirt doesn't go over the knee
Wtf, you want them to get raped by muhammed or something?

Fuck, I'm gonna cry now. Will times ever be so wholesome again?

>That sex starved look on the loli