>I mean, this world is really turning to hell. just as planned right
Leo Reed
>We just call things funny names, that’s all. ALL A (((COINCIDENCE))) GOY
Parker Diaz
I told all you /x/ faggots it didn't matter true or not, you were going to make us look like fucking idiots.
Noooo, I'm a CTR shill if I don't see ethnic child pussy in "pizza" and "hotdogs".
Yo fucking loli/anime degenerates and Reddit LARPers need to fuck off. We've been doing so well until you cocksuckers showed up.
Logan Foster
first the meme warfare piece now this.
do they have an intern lurking Sup Forums?
Caleb King
It's turning to hell because the three Jew derived religions are making it that way. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are destructive cults that need to be destroyed.
Cameron Collins
Attention Redditors:
you faggots LARPed so hard fucking Wikileaks took the bait and now they look fucking dumb too.
Mason Hill
Aaron Baker
This is such a strange reaction
William Ramirez
>Destroy Jewish traditions and cultures >He must be a Jew
FUCK off kike. Your mythology is the main cause of our problems in the West.
Anthony Russell
It should be but it's getting slid hard as fuck.
Adam Ward
This has done more to effect actual voters than all the corruption you autists have come up with.
Mexicans and blacks rival each other for most superstitious and religious people on the planet.
>voodoo >santaria
Just roll with it, and keep doing what you're doing. Especially since the Satanic rituals are real and are normal in the elite circles.
Nolan Carter
>I told all you /x/ faggots it didn't matter true or not, you were going to make us look like fucking idiots.
You have to realise that Sup Forums is filled with fucking idiots. That's why they started parroting this embarrassing shit so quickly, egged on by CTR.
Blake Perez
>t.chaim.goldblum This has been the line of the non believing satanic jew since the beginning of time.
On the off chance that you are actually a gentile, you took the bait.
Ryan Bennett
Those quotes read as if a liar said them.
Brody Smith
I'm not sure if you have some sort of brain damage or if you're just really stupid, but for the last time, IT DOESN'T MATTER IF IT'S ACTUALLY SATANIC RITUALS AND SHIT. The controversy isn't that she's a fucking witch you dumb fuck, it's that high ranking democrats are implicated in emails that they drink blood, semen and breast milk as some form of "performance art". That's disgusting and revolting to pretty much any sane person, regardless if any of the occult shit is true or not.
The fact that minorities tend to be very religious and supersticious and all of this stuff that can easily be interpreted as occult / satanic creeps them the fuck out is just a bonus.
Ryan Ward
This is stupid bullshit meant to distract from Clinton corruption. They are criminals who sell American goverment access nothing more.
it doesn't matter the NYPD are on it. Cool your tits
Alexander Cooper
demons always come back to fuck over their summoners.
Justin Hernandez
t. A fucking retard
Kevin Hill
Shut up satanist cuck.
Jaxon Myers
someone replace jew with satanist in goebbel's quote about naming the jew
Henry Rogers
Clearly she's lying, in their vows to their secret societies they swear to lie and deceive if their arcane arts are ever exposed, She is only doing the atypical response to this, and because it fits the MSM's narrative of trying to get Clinton in the White House.
Don't be fooled by her, Spirituality is not inherently "holy" or "good" but rather spirits and spiritualist/occultist can embody evil aspects in their spirituality.
This occult stuff is important, as it is key in why these people are doing what they're doing, both with children and their political lives.
Starting soon, I will create a Sup Forums task-force meant to dig deeper into the people involved with this Clinton Conspiracy, particularly the pedophile/occult stuff, and focus on rooting out the second tier puppet-masters.
It might not be vital for the election, but it's critical for the survival of Christendom, the West and all people of the Earth who strive for good and justice.
We will not go quietly, we will fight back with what we can against the Fallen Ones and their deceived flock.
Juan Collins
>Defends Jewish mythology >Not a Jew
Eat foreskin, kike.
Daniel Smith
It's obvious her answer was written up by Podesta and team.
All the annons saying this is distracting from the corruption narrative, this adds another layer her MORAL CORRUPTION! this speaks to voters fears at a deep subconscious level, framing Hillary with words like blood and ritual is extremely persuasive!
Nicholas Ramirez
pizza and hotdogs completely unreletade to abramowitch being an occultist
Thomas Perry
It would have been good ammo to redpill niggers and spics if it had come out a few weeks ago