The people that are saying Russia has any chance against NATO, are you out of your mind? NATO is tens of times stronger, more united and more powerful. USA alone can take care of Russia, but together with NATO, we are the strongest alliance that ever existed on earth. LONG LIVE NATO!

Other urls found in this thread:

I will desert in case of war with Russia

>more united
>bunch of countries are more united than one country
>shitload of leaders that can decide on what to do when someone attacks
>more united than a one country with one leader

Yes, USA could beat Russia in conventional war which can't happen. But NATO is a paper tiger where its main power is USA and nothing else.

This guy got it right.
Listen to him, amerisharts.

You forgot china buddy

I would defect to Russia

If the entirety of NATO was fighting Russia than you might as well put China on the Russian side.

fuck europe were going to leave all those losers high and dry and team up with russia.

it will be funny watching denmark to finalnd try and act like they have amilitary as they get steamrolled.

I hope you are not unironically supporting (((nato))) you fucking autist
Your ancestors would be ashamed of you


No one seriously compares Russia to NATO.



I know hahaha, lol!

No it isnt. Go back to school malaka faggot. Not all countries get involved when NATO goes to war. Greece didn't take part in the Serbian bombing. Turkey turned on NATO because they didn't want to start war with Russia. NATOs armies are also full of dick sucking faggots, queers and cucks. The Russians would eat them alive.

Ok, so all NATO has to do to beat Russia is to use their superior forces to destroy their military. And of course hope that the russians don't just NUKE EVERY FUCKING NATO CITY WHEN THEY REALIZE THEY ARE LOSING.

Military superiority is completely irrelevant in a war between two nuclear superpowers.

Wow UK is shit btw.

>more united
yea right

>actually being able to fight Russia for long periods of time
Don't underestimate Russia budddy

It has a pretty good army for an economy the size of Italy. Comparing it to the combined forces of Nato is just ridiculous, just like comparing any individual nation to USA

That's why we have a missile defence system, so mr. Pooten can suck our lil cock!

You mean: China, India, Best Korea, most countries with a Stan in it, Iran, Philies,...
As well as counting Turkey out as they would not give two shits about a war with Russia.

The willingness to fight in a war against Russia would probably be minimal due to cowardly millenials and the void of reason for the war in countries like, say, France or so, who would face major opposition in the case of war.

In the end, it would be Russia and Allies vs. US and bootlicks (ie former Soviet butthurt morons).
The US would have no chance of a land invasion of Russia, due to the climate and size. Not to forget, Russia is modernizing it's military, realizing that numbers alone don't win wars.

But in the end, do you know what world war means? Nuclear destruction of the Norther (developed) world while niggers would become the absolute majority on the planet as no one would fuck with Africa.

That's because 3/4 of their citizens are living in complete poverty, there are many houses at villages in Russia that don't even have in-door toilets, lol! Meanwhile Gr8 Holy Leader Putin wastes money on military to try to look strong xDD

NATO is 3/4 faggot and/or trans.. they'll be fucking each other in foxholes, tanks and tents and wont give a shit about combat..Russia has easy victory

>NATO vs Russia
>conventional war

You havin a giggle? Any war between NATO and Russia would quickly escalate to nukes.

Russia has superior missle defense and offensive technology. Russia wins a nuke war vs NATO.


How about we make an alliance and invade Africa and take what's left from that land for ourselves both USA and Russia also suck all the oil from Middle East?

this desu

don't forget duterte and india. india is too close to russia and china to be out of there sphere of influence

You do know Russia has the largest arsenal of nukes on the planet?
It is pointless, even if you'd intercept 90% of them, enough would be left to level every NATO city with a population larger than 400.000

China will take Syberia by they own.

Οχι kάλα, αράπης

Oh no, a gif of a flanker, how can americans even compete?!

How about with far superior training and technology.

>Nato will be in Moscow before christmas

I'd fight on the Russian side if (a war between Russia and France or Nato) were ever to occur. Nato is a symbol of american imperialism.

I love this pro-NATO pics. They never put artillery, MRLS and anti aircraft in it (guess why).

>Implying any NATO Army besides the U.S and Britbongs has any teeth.

No one is going to win WW3

NATO has more aircraft, soldiers and ships

Russia has larger stocks and more powerfull nukes along with anti satellite technology.

Wait, aircraft carriers can sail on land already? Welp, it's time to unleash our underground submarines on those Ukrainian plains.

Also nukes. If we crossed into Russia it would go nuclear in an instant, and everyone loses.

>implying greeks get up off their ass for anything.

Oh yeah,those transgender warriors will show those evil Russians who's boss
>muh training n technology
We have lost wars against lesser foes many times
We never took a country like Russia on

Russia ain't the enemy you fucking retard,Hillary is

The important weapon systems are missing, right into the trash this cart goes.

