Vaccines should not be mandatory. Parents should have a right to choose whether their kid will get a vaccination shot. Only authoritarian fascists want everyone to be vaccinated
Vaccines should not be mandatory. Parents should have a right to choose whether their kid will get a vaccination shot...
Kill yourself.
Until they want to enter my country.
Just because 1 out 10000 kids cant get vaccinated doesn't mean the government has a right to shove corporate medicine into out bodies.
Kill yourself you retard
Some kids can't actually get vaccinated because they're too weak and if some retard decides not to vaccine their kid, he can transmit his disease to the weaker kid
Refusing a vaccine is fucking retarded
>Parents should have a right to choose whether their kid will get a vaccination shot.
Sure, but don't get ass damaged when your kid isn't allowed to go to school without them.
It's not my duty to protect the genetically inferior. If vaccines truly worked, only those who choose not to be vaccinated would be adversely affected.
So because of those weak kids I have to inject government approved chemicals in my ?
Yeah and we will end up with a new mutation of smallpox that will be resistant to vaccines and wipe out millions, no thanks.
>oh no my child won't be able to get indoctrinated with a terrible education from an early age!!
I'll manage.
*in my child?
Well at least when your kid will die his genetic retardation won't be passed on
>resistant to vaccines
nice 3rd world education
I'd rather have smallpox than autism
Kys you fucking nigger I hope you never have kids for the sake of humanity
Homeschool then.
You already have autism tho.
>Only authoritarian fascists want everyone to be vaccinated
I want everyone to be vaccinated because then no one will get shitty diseases that should have been eradicated
>Vaccines should not be mandatory
No they shouldn't, only bootlickers like to make things mandatory. But you're a dumbfuck who deserves to die from smallpox if you don't get them.
"the government has the right to discriminate against you for not injecting foreign toxins in your bloodstream"
You already have autism tbqh
Parents should be able to choose if their children take medicine, not the state.
Statists will have you injecting shit with the vaccine into your kids if you want them to attend the socialist failure that is public schools that your tax dollars subsidize.
Some parents don't have a choice here, and have to give their kids the 'tism shots cause they need to work and can't allow their children to stay home alone(Illegal) for online homeschooling.
If you want your kid protected with vaccines, that's fine, but don't force others to have autistic, deformed, and brown children like you. Kids should be able to attend the TAX-PAID schools even without vaccines.
I gave smallpox as an example, fucking retards. If you let a virus spread in the enviroment it mutates and eventually becomes resistant to cures.
Please dont be a brainlet
It is okay to not get the flu vaccine for the reason in pic related, but you better inoculate your kids for fucking everything else
You have the same self-righteous ignorance as the negroes in Tuskeegee upon whom the government injected with syphilis. Get fucked pepe le peu, statist pig.
How did humanity survive for thousands of years without vaccines then?
If there is to be a public option for healthcare then we need preventative stuff like vaccines. There is no legitimate reason for a normal kid not to get them. Vaccines don't cause autism. I understand that some cannot get vaccinated and that is fine in those cases.
Kys retard
Modern medicine means that you get to live 40-60 years longer than your ancestors.
Just make sure not to enroll your wife's son in the same day care as my kid ok?
Making lots of kids.
Goverment approved chemicals? In MY child?
It's more likely than you think.
It's the law as it stands senpai, take it to court if you really care that much.
Well at least I'm not some libertarian autist who will watch his kid die from a preventable disease
People like you brought polio back in the US. Well done.
Vaccination is the cheapest and healthiest way to fight a number of diseases and I am genuinely sorry that you are a retard.
And don't tell me about "muh big pharma". The profit margin for vaccines is tiny. They make much more money from every mongoloid idiot like yourself who causes people to get sick from completely preventable diseases.
being infectious should be allowed
only mass exterminators wannabes don't want the People to be vaccinated
>(((Anonymous posters)))
Fucking statist scum. Vaccines aren't held to high enough standards to be distributed mandatory. I can tell you got some form of autism from your shots.
And yes, I said mandatory. I shouldn't have to pay for public schools if I have to dope up my kids with half-baked medicine
Making lots of kids
Most of them died early though
By dying young you stupid shit
>libertarian autist
How surprising
You should try living in a stateless society, like Somalia t b h pham
if the populations wasnt out of control, tons of nigs and immigrants living in squalor and reproducing rapidly, people flooding in across the borders, all being mandated to go to school, then I would support this. but we live in a pig pen, and you gotta get innoculated. i wish vaccines just caused death.
