African Billionaire Will Give $1 Million To Anyone Who Wants To Leave America if Donald Trump is Elected President
[South African Billionaire, Femi Adenugame,] is offering $1 Million, a home and car to every Black family who wants to come to South Africa.
[Femi Adenugame] has created the “Back To Africa” movement in efforts to assist African-Americans in returning to their “motherland” and starting a fresh life. According to reports, Femi Adenugame has invested over $500 Million into the project. Adenugame owns 5 commercial 747 jets and a fleet of cruise ships which he plans to use to transport those who are interested in “returning” to Africa from the United States.
All interested individuals must be 18 years of age, they must have a passport or be able to obtain one legally, and they can not have a criminal background. Should an individual meet these requirements, they would be eligible to benefit from Adenugame’s Back to Africa plan. The Back to Africa movement is set to officially launch in November 2016.
Population estimates, July 1, 2015
Black or African American alone, percent, July 1, 2015
Black American Population
321,418,820 x 13.3%
42,748,703 persons
Small homes (80-140 sq. m.)
ZAR 877,000 = US$ 52,293
New car
ZAR 291000 = US$ $21,422.10
Cost for one (1) Black American family
$1,000,000 + $21,422.10 + $ 52,293
One Hundred Million ($100,000,000) Budget
$100,000,000 / $1,073,704.10
93 families
Family of Four
93 families x 4
372 persons
>1% of the Black American population
1% of the Black American population
427,487 persons
Black American families
427,487 / 4 persons
106,872 families
$1,073,704.10 x 106,872 families
$114,748,904,600 (Trillion)