When a female politician were talking about Hillary's ties to that Satanist woman! THEY TURNED IT OFF!!! THEY DID IT AGAIN LADS!!!
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Link ya twat you know the deal
I saw it on T.V, they turned switched to commercials right after. I have no idea how to access it again.
Maybe someone recorded it.
You were just imagining things. You didn't see anything. In five seconds, you won't even remember watching MSNBC.
I was hoping someone else saw that. She was linking Clinton to Satanism and they cut her off.
Bumping for hopeful jewtube upload
Bampuu. Chris cuomo needs a meme buddy.
She was embarrassing herself with Sup Forums memes.
Her getting cut off was the best thing to happen to her, tbqh
>turned it off
Silly goy you mean they SHUT IT DOWN
>implying you can't control the content of the TV station you paid for with your money
literally get off Sup Forums and send a letter to MSNBC headquarters at 30 rock. tell them how you feel about this. use as much detail as possible. tell them how you feel about their editorial process.
MSNBC embarrassing themselves by not being able to BTFO a sperglord, instead resorting to cut away.
No link?
Not yet. Seeing if someone recorded.
post link you fucktard
all i have is this sextape of your mom
How long ago was it?
>free speech only applies to opinions I approve of
I have a link but you cant have it.
ohh nose
I'm sorry, Pavel. How many lashes this time?
God they're pussies. Just admit it, they are friends with lady Gaga of the art world who probably practices some trendy Magick on her free time. Havent there been plenty of music artists into questionable shit associated with political figures? Avoiding it the way the media did yesterday makes it seem more shady to all the people that really want to know what it was about.
It's Paweł, learn to spell his name correctly, you racist.
all of them! And you must go watch our propaga- I mean EDUCATIONAL move about poor Syrian refugees, mr Shlomo said that!
And for the best results, cut off your dick!
Bruce, er det dig?
I'll just kill myself and be done with it, ok?
bamp gib lonk plz
How dare you even thinking about it
if you kill yourself, who will work for those poor jamals and ahmeds that come into your country in search of gibs?
1. It's not Hillary's ties, it's maybe podesta ties (we don't even know if he attended or not)
2. It's disgusting and grotesque avant-garde art with satanic themes (which is disgusting, but not harmful), not legit cult satanism
So it's blak magic vs meme magic? Who will win?
Who's that old lady?
Her transition is going surprisingly well.
hello synagogue of satan
meme magic, we have more mana
nothing, he has nothing !
Nice try, fake Poland.
No video?
You go girl, correct That record!
How great would it be that the thing that brings down Clinton and the left is not corruption, incompetence or untrustworthiness; but links to Satanism?
That would blow my mind as the wild card