>Implying it wasn't the new Germans moving into America
Fuck off, nigger.
You should have no control over how others take medicine.
Let me guess OP, you don't and never will have kids?
>Injects whatever his government wants into him
Soon that will be Somali semen.
I can tell you're prepared
>literally a textbook example when government mandate is necessary to prevent unnecessary human suffering and loss of life
People that have no understanding of science or medicine should be excluded from debates of either.
I suspect you didn't read my post and are just trying for (you)s. Here you go, buddy.
>Parents should have a right to choose whether their kid will get a vaccination shot.
But if your child then goes on to develop a condition that could have been prevented you should be charged with some kind of abuse and/or neglect
There have been kids that have gotten fucking polio because their parents are stupid hippies that think they know better than doctors
He will, but they'll die in their infancy because MUH GUBMINT CHEMICALS
>muh ancestors
>not realising there is a price to freedom
GTFO free rider
Fuck off. You're still an idiot. It's mandatory. I don't care about your further beliefs if you still vote and allow blocking unvaccinated kids from going to school.
in exchange for right to confiscate your properties and enslave you as compensation for people who will suffer because of your decision
I absolutely agree. In the UK, it's usually the most retarded left wingers who do this, if they want their kids to die, I've no problem with that. Some vaccines have porcine ingredients too, so if the muzzies want to die of something horrible, that would be a terrible shame too.
God, this has to be bait.
this you're a literal moron
No diseases which.are vaccinated for now are fatal you idiots,
You think (((Merck))) and the (((CDC))) have your best interests in mind?
None of you fucking have kids anyway, your opinions are actually worthless. None of your are virologists, I repeat, your opinion is absolutely fucking worthless.
Good idea that 1986 USA decided to remove all liability from vaccine manufacturers??? LOL.
All of you are so.fucking scared. No kids, no women, and still think your opinion is important. Wake the fuck i.
But you inject a vaccine that paralyses your children and accept the government check you have to ask for without any guilt? Cuckold.
Literally what?
Ah, fuck off frenchie, no one gives a shit.
Shouldn't you be rising up against Islam right now?
Yeah, get on that.
Why are anti-science propagators allowed on Sup Forums? I am constantly reminded why the average IQ on the board is sub-80. Can you find any proof that the regulation the cdc does on vaccination is ineffective? Can you even find one case where a vaccine made someone autistic, that isnt fucking anecdotal?
t. what's a leppo
t. 60%
Fluoride should be added to all food.
All crops genetically modified to produce fluoride required by law
Distribute condoms to children. Never too early to learn about SAFE sex
It's a board of edgy teenagers.
>tfw too smart to believe in statist prop
Can you show me a single study where the 80 doses of vaccines are tested in combination with each other? Good fucking luck.
I agree. Vaccines shouldn't be mandatory.
If autistic parents want to pit their kid at risk and revive old diseases like polio and small pox. Then fine
We clean the gene pool and they can keep their kid at home at teach them to play in traffic because traffic laws are just fascist oppression
>These anti-vaccers are anti-science! It's not that they know that vaccine makers aren't held to high-enough standards and we have a system that discriminates against those who don't accept whatever the government wants them to put in their bodies like a lab mouse would!
Must be stupidity, right?
Why should people be able to argue against a shot of autism pumped right into a helpless child to start their mandatory 12 years of government-controlled education?
Vaccines are not even tested with double blind protocols, give me a fucking break.
>Living in a no go zone
I agree. If you are retarded enough to not vaccinate your kids, they SHOULD die on you for the sake of evolution.
That's why you give your child a bleach enema after to cure them of autism
T. White flag
Actually no I do well in social situations.
My best friend tho he gets flu shots every year at the behest of his mother and I've watched his slow degeneration over years and it has been sad to see. His autism has become unbridled at this point. We have to do things always the same according to repetitive patterns and routines and it makes me cringe.
Yeah man fucking horrible living here, I'm robbed at gunpoint 3 times a day and I have to attend every prayer at the local mosque or I get decapitated, Lille truly is a no go zone, literally somalia tier desu
Christ user its just a joke. Really though whats it like there?
