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Ant dindu nuffin
he's the jimmy saville of our generation
This dude is a fascinating case study in media manipulation. He's blatantly been on a cocaine and shemale hooker rampage, but his PR team have spun it as "prescription painkiller addiction" and they've been allowed to get away with it by the shit newspapers (Sun, etc) because Ant and Dec are like the goose that lays the golden egg - if you grass up either of them, you lose your journalistic access to bullshit leaks about I'm A Celebrity contestants and so on. So everyone's pretending this guy injured his knee and got a bit too fond of codeine. It's bizarre.
where do you get the hooker bit?
They've been married for 12 years, she's as fat as a pig and they have no children. Summat's up.
Did he make a pass at Willoughby?
>let the Ant see the door
*jumps in your grave*
didn't he used to be a magician? he has the second most punchable face in the world
Don't trust all this bullshit please. He was just drunk and many men when they are drunk they just wanna fuck and act stupidly. He's not a raper and he never took any woman with force. Even the most hardcore story about him is told by a girl who is still in contact with him and still laughing about it... (Him throwing beches and TV, searching for her in the wood with the car, etc)
And actually the scandal came out from a girl who has some psychological problems, and have a not so good reputation about man/woman relationship
A woman should know how to say no to a drunk man, or at least avoid getting drunk and losing control if she can't deal with it...
I don't wanna defend him but I know the facts and I know Ant... I could tell all the good and many bad things about him but I will not because it's my experience and my personal hopinions....He's not that angel kind of a man and perfect man, but definetly he's not a raper...
He's good at manipulating and talking and catching your attention, but I know many girls who had no problem about saying to him "NO!" even when he was wasted by alchool and insistin a lot...
all this metoo things have to be taken paying much more attention.... Journalist are using this thing, it''s a trend and women are using as well... sometimes it's like a witch hunting....
ps. bytheway the fact that somebody is a bad person should not influence the way we see and appreciate his art.... this is an "antifascist" way of thinking which actually is fascist... Like burning books, burning Mein Kampf... what the fuck....
Personally for example i like a couple of tracks by Burzum, which is an asshole/nazist/, against jews, black people etc, who was planning to make some kind of terrorist action etc etc.... Ok he's a shit of person, but i don't care, I listen to his tracks.... same with Charles Manson..... same with Lina Riefenstahl's Triumph des Willens
I know he was a citv presenter for a while.
johnny vaughan used to introduce him as "shamed blue peter presenter richard bacon" on the big breakfast.
Ant you really need to quit the booze pal
>It's a Power Rangers episode
hasn't keith lemon been making passes at willoughby every day for the past decade?
he'd get nowhere. Schofield would stab him
What the fuck is this
mental illness
>it's a back to back Beast Wars airing
>it's a 'Ant and Dec are hungover from the previous night and are barely holding back the urge to call the kids dumb fucks for suggesting non rhyming answers' episode
why were dick and dom never as successful lads, is there now a gap in the market for the true power pairing?
ironically he's had a better career than most ex-Blue Peter presenters
I can only assume this bell-end has the absolute most punchable face in the world
Maybe James Corden too
they're tied for third. #1 goes to pic related
He'll end up back in Byker if he keeps going
He was fucking Amanda Holden apparently, not shemale hookers. I guess it could have been both...
half the UK is on coke nowadays so would it really be such a big deal
What he did was just stupid for a children's tv presenter. But not that bad in the grand scheme of things.
Please God
biggest producer of medical weed too but guess what also gets you arrested
Was watching GMB this week and according some tabloid wanker there's a video of Ant ranting at his mum in the car but I can't find it on Youtube.
PJ and Drunken
How does Susanna put up with co-hosting with that cunt every?
Is this gimp wearing two different shades of navy
Imagine how uninteresting she'd be if he weren't there. Her fixed grin and his obnoxiousness are a double act intentionally modelled on Ron Burgundy and Veronica Corningstone.
Never known a more perfect milf.
They'll have to beat the real power duo first
No, it's just the low angle lighting on his trousers.
Have we got an Ant JUST picture yet?
Imagine them spit-roasting an 8-year-old. To me, to you...
The trick is she's a cunt as well.
but it was already too late...
Barry Chuckle looks so much like an anti-semitic caricature he probably isn't allowed to travel to Israel, the idea of him saying this is hilarious.
Oh dear, oh dear
i was expecting the chuckles to be involved in operation yewtree but was disappointed. I imagined them double teaming some underaged girl while doing their "to you, to me" bit
well fug, that'll teach me to post before refreshing the thread
I have to believe that some men are pure.
getting deep dicked by some young stud leaves her with a smile on her face each morning
I've had so many morning wanks over her
I have some of his magic sets at home still
What the fuck
This is by far the strangest written post I've seen on here and that's saying something
Didn't know they had WiFi in Rehab, get well soon Ant mate
I know Dec. The papz were knocking on my door today asking questions and I don't have a fucking clue how they got my address.
I want her to lift up that dress of hers and urinate in my mouth
That's because you were the one doing the drunk driving, Ant