That's not how it works buddy.


Slav niggers are bro tier. Its the literal satanists in our govt that need killin.

It's not like we're actually going to back you Eurofags when Ruskies invade.

honestly i have no idea how one would have the will to watch that red button and click it, knowing that millions will die


Real countries are talking. Go back to the kids table.

>being a commonwealth nation
>Russian ally
Are you fucking retarded?

Good luck trying to shoot down nearly 2000 ICBMs, over half of them MIRVs with up to 16 warheads each, and stopping the nuclear subs

The only winning move is to not play

>implying that WW3 will be fought with conventional weaponry
it\s all about them nukes

10 Satan2s = half of Europe gone.

>Implying there is a red button

You don't need strength, you just need nukes. Haven't you learned anything from North Korea?
The only thing Russia needs is missiles who can fly and hit target.

we know

This is basically just USA vs Ruski, literally no one else has a relevant army.

that's not what paper tiger means.

And yes, NATO is more united, partially because it's basically just US and friends. US strength alone can kick Russia's ass if need be, the other nations will stick around because they enjoy that protection and the relative cost to participate vs. not participating is very low. Russia is a strong united front in theory, but things will go downhill much faster for Russia than for NATO, and that cohesion will shatter.

i hope Russia nukes Israel by """accident"""

Everybody always seems to just compare tech and omit the fact Russians are insane. Have you ever watched a Stalingrad documentary?

>US strength alone can kick Russia's ass
Come on lad, US lost against fucking Vietnam

Go join Montenegro at the kids table sport, the real countries are talking.

And yet we are "about to conquer Europe any moment now".

>a coherent country

pick only one

if the russian army invades germany we will welcome the saviors with open arms.
Don't believe me? Remember the refugees - those people didn't even come with weapons...

>its main power is USA and nothing else
Yeah because you fucking pansy-ass europeans can't do shit.

That can't be further from the truth. I have grandparents who live in Russia and they are a part of the middle class-lower middle class and they have comfortable lives. Only thing to complain about is their Internet speed is like 512kb/s

As an American I don't care that we could outnumber and defeat Russia. I don't want war with Russia.

I'm not even a Putin ass-kisser. Putin has my respect but I find a lot of his policies flawed personally.

That being said I find the push for war with Russia to be utterly senseless.

We don't even have to be best friends. I just want peace with Russia.
If Russia and the USA are to go to war I want it to be as allies against the forces of ISIS and the radical Islamists who dominate most middle eastern nations.

Russia and the USA should stay out of each others' business.

I don't want Russia influencing my life or my country and I don't want the USA strongarming Russia on behalf of NATO.

Imagine the peace and wealth we could create together if we could even form a simple, respectful, peaceful relationship with Russia. Together USA and Russia can share the Arctic Oil and we can become wealthy and increase our prosperity and influence in the world, and escape our dependence on middle eastern oil supplies.

All we need to do is extend an olive branch to Putin that will help him secure the prosperity of Russia and I believe that we in the USA can begin to expand our own prosperity, and that this will extend to Europe as well.

Politically correct bullshit and social justice warriors want to elect a woman who will force Marxist feminist bullshit down Russia's throat though; and I don't want them forcing that garbage on Russia any more than I want them forcing it onto our own people as they already constantly do.

You realize that Indian-Chinese relations are frigid at best, right? They have a territorial dispute, and neither of their countries handles territorial disputes well.

If anything, China would probably be happy to join on the US side to get Russia the fuck out of their backyard (mostly the middle east, but also Siberia and the far east), gain more dominance to seaports, make that sweet American Military-Industrial Complex money, etc.

India would have to be pushed very hard to oppose the US, nothing in it for them. Best Korea, the *Stans are more a liability than anything. Iran is okay, but wouldn't pose any special threat. If you mean Philippines, they are still a major ally, and even post Duterte would probably be on the US side.

Russia is very, very alone in the world. They've driven away most countries that would've been their friends.

This, we neutered Europe after ww2 for a reason. Stay at home euros we got you.

In purely military terms it was very very onesided loss wise, some 60k Americans v 1.3 million. Of course that war's objectives was not a gook kill high score.

I'm an American who has no delusions about war with Russia. So many lives would be lost on both sides; it would be ANYTHING but easy.

Ignore the Greek. Listen to me as a proud American.

I am proud of our military strength and happy it keeps our place in the world secure.

But I do NOT want a senseless war with Russia for which there is absolutely no need.

It's the concentration of force on different battle theatres that will important. I.e. 1000 MBTs will absolutely wreck 500 equally good ones.

But overall from this graph you can clearly see that NATO is an aggressive alliance and Russian doctrine, just like the Soviet, is a defensive one.