You are the nigger here.
We are polio free. I wrote US as in united states.
Why should you not have control how others take medicine? Should you also have no control how people drive? I mean it's their car. If they want to go as fast as they can why not let them? Why not let them choose wich side they want to drive on?
I mean what would you do if I infect myself with smallpox and walk around times square or take a subway during rush hour?
You can't make me take my medicine, faggot.
>we should continue to expose our boys to xenoestrogens goy and fluoride, a neurotoxin, to make them docile, it's only evolution
>tfw too intelligent to ingest state-sponsored drugs
You're lying.
But it's true. Flu shots are pretty pointless. It's better to just let yourself build an immunity to it naturally because it's not deadly.
But flu shots don't cause fucking autism.
The weak should fear the strong.
Are laws against child abuse statist propaganda?
Can you prove it makes you autistic without just screaming
Story of mine, take it as you will, if your response is emotional, you know what grounds stand on; personal belief.
Received h1n1 vaccination in high school, no bad reactions came out alright. 5 people in our class fainted within minutes of receiving the vaccination. 2 received severe seizures before fainting. 1 of was left with narcolepsy that person (I hear) still suffers from. Finnish government has paid reparations in millions for the cases of narcolepsy induced by h1n1, most of the outrage was suppressed in media, but still well documented. I had no reason suspect anything back then and even when I saw people flailing on the floor after being vaccinated I didn't think anything of it.
Years later I've read more about the cases and it's so obvious people have a right to object vaccination on all ground and there is a reason why no discussion is even allowed by the secular religion of scientism.
I bet you're against spanking children too, you socialist faggot
Dissociating the parent from the development of the child is a keystone of leftwing Marxist indoctrination
>But you inject a vaccine that paralyses your children and accept the government check you have to ask for without any guilt?
Correct. I would feel no guilt because I did the best thing for my child. Neither choice is perfect, all you can really do is play the odds.
You don't know what this word means. When you say it completely out of context like this it just means "person I don't like." You may as well call me a big stinky doo-doo head.
>falling for the leftist muh gubmint is ebil meme
ridden with typos sorry for everyone reading
Good parents don't have to hit their kid to make them listen.
The fact that you have to resort to force means that your kid doesn't respect you.
Because you're a pathetic cuck that hits kids
Like every large cities t b h
I'm in Wazemmes, a very "diverse" neigborhood if you know what I mean
I'm on the outside though so it's alright
When I get further inside I don't even feel like I'm in France anymore, 80% of the people here are maghrebis and speak their languages (even though they know French)
Never had any issue though, as this neighborood is very "diverse" it attracts lots of "Bobos" (bourgeois bohème, basically rich lefties who dress like hobos and who love arabs, kind of similar to "hipster" but worse) and the prices are rising, driving out some maghrebis, so it's becoming more and more white.
Basically as long as you stay out of Lille sud (the containment zone for our "diversity") it's alright desu
Google "Polio Ukraine".
If his mother is making him take flu shots every year, something completely unnecessary if he's not in an at-risk group, she's over-protective and weird. It's the mother, not the vaccines..
Get bent Reddit faggot.
Everything is allowed on Sup Forums because we rather make fun if dissenting deas instead of banning them. Maybe your """high IQ""" majesty should go somewhere more befitting place >>>reddit
> vaccines are risk free.
they aren't so fuck the weak. Socialist swine.
Would you like to discuss spanking, or would you like to discuss gambling with your child's life by refusing vaccinations against all expert medical advice?
They are completely different, and your belief that you can gauge my thoughts on one based on my thoughts on the other is flawed.
They don't have to be risk free. The penicillin vaccine sure as fuck wasn't risk free but the benefits far outweigh any risks
>not knowing what discipline means
Thank god you dont have children.
I'm from the northern countryside desu, in a really white area
In elementary school, there was like one black and one arab
In middleschool something like 4-5 of them and in High School something like 7-8 (there's a far greater amount of student generally so it was still a very small minority)
In university though, it's like 30% allogenic people
They do if you want them to be valid to the average first worlder with clean water, sanitation and good nutrition.
>Vaccines are important so people don't die!
>I hope those people die
Why are all vaccine fanatics like this?