Trump Supporters IRL

Anyone else notice this unreported support for Trump where you live? It seems a lot of people you wouldn't expect to support him


>be daily mass goer
>old guy priest, used to be in the army
>gives sermon the other day
>"social justice is evil and a ruse, they don't want social justice they want chaos"
>"if you want social justice move to soviet russia and see how great that was"
>finishes his sermon with "lord, give us the strength to make america great again"
>go outside, trump flag flying above the rectory

A lot of weird shit has been happening in my town too that makes me think this election might be a lot closer than the shills say

>brother works on a campaign, canvassing neighborhood for local candidate
>has a trump sign in the back of his car
>residents see it, sheepishly ask him if he has more
>suddenly, half the neighborhood is coming up to him asking from trump signs
>two streets now, every house has a trump sign
>trump signs are appearing on lamp posts and public land all over town
>we have no idea who's putting them up
>last week someone spray painted "Donald Trump" on a wall in town

I live in the Northeast btw, heart of lib country. Wtf is going on Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:




>be in the Army
>stationed over in Italy
>moving to Texas since I will be stationed over there
>go to Georgia to get my car back and some stuff I didn't take to Italy that I left at my parent's house.
>only see Trump signs
>not a single Hillary sign
>voted early for Trump leave in a few days
>will be celebrating his victory in San Antonio by myself

I've seen a Hillary signs around because I'm in CT, but overwhelmingly yeah they're Trump signs.

One lady told my brother that she's going to vote for him but didn't want a sign because she "didn't want my house to get bombed."

Nice, NY here, yea it's weird im surprised of how much support the don gets. More than Hillary at least in Westchester. Seen more Trump signs than shillary 3-1. Also seen lots of car's with MAGA and Trump Pence 16 stickers. New York will go for Hillary because NYC is full of shit skins and kikes but it will closer than you think.

Phillyfag here. Super leftist territory, a Trump sign in your window means death by Nigger. However, some people will tell you in confidence that they support Trump... we're like early Christians in Rome here, having to keep our shit secret... I see it as a sign that this election will be like brexit where polls were way off because it is literally dangerous in some areas to say you support Trump.

The other day I was walking down the street and I saw two friends meet and whisper "MAGA" to each other. Keep hope alive, senpai

>be retarded christcuck
>other retarded christcucks act retarded

Really made me think

I think there's a lot of trump supporters out there but don't show due to potential out lash.

I've noticed this - to some extent - up here in Canada as well. Plenty of people are quite liberal here but a surprising number want Trump to win or at very very least cannot stand Hillary.

>whisper MAGA in secret

Why do you continue to live in such a shithole?

NE Illinois here

I always see trump signs around town but sometimes see one or two hilliary signs

Funny thing is that I only see hilliary signs in front of huge houses in upperclass neighborhoods

this is rural Oregon mate, you couldn't get these people to vote clinton of you threatened to take away their chainsaws or Coors light

literally only portland, eugene, salem, & bend are blue

guess what parts off the state are shitholed

>be daily mass goer
>old guy priest, used to be in the army
>gives sermon the other day

Wow shocking. A christfag supports Trump. Never would've expected it!!!

Florida fag here. I've seen one (1) Hillary sign. But I've lost track of how many Trump signs I've seen.

And I live in a pretty "ethnic" town.

I'm in CT here too. I want this state to go red so bad. Malloy being so awful at his job might help switch people to the other side.

I live in northern delaware, which is incredibly democrat-leaning. And I see Trump signs all over the damn place. I think I've seen a grand totally of one (1) hillary supporter in the form of a car with a "hillary for america" bumper sticker. And I live in a college town, for fucks sake. Which is pretty unprecedented, considering in 08 and 12 there was visible obama support all over the place.

Delaware will still go blue because of the wilmington nig-nogs, but it's certainly not going to be 66% D, 33% R like it's been in previous elections.

desu I've seen a total of one Trump sign here in Townsend.

Sad she has to hide because of violence from Hillary supporters.

How many hilldog signs though?

Two at most. I've seen a gorillion and a half signs for local politicians though.

>Live in Cleveland


>Boss is rabid HillShill

>Says stuff that makes me keep my powerlevel hidden in order to keep job

I think a lot of folks have been staying on the downlow because of the blowback (getting fired, beat up, car / apartment / house vandalized)

If Boss/ Pollster / roving CