Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better.
Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better
pick one. You're exactly who you're supposed to be. If you're ugly, blame your ancestors.
Because the Western world is dying. Having more sex does not mean anything if you are not having kids and spreading your genes to the next generation.
The whole Western world has gone mad. This constant consumerism and hedonism will be the death of us.
what a hoe
Girls on Tinder = free whores
this is why you don't have a gf
I am reading the quran now so that I can enjoy that later in life.
I am married.
Because there are more important things than chasing women.
Once you've poked a few dozen holes it's essentially a waste of time.
>I feel so insecure that the lives of others are affecting my life
thats great buddy
Because I don't want to get AIDS
Yes goy, white men can get HIV from putting their penis in a woman's vagina. It's true!
I don't get the point of your post, unless it's a slide shitpost.
I'm mentally ill
Girls like in OP are a waste of time.
Lmao if you jump through hoops to try to bed one when you coukd be at home laughing at funny frog picture.
>muh sex
>i fucked some drunk hoe from a smartphone app
OP is a low self esteem faggot HAHAHAHAH
Well the chances of that are low, but venereal diseases are are different story, high risk, no symptoms, leads to many problems if undetected.
if girls visit my home or read my linkedin they quickly realise im worth a million dollars easily and they want to get pregnant by me
i dont want to get anyone pregnant at the moment
so i practice jerking off and fucking prostitutes
Christ almighty are there any bonnie girls who aren't completely dildo slaggins of slag end
Squeeze some lemon juice into the tip of the condom and you'll be fine.
it's 6+/10 as 6/10 girls can get 8-9/10 guys easily.
and girls that are 8+/10 only go for 10/10 guys. Women think they're better than they really are all the time.
Who else /just doesn't care/ here?
Does this end with sauce?
I want sluthate to leave
Because I don't have a real interest in people.
Me. Gave up hope of having sex ages ago. I'm decent looking and healthy physically, just too awkward and anxious
Who kissless virgin here?
>he doesn't know about genetic recombination
look at brad pitt, then look at his brother
look at ashley kutcher, look at his brother...
life = lottery
>fuck people all around the world
Is this what "youth" is?
Legit lmfao.
Words cannot explain how much I hate you pathetic, "iron pill" scum. The entire "muh degeneracy" argument is basically summed up by the fact that ALL OF YOU missed out on underage drinking, smoking weed, lots of sex and drug use, basically things that ALL NORMAL PEOPLE HAD GROWING UP.
It's HILARIOUS how a sizeable group of young "men" have started "promoting" VICTORIAN ERA MORALITY as an excuse for why they're virgins at the age of 25. LMFAO. Just admit it, you're an UNWANTED INCEL. Instead, you spastics LITERALLY FORCE YOURSELVES to fucking ROLEPLAY as straight-edge Christians (as in ANY normal people are religious these days lmfao) as an excuse as to why you can't get laid with normal girls.LMFAO. It's EMBARRASSNIG.
Like your whole post LMFAO
I want Sluthate to leave.
>I'm better than you because I've had sex
Pls just Kys
Its just a tool so Chad can swipe trough and make direct contact with a qt he decided to ram that night, saves him time walikg around clubs and bars looking for a worthy cumsack, it also enables beta males to look at all that pussy they never have or to find a girl to orbit around.
Don't get me wrong m8, I've slain pussy in my lifetime. It just isn't worth it. I recommend you try it, but it's really nothing. You are just a victim of this hypersexualized society. Hold out for someone you find worthy. Whores make you insane.
Most degenerate video I've seen in a while.
She only fuck two people and two aryan men btw this commercial is actually not that bad.
Yeah I know what you mean. It's the way society looks at virgins that annoys me. Why the fuck do people care about sex that much?
Pretty face, but she's kinda skinny.
I've had sex with a couple of girls before, but now I don't give enough fucks to bother going after more. It's not that special.
>the genetic lottery
pretty good actually
>Money lottery
I dont even have a ticked m8, and without money today is nearly impossible to get an 7.5+/10
>Is that what "youth" is?
You got REJECTED by women, and acted like it was your "own choice" (FUCKING LMAO) despite the fact that you LUSTED after these girls for your ENTIRE LIFE. LMFAO.
Sure, go ahead, post your retarded, ridiculous fucking "christian" morality (and also realise - even the most ARDENT of christfags aren't retarded enough to ACTUALLY BELIEVE THAT BULLSHIT LMFAO), act like you "saved yourself", when in reality you're NOTHING more than a pathetic incel who didn't make the GENETIC CUT needed to be attractive to women, so instead you spent your youth bitching on Sup Forums. Lmfao.
Let's be real. You aren't disgusted by "degenerate sluts". They're disgusted by YOU. You pretending to hate them is just a ridiculous, hilariously pathetic COPING MECHANISM you use to act like you're "going your own way" without realising you've been SENT there, by women.
You're wrong, my wake-up call was when I had to get tested because some slut called me because she had the clap (didn't get it thank god). I realised that the lifestyle is disgusting, the people are disgusting and the fact that there is no shame that she couldn't even come to a conclusion who she got it from is DISGUSTING.
mfw ashton kutcher brother is one ugly mother fucker
Sex is literally life you faggot grow some balls
When you've spent so much time alone that you start infinitesimally categorizing why other men are better than you down to the wrist size, you know you're truly pathetic.
Successful people just take risks and do things, instead of autistically categorizing.
You bring some valid points, but the way you capitalize words makes your post look like it's written by a retard.
Who are you talking to? I've had different women every single day of the week, no hyperbole. You faggots are pathetic if I, a socially anxious engineer, can snag beautiful women even though I'm a 6/10
It's become social capital. Anything to distract you from accumulating actual wealth such as;
1. Family
2. Friends you can work with and depend on
3. Useful skills
4. Real estate
9/10 girls I date do drugs, can't cook and have no plans for the future. At this age (late 20s) I find all the post-adolescent behavior unattractive to say the least.
Whatever you say Karim. If I ever get curious I can always just pay an escort but it doesn't interest me
are you alright mr bong? is there something you wanna talk about?
they still both have their parents' genes you mong
one of them just got shitty ones
I've been in relationships and actually prefer being single and having time for vidya and shitposting
is that weird?
>Why the fuck do people care about sex that much?
Because it's our genetic drive to reproduce, faggot
I'm too dumb for women.
sauce on pic fag
there is more to life than fucking degenerate sluts
the western world is dying bruh
He's the resident dude from Sluthate.
Projecting much?
Doesn't explain casual sex. Also I don't want sprogs
But you know what OP? I'll tell you my secret, even though I'm a 6/10 I act like I'm a 10/10 and that the women around me are ugly as fuck and they need me. You know why they need me? Because I'm fucking awesome and those pretty boys are fucking shit compared to my presense. If you internalize and externalize this last sentence, you will be successful
>tinder plus
wow, western civilization is really going to die
You're a fag.
>posts on pol
>assumes most people are having fun and sex
yeah sure britbong, ive lived long enough to know thats bs
You're trying too hard
w-will you be my friend?
>Women think they're better than they really are all the time
This. Tell them a single home truth and watch them get absolutely buttmad as fuck.
>Doesn't explain casual sex
It's still the same physical function, we're just interfering with the result
We are like punished snake, heroes who dont wear capes, they hate us cause we can take it
This, all day long.
At uni I don't even fuck with people unless I'm working with them or they break the ice and talk to me first.
But I'd still never socialize outside of class with any of them anyways
t. 30 with no friends because I realized people are shit and feel better without them
Are you seriously denying alpha genetics theory?
Chad doesn't have to do SHIT. He's worshiped BECAUSE OF HIS GENETICS. Chad literally walks into a room, says "Hey" in his DEEP, BASSY VOICE and women SWOON. The same shit guys like us spend WEEKS working for, Chad gets in SECONDS.
LMFAO at you denying the fact that YES, there are people who are absolute GODS, and others (99% of the male population) are ABSOLUTE GENETIC SHIT. Non-Chad men are COMPLETELY FUCKING INVISIBLE to women. Chad's power LITERALLY INFATUATES GIRLS TO THE POINT WHERE THEY DON'T WANT TO LIVE WITHOUT HIM.
Just look at pic related. Let in burn into your soul. Neither one of these guys works harder than the other, yet the guy on the left is INVISIBLE in comparison to that god on the right.
Why is one SO MUCH BETTER that the other, literally has a more aesthetic SKELETON, has INSANE bones in his face, a full head of hair, massive wrists, and ON and ON and ON?!
FUCKING GENETICS!!!!!! Attraction is DETERMINED ENTIRELY BY GENETICS. Your GENETICS are what matter. Not your "accomplishments", not your "game", not your carefully preserved physique - your GENETICS.
Don't EVER fucking deny that. Don't you DARE forget your place. We are literally INSECTS in comparison to Chad.
