With all the podesta and pizza party stuff going on I was wondering.
How common are female pedophiles really? Are the numbers increasing, or does it just get more press? How underreported is female pedophilia/child molesting?
With all the podesta and pizza party stuff going on I was wondering.
How common are female pedophiles really? Are the numbers increasing, or does it just get more press? How underreported is female pedophilia/child molesting?
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its already been proven that women can not rape a male, she will face no jail time or punishment because she is a woman.
>How underreported is female pedophilia/child molesting?
From what I understand it's more common than we think, but not as common as we'd like it to be, if only to get women to pay for what's usually seen as a "male-only crime."
I know that female paedos are basically laughed out of court with ridiculous sentences.
the real question is...
why are they always hot?
she could have easily picked up a
decent looking dude but she picked up
a chubby kid with a bowl cut.
does jared have infinite swag or something?
I see a correlation with feminism and pedophila in that case.
I always find it super funny that the absolute most slutty girls you can find are super feminist on the outside or for the public but do the most degenerate stuff in secret.
Isn't rape defined by putting your dick in something when it doesn't want you to? Therefore women can't rape.
It's under reported. Male pedophilia is over reported.
Women have always been the primary perpetrators of pedophilia, it's just that nobody ever cared.
>implying bitches can resist that haircut
Guys look at this kid. He was clearly born to slay pussy. Do you really think women could resist? This kid is packing more testosterone than all of her peers combined.
Depends on the jurisdiction. Many jurisdictions are redefining rape to remove gender biased language.
what about lesbian pedophilia
no. Statutory rape.
You guys like talking about pedophiles a whole lot.
She's literally not, look her up on YouTube when the reporters tried to interview after she left the police station, she looks like Snooki from Jersey Shore. Maybe worse
>tfw no qt teacher to molest me
This, desu. My teacher was recently caught, and after being worried if she was okay, I wondered why it wasn't me.
>but not as common as we'd like it to be
very nice
She slept with that kid?
I want a fucking redo in life.
>mfw i had a young female teacher in high school (22 years old, right out of college) that suggested i stay after class on Mondays so she could tutor me in Latin
>i sat in a desk and she sat in a chair across from me, our faces were always 12 inches (30 cm) apart and we always had our eyes locked
>most of the time we just talked about random shit instead of studying and i always made her giggle
>we called ourselves by our first names and texted outside of class
Then I graduated and now I attend a university 2 km down the street. I was too afraid to make any moves and I don't know if she still wants more than a friendship (something I could give, since I'm not a student anymore). She still teaches there.
and she goes for a kid like that. Are you kidding me i was way more handsom than him at his age.
There's more female pedophile than male. Women are the most twisted, just look at Japan, most of the fucked up hentai shit is drawn by womem
Clearly we need much more
Female public school teachers molest young boys at five times the rate of homosexual priests and young boys.
They have always been here. It's just harder to detect, especially the lesbian ones. Women tend to be allowed to touch and hug kids, most people don't mind if their kid fucked a teacher or the kid doesn't tell. Also female pervs don't leave semen traces or bust up a vagina. So there is hardly evidence.
Where was all these sex crazy teachers when I was in the 8th grade.. Jared is a true pussy slayer
She agreed to see me, but when we met up, she had just started dating the guy she would marry.
She put her hand on my shoulder.
It could have been me. It wasn't me.
Consider reaching out.
They've been around a while.
>Female public school teachers molest young boys at five times
I wish this happened to me, I'd be a story of a lifetime being jerked off by your teacher at age 7
Fuck off autist
>female pedophiles
No such thing. Any teenboy wouldn't mind to fuck a woman. Moreover, he would be proud of himself and tell it to all his friends to show how cool he is
who is this sperm wyrm?
been there seen it... most men who get raped turn into fedora wearing cucks lusting after manic pixie dream girls
Who is this spermatic fluid druid?
The author of Kodomo No jikan the most pedo mainstream anime
I'm surprised this is the only pic anyone on Sup Forums managed to scrounge up on her. You niggers are usually on top of that.
>tfw never raped by teacher
Why wasn't I good enough?
>How underreported is female pedophilia/child molesting?
My guess is that its close to equal to male counterparts. I am not sure if the data proves this, but that is my thoughts.
She's fat but got a good face desu
>She's literally not
as opposed to figuratively not? what did you mean by this?
Im a male pedophile. Ill never come out though. Society is not ready.
