>Consistently entertaining action for decades with sequels constantly improving
>Core troupe of actors intact
>Excellent cinematography, soundtrack, acting, and stunts
Name a better franchise.... I'll wait....
>Consistently entertaining action for decades with sequels constantly improving
>Core troupe of actors intact
>Excellent cinematography, soundtrack, acting, and stunts
Name a better franchise.... I'll wait....
Oh wow! He’s hanging from a helicopter by a rope. In an action movie. So exciting! This poster really lets you know what your in for. How do they come up with these piping hot fresh ideas every time?!??
Mission Impossible 6 will most likely be the greatest film of all-time.
How those senior discounts treating ya Tom?
Oh yeah? then explain Mission impossible 2
watch my movie
>not mi3
kys kys kys kys
John Woo happened.
MI2 is fine af.
It can speak for itself.
(And yes, that ending kick to the face was 100% real the stuntman legit got jump kicked in the face and flew you can see Tom Cruise's real shocked reaction)
Ironman had a recast
>sucking jew jew dick
4 > 5 = 1 > 3 > 2
>entertaining action
>excellent cinematography, soundtrack, acting, and stunts
>t. Literal brainlet
Face it, Tom "Can't Bruise" Cruise is the only legit real star left.
they'll never beat 1 but I can't quite figure out why I find 3 is so so bad.
It feels too tortured to be fun.
of course
ghost protocol is fucking great. and I liked Rogue Nation even more.
Never noticed that before, he genuinely does look a bit concerned after it hahaha.
the sandstorm was action-kino
It's pure kino. Probably the best of the series. The following are too blockbuster-y for my liking.
check the behind the scenes featurette where cruise insists on flying that chopper himself
Dougray Scott makes a fantastic bad guy. Is it the accent?
Theres literally nothing wrong with either of those movies.
he's Gerard Butler if he could act.
>and I liked Rogue Nation even more
Why don't those people that make the fallout games sue these guys? They can't use that name, can they?
i started watching the movies last year
when i was watching MI2 and they showed that mask-thing i thought "fuck, they can't ignore this in the next movies" turns out they actually didn't, the masks are overpowered and realistically they'd use it more often in the movies.
yeah masks are fun, but they're literally in every M:I movie now and will never leave... do you think masks were a mistake?
Cruise already made "Oblivion" so now time for "Fallout"
It's a staple of the M:I films in my opinion.
That's like asking me to watch Jurassic Park without seeing someone get dick chomped by a dino
They were only overpowered in MI:2, where it seemed like characters could pull them from thin ari. They got pretty nerfed in the next two movies.
The masks are actually one of the most clever plot devices, allowing the writers to write great twists into the plot.
I really enjoyed the mask machine breaking in Ghost Protocol and the whole plan kinda fucking up in Dubai
the machine failing in Ghost Protocol was great.
But watch the original show. it's full of dumb spy shit like that. they're not doing it for no reason. the source material itself was goofy.
Oh, hi Tom
Hi Superman, I mustache you a question, do you bleed?
Unironically best of the bunch
based John woo
and I agree, MI2 is fucking litty
holy shit, unironically true
you have my 100% endorsement fair user
My favorite is still the first 2/3th of the first movie. Feels completely detached to the rest of the series.
>first 2/3th
how the fuck did you manage to use the one suffix that doesn't work there.
The first movie is unironically the most intelligent and subtle plot
Shit I'm sorry, I meant the beginning postpre..
>beginning postpre
you mean the first 2 thirds?
there's less action and it feels like a thriller, it's pretty good, you can thank de palma for that
well, you can also thank him for the dumbass twists. he loves his implausible twists.
that movie was fucking great. my dad brought me to see it after I came home from working on the other side of the country. we stepped into the next showing of it, since it was so good.
i hate jewjew but his direction in mi3 was pretty good
jj wasn't bad but the plot felt super generic
Watch my movie.
80% of the movies are literally the same
>Makes a movie called Oblivion
>Now makes a movie called Fallout
Is this guy trying to fuck with Bethesda??
>MI:New Vegas is the next movie
>Not Mission Impossible: The Daggerfall
>Mission Impossible: Skyrim
When he will make a Skyrim movie.
>sequels constantly improving
The last one sucked though
i fucking hate simon pegg
Nigga Tom Cruise literally held onto a moving plane and had one of the best motorcycle chase scenes in cinema history
>last one sucked though