Not going to mean a damn thing when you consider we all have the same end. We're just corpses. No matter what we do, no matter how we choose to live our lives, in the end we all decompose the same way.
I currently have tremendous hatred in my heart, probably because I browse boards like this. I'm probably too cynical, but the world is a fucked up place with no escape beyond suicide. It doesn't matter if you're wasting your time posting on some message board with a bunch of sad, pathetic losers or wasting your time plowing some neurotic, insecure fuck buddy with tremendous baggage, in the end we're all ending up in the same place, absolutely no where.
>w-will you be my friend?
I would, if I weren't a paranoid shut in.
You're embarassing yourself.
good for you getting yourself out of it
While this is retarded b8 i'll bite.
You're not taking into account that a lot of females have self esteem issues and chads like me are unapproachable to them and they are uncomfortable with us. I've literally been told by GF's that they don't want to see me anymore because they are simply afraid I will leave them for a prettier girl and don't want to waste their time. I've never cheated on a girl either so I don't have that kind of reputation.
>gf is getting cucked as we speak.
At what point did you realized anime girls was the ultimate redpill?
Find me a real girl whiter than this.
no thanks. the problem is the rest of the world, not me.
Here's a little story, might just expose myself to other anons from my town that browse Sup Forums but fuck it (it's short anyway).
Have a friend used to obsess about losing his virginity, he was kind of a cool guy but lost his shit after a few years of Art academy (we have liberal bastions here too).
He had this oneitis from school he used to obsess over but could never do anything aside from writing her poems and shit lol.
Fast forward through years of this bullshit, he is now 30 and finally hooks up with an older girl on twitter and goes to visit her abroad.
Keep in mind at this point he was the ultimate white knight faggot that thought of sex as something sacred.
So he ends up fucking her, goes home. Decides to get tested.
Bitch gave him every disease short of AIDS/syphilis. Even fucking ticks because she kept dogs in the house. Shit was hilarious.
That's what happens when you put the pussy on a pedestal.
all chads should give proof imo
Sorry faggot. Take it or leave it.
Who the fuck would want to have any kind of a relationship with a whore like that? No, really.
Sexual relationship? Enjoy your STDs.
Girlfriend? Enjoy getting cheated on.
Marriage? Enjoy your divorce.
Christ I fucking hate Tinder. A whole generation of women have been irreparably ruined. Fuck women. Thank Christ I realised how despicable these creatures are so I could avoid ruining my life by letting one get her hooks into me.
Im a tall and good looking guy that had women approach him but how people can enjoy promiscuous sex and slutting around is beyond me, all I went is a qt white girls with blonde hair and blue eyes to marry and start a family with and have lots of nordic babies
>I've literally been told by GF's that they don't want to see me anymore because they are simply afraid I will leave them for a prettier girl
Quite the fantasy you've concocted for yourself there.
Never kissed
Everyone knows this guys is right
No its not. If you think all there is to life is to empty your nuts in a warm biological hole then you are either a nigger or a dog.
I'm in a relationship and have plenty of time for vidya and shitposting.
That vacation didn't look very fun
>looked at things
>took pictures of herself in front of things
>ate food twice
>drank alcohol
>fuck some guy..or different guys? I couldn't tell
The only interesting part was the camel riding, but who the fuck wants to vacation in turkey?
Most of the time people only date someone to 'show off' and improve their social standing with an attractive partner.
The sex is pretty much the same, I've fucken 10's and 3's and there's not much difference sadly. What makes the difference is the structure of their vagina, ie how naturally wide it is. Then you have to worry about finding a roast beef sandwich, so I completely understand the female circumcision meme the Muslims are pushing.
Done with bitches though, not worth the effort to wine and dine an entitled cunt for an extended length of time just for a half hour of passion.
CTR distraction number 12
FFS Sup Forums don't indulge their nonsense
This world needs some purging.
It's a fucking commercial
The sex and children that society pushes are merely spooks.
You have the choice to do whatever the fuck you want in this life and trying to be a normie is about the dumbest.
And when did this become /pol9k/?
Hugh Hefner lost his V-Card at 22
The internet has made people weak by allowing people to not only second guess themselves but by allowing other people to second guess them and creating a whole load of bs rationalization.
If only the good guys won both world wars
I think my problem is that all my relationships have been pretty shit. Hopefully I'll meet someone I actually like one day. Although I'm kind of at the point where I hate dating and going out, so I don't know how it's going to work out.