That kid will be on the hook for child support for 18 years
she might have scarred the kid for life, just think about the ego of that kid
Police officer here. Women pedophiles have always been a thing, roughly ten percent of all cases, as pedophilia and rape in general is much less about pleasure and much more about power and control. I've investigated four kidnapping and sexual abuse cases, three of which women were at least aware if not involved.
>Ill never come out though
We will find you and bring you to justice. You will make a mistake, someone will talk, it's only a matter of time. Stop abusing children.
It's not illegal to be a pedophile, it's illegal to do pedophile things
>Society is not ready.
I assume you voted for Her?
I think penetration with an object other than a penis counts. Otherwise, no they can't.
This just was in the news this week here.
Interesting. I always assumed it was more. All the people on here saying "Der, I wish that happened to me" are fucking idiots. Not only is that someone is a position of power taking advantage of a young teen/child, its something that can affect the rest of your life. Imagine getting that pervert pregnant or getting an STD from her while you're a young teen. Your life is fucked forever. Also, you'll start paying child support on top of it. This has happened to kids already.
Nobody said female child rapist, we said female pedophile.
You will learn the difference soon enough when Hillary wins and it becomes acceptable in the West.
To clarify: If you fugg kids you are a pedophile. If you fugg kids and they didn't want it you are a child rapist and (inherently) a pedophile.
When the little girls like being fucked we don't say "muh they wanted it" like you are now because CONSENT DOESN'T COUNT FOR KIDS, THEY CAN'T GIVE CONSENT because they aren't at an age of carnal knowledge.
Speaking from experience women are a million times more depraved than men. Pretty much all of them harbor rape and dog fucking fantasies.
Doesn't surprise me that they love to diddle kiddies too. Women are fucked in the head, I tell you what.
It's common, but nobody cares. Everyone figure that the boys are lucky, which has some merit, but the reason you dont fuck kids is because they arent fully aware of the consequences of their actions. That goes for boys and girls. There are cases where an older woman molests a boy and collects child support from him. That woman fucked up that kid's life before he even got started, and it isnt right.
Think of all the /ss/ porn out there and ask yourself that question again.
Female pedophilia is a phenomenon known since ancient times. Just nobody cared before, because there's no harm if its consensual.
The majority of sex abuse towards children has always been committed by women. There are more female pedophiles than men pedophiles.
>a retard gets more action than me
"In 2010, Epstein pled the Fifth when asked by a lawyer representing one of Epstein's victims about his relationship with Trump:
Q: Have you ever had a personal relationship with Donald Trump?
A. What do you mean by "personal relationship," sir?
Q. Have you socialized with him?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Yes?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18?
A: Though I'd like to answer that question, at least today I'm going to have to assert my Fifth, Sixth, and 14th Amendment rights, sir.
Women are insensible and like children cannot be held to the same standards as a grown man.
He's a chad? I'll never understand women.
That's nothing CTR.
Talk about White privilege.
fucking that teacher as an 8th grader??? nooooiiiiccceeeee
>that look
You just know.
No one with a bowl cut is usually that calm and happy.
>You will never have sex with a hot teacher
how big is his shlong? Maybe 5 or 6 inches?
Man, how many times you posted this already? You aren't getting (you)'s anymore, why are you spending so much time on it?
I think this is the same case I read that both of their families knew about it and supported it. Unreal.
Close but no cigar, user
Yeah that's the one, his parents should face the same charges as her imo. Think they even wanted her to have the baby as well.
Just have a look at the circle of moms section about circumcision.
The sexual fascination of child penises (even if it's their very own sons') of these women there is absolutely vast.
They talk about how they peak at their sons when they shower and stuff, fucking gross mate
So, why isn't that kid in jail? This is clearly rape, women are not responsible for their actions
>be in 9th grade and owing child support
From what I've come to understand, women are typically more likely to be physically abusive to children and partners than men are. So it doesn't surprise me if they're more inclined to be pedos.
If it's true, it's likely very underreported. My most recent ex gf told me how her teenage babysitter did all kinds of sexual acts on her from age 10 to 13. My reaction was to say that the babysitter had molested her, my girlfriend was shocked I'd imply such a thing. "Women don't molest kids"...
I pushed the issue and asked her if a man did everything that babysitter did to her, how would she feel about it? After a while of talking about it my girlfriend got kind of quiet and I could see that she was trying really hard to deny that she had been molested, regularly, for around two years of her life.
So yeah, not suprised if it's true women are more likely to molest than men.
As common as male pedophiles, probably more so since 90%of our teachers are women.
Was looking for this
>How common are female pedophiles really?
Not common enough desu
Former police officer here. Female pedophiles are more common than male pedophiles, but they rarely get prosecuted, and even more rarely get press about them.