Asian men are increasingly gaining both wealth and status in the United States. We can see this reflected in the partner choices of our women.
Are can we stop our girls from getting YELLOWED?
Asian men are increasingly gaining both wealth and status in the United States. We can see this reflected in the partner choices of our women.
Are can we stop our girls from getting YELLOWED?
i don't fucking care about your women as long as /r/juicyasians is up and running.
>implying your daughter dating an intelligent well spoken western raised Asian kid is a bad thing.
Dude I'm a white guy and I wouldn't care. All my Asian bros are pretty based and hate SJWs more than the average guy. Then again we're all Chads who became buddies through rugby, but I know this thread is going to attract stormfgts which failed with academics, sports and therefore girls
Getting cucked by asian "men" is like the ultimate cucking.
You can't really get lower than that.
Also, asian men are seeing as providers by white women. White men don't want to marry or have a serious relationship with them anymore, just sex, so they fluctuate towards asian providers.
Look at how on every single picture of AM/WW couple, is heavily based on romantic love (oxytocin). So theres that.
>Are can we stop
when are we gonna counter raid asian masculinity pol?
this has gone on for far too long
Start lifting, get a trendy haircut, get some nice clothes and act like you've got your shit together. Then fuck any pussy you want.
dude...Asian men can be fine gentlemen. And they are serious workers, providing for their families.
Not as perfect as the White man but the world has way worse to offer.
And we can retaliate by increasing our efforts with asian women: cute, clean, well educated, gentle, and sometimes with curves (the best ones).
>asian father
>black father
I know which one I'd choose.
I agree but don't think anyone will fall for "i'm a white guy" with that flag.
a yellow and white alliance is fine.
you have other problems faggot
there will be no alliance. Asians are hundreds of millions, the White man is a minority.
Asian"""""masculinity""""" strikes again. Back to plebbit with you, ricedick
>he trusts asians
back to readderddit family. asians have been power hungry as fuck since inception of human life. they will step on your white neck if you give them the chance. been tailing us for far too long
Obvious slide thread
that only means more asian twinks for me
Asian "men" starting these threads are like 5 year olds who want to beat up an adult.
Asian girls love my BWC, deal with it.
>our women
They stopped being yours a long time ago, cuck. They belong to us now.
>1 post by this id
>topic violates sticky
What is wrong with you people?
I thought Asian men used to be the most undesirable race of people among women (much like black women are undesirable to men). If they're gaining social status and pulling in more women from it then good for them. It's not as if they (probably) didn't work hard for it, and every asian I've met who was born in the US has been absolutely bro tier.
But with white girls going yellow bbc will be too. No gook for you
>fat NEETs spend their weekends sitting at home playing vidya and shitposting on here
>typing up screeds about "whores" and why women are evil
>act surprised when the normal girls they should be out hitting on end up going with normie Asian bros
>REEEEEEEEE it's not fair
Sort your fucking lives out.
Pic related. It could have been you.
Asians are bro-tier
A future world with a White-Asian masterrace is a good thing.
shoo, back to the oven
kys riceparasite
More qt asian whores for the hwithe man. There's nothing you can do anyway.
stop sucking up to them you cuckold
asian males are not fine they are back stabbing traitors who will milk your country dry and literally kill you when a chinese war breaks out while still retaining a green card. you're naive and dumb asian males deserve to be oppressed
You are all fucking traitors and hypocrites. All of a sudden white purity doesn't mean shit because you're okay with your sister getting riced by your favorite chinese cartoon artist. You people are pathetic.
It doesn't violate anything in the sticky. I'm not asking why white women are attracted to asian men. I stated that. I am asking what can be done to prevent further race mixing, which is not a barred topic of the sticky, homo.
>britbong mad because we didn't even want his women
> yellow bbc
I'll just cuck the wives tbqh, and then I'll cuck them after.
This same guy from /r/asianmaculinity has been posting these threads on Sup Forums for 10 YEARS. What happened in your life to make you this way?
That's really rich coming from you Tyrone.
I rather have more Asian immigrants whose children integrate very well and espouse western values than gibsmedat dindus.
There's a whole forum on reddit dedicated to the fact that they can't get asian or white women very often.
You cucks are worse than fat women.
Girls think Asian guys are gross
Asians are bro tier generally, I don't mind.
>tfw less likely to be divorced
>tfw you will be married to an asian qt in the near future
>tfw she will worship your howaito penisu
So it's basically Sup Forums but for loser Asian guys?
>Are can we stop
yes first try to learn your language properly
>Pic related. It could have been you.
just bee urself brah, stop being a fagget and man up xD
he has switched tactics tho
I meant a comma there. The blacks will go after the Chinese girls. White guys are just cucks regardless
Asian people + western culture = master race.
See Japan, South Korea, they are the pinacle of peaceful, technologically advanced societies because they combine Asian people with a seriously BLEACHED culture, thanks to them being in the US sphere of influence.
Compare and contrast the brutal nature of Chinese mainland society, where life counts for nothing and toddlers are run over in the street for sport.
Its just a long calculated payback burgers , the japs never 4get
Hey /r/asianmasculinity. I'm not too worried desu. I convinced a Chinese virgin to fly across the world to take my white dick inside her. This bitch literally sieve a months salary to come get some real dick because asian men only have little rice dicks.