Ya, that's gonna be all pretty irrelevant if somebody pushes the red button

Imagine a post nuclear war,where both side somehow survive and stay In power
I should write a book

The US won every significsnt military engagement against the NVA. It was a situation where winning on the battlefield wasn't enough to win the war. If the goal was simply to wipe them out it would have been over in an afternoon.

>They've driven away most countries that would've been their friends.
And what countries would those be?

>Russia has only two allies: its army and navy. (c) Alexander III

This. How do we stop The Eternal American before he plunges the world into another bloody war?

argument destroyed instantly when nuclear weapons are involved.


Just that is enough to change the balance in any war. Russia is now cappable to wipe out france in one shot and there is nothing that EU can do.

>implying number of active soldiers will matter once nuclear warheads start flying
WW3 will never end without the use of nuclear weapons
Me too

The US failed to hold positions against enemies in swampland backed up by an endless supply of Chinese soldiers and additional support from the Soviet Union at its peak. It's a nice meme, but it's not "lol big country loses to little country" simple.

>And what countries would those be?
Well, see whatever countries people are proposing want to fight the US itt.

Badass quote though, Russiabro. Really wish Russia would get its shit together, stop trying to repeat the glory days and become the Super-Canada we all know you can be.

Oy Russkies. Cyka Blyat, can we just be comerades?

I want Trump to win so we can leave you the fuck alone. Maybe we can even get a good scam going. While we both take oil from "international treaty UN lands" or some bullshit like that, you can have Putin pretend to get aggressive sometimes whenever NATO decides they don't want to pay our soldiers' salaries and pensions. And then suddenly when you scare them, we can just say "sure we will protect you Euros but you will pay for it." And then we can kick back some of the profits to you guys. It's genius right?

Russia has something like 7,000 nukes. It has more nukes than usa and uk combined.
This makes any kind of discussion irrelevant.

Neither Russia nor the US will use nukes in a conventional war, if ayone does they will wipe out both their countries.

Nukes will only be used as last resort when one side is being invaded and losing.

Are you people stupid?

also their nukes and launch system are new, unlike the US' which dates back to the 60s.

Both the USA and Russia have enough nukes to wipe out all life on land on earth.

To squabble over who has more is pointless.

No one hits Russia without paying the price and the same goes for the USA.

That's all that matters.

Nobody cares about who will "win" this war, because if it happens it will end in a nuclear exchange and there won't be any winner.

Yeah but that makes conventional war limited in scope. One side could gain advantage and then negotiate from a position of strength.
Russia can't lose, neither can USA or other nuclear powers for that matter.

why doesnt have it happened yet then oh wait they have nukes the ultimate weapon to defend sovereignty until the missle defence system is watertighgt a major war wont happen with russia

Our shitty silos are outdated yes but our nuclear missile subs are top of the line and that's all that matters. Silos are way too vulnerable and are nothing more than a dick measuring contest.

In today's nuclear warfare the only thing that truly matters are nuclear subs. And both the USA and Russia have them standing by. And no one knows where they are except the people on board. Period.
You could capture the President of the United States and torture him, and even if he gave up everything, he couldn't tell you where our nuclear subs are. Even the President doesn't know. He just knows they are out there, somewhere.

No you will just switch sides when nato starts losing

What are NATO/Russia going to do, invade each other? Not likely. We're in for an eternal proxy war.

I am enlisted, will turn and run east if shit happens...
If a smaller happening there is 0 chance of my deployment so there's that, If i want to die comfy I'll die on the same ground my grandpa bled on, protecting the free will and free people and not a globalist puppet installment .

And that's why there won't be any large scale war nor use of nuclear missles. Maybe some clashes along border regions but if Russia invades France they can launch a couple of nukes and Russian cities will be turned into ash and vice versa.

weeeew lad, nice digits.

It's a well known fact that most NATO troops are at least fifteen meters tall. Thanks, OP, for confirming this.

>3.4m active in nato
>everyone wonders why Russia is training kids to break down ak's

The frog is right.

Thanks on behalf of the USA for helping us beat the Brits in the Revolution.

Ignore all the "surrender monkey" bullshit that liberal democrat shows like The Simpsons say about you guys, us true Americans will always consider you bros.

And even the U.K. too now that the war is long past.

>implying that war isnt a prisoner to geography

A war with Russia is stupid

Remember how Germany invaded Russia with 3,000,000 men and the Russians kicked their ass?

This won't always be true but for now it is.

And that's all that counts. A war with Russia means massive suffering and high casualties on both sides.

You have to be a retard to support Hillary and her ambitions when you consider this.


You sound bitter

Nice proxy, ahmed. Feel ma strongest cumshot in your mom's ass.