If getdoubles ill post pics
What's so bad about an eastern asian and caucasian human mixing, as long as both parents are financially stable?
>can we stop our girls from getting YELLOWED?
first you have to step out from your basement.
at least when white women get YELLOWED it's by the top tier of Asians
dumb sluts will give it up to any nigger for a muh dicking
行 from 北京
they are the descendant of mongolian Gengis Khan
strong genes of strong man he had plenty of women and child
its the genes of victorious man you shouldnt be mad
more like support and be happy for them
no? nothing?
>in a interracial thread
Why am i not surprised
>all Asians are Chinese
opinion discarded
Whats the connection between oxytocin and romantic love? Im curious
wow this is so true. i hate white women now
im gonna start dating asian women instead. this just isnt fair
miscegenation, the kids wont belong anyone. The women will do fine, the males, not so much.
OP I'll give you one thing, at least your threads are more creative than BBC b8s where it's just "How can white men even compete" x1000. These are at least some what entertaining.
>hehe muh dik
Is Sup Forums literally /r9k/?
all asian males are traitorous cold pieces of shit. stop sucking up to them ebcause you watch anime you fat bloated mess
>beta white fgt to autistic to date resorts to mail order uggo from overseas
>thinks he's more alpha than the rest of us who are able to pickup cuties here
You're a fucking disgrace as a man.
Your average woman is a 6 at max so who cares
The westernization is weird. As an American economics buff, i think the limbo Korea is in culturally is not going to last for more than a few generations.
kill yourself
t. asian male raised by americans
you spam this shit for 4 years with these antagonizing titles everyday and still get worked up in your own b8 threads.
lmao if pol raided asian masculinity as much as you raid us. we would have created like 10000 asian highschool shooters
theres so much wmaf cuck shit on the internet. we wouldnt even have to use words. just dump content that your own women created
oxytocin is the bonding hormone. Its hard for me to link everything right now b/c im on mobile.
Search for this stuff on google. There is a ton of material to read on this stuff. Pretty interesting for people that like the subject, and there is a ton of "redpills" on this stuff.
>4 years
Try 5.
Women are in the majority, so either you up your game and have more menages, or the surplus goes to the Asians and lesbians.
a raid of /r/asianmasculinity would be hilarious. could have expats who create new material, and Sup Forumsacks who post it on /r/asianmasculinity
>country is literally irrelevant
Into the trash you go!
No you can't, Asians are better than you in every way.
WMAF are a toxic combination to produce offspring. The kids are almost always fucked in the head.
They lack the disciplined upbringing of an asian father and will cling to their asian identity (due to the recessive nature of white genetics and the shaming of white pride in white countries) while internalizing a self-loathing complex of asian females always preferring white men, seeing that growing up their entire lives. Their father becomes a daily reminder that their females have abandoned them, and thus they go full Elliot Rodger mode.
Someone is mad kek
WTF i love asian men now
>that wink at the end
it honestly amazes me how much shit posting asian males do on this website
they're like shit posting machines. they just dont stop. unrelenting shit posting
Are you retarded? Sup Forums is supposed to be a white nationalist board so when I see pro WMAF all over the place along side non-white-maleWF it just says to me that you're all in fact insecure /r9k/ betas. Maybe it's because I have a girlfriend that I realize this but you wouldn't be so triggered over WF interracial cuck threads on Sup Forums if you were regularly getting laid.
I literally don't care.
I don't think most people care if women have stable monogamous relationships with successful men.
Don't even use expats, just post pictures of white guys with asian women.
desu, i think this is the one two things worthwhile to take from r/asiamasculinity dialogue. that and the linked research on affirmative action and other quota systems.
How can whites compete?
As long as the immigration is limited to a reasonable amount, they don't pose a threat. And their high iq probably just benefits our society in small quantities.
Besides, if we go to war, we can just put them in camps again like we did in WWII.
Straya knows.
They are the biggest threat after kikes
>people still think Elliot Rodger died because of his race
He was an imbecile that died for nothing and could have solved his problem by lifting.
He had MASSIVE insecurities about his racial identity. You can see them in his manifesto.
Naturally, that's not the only factor to why he became such a little monster, but it certainly got the ball rolling.
elliott was actually decent looking. his problem was mental illness, specifically narcissism.
you're a complete cuckold mate
asian males make more money than you in your own country....
that isnt normal. there is very few examples of that happening throughout history anywhere. infact the only other race who managed to trick white people into allowing that dynamic to play out is the eternal jew
stop sucking their tiny little dicks because you like anime. you stupid fat incile american piece of shit
>Indian American: $101,591
Well fuck, looks like our girls are gonna get POOED
>Are can we stop our girls from getting YELLOWED?
Why are losers like you always ranting about this on here?
My fiance is from Taiwan and we have an 18 month old son together. I have never heard a single person make comments like this in person.
at least i dont have to see niggers, gooks, mudshits and liberals on the streets
OP is from /r/asianmasculinity. It's basically like /r9k/ except they blame being wizards on white people.
>roleplaying as a white chick with a little halfie ricelette
That's a shitpost too far, Canada.
at least they aren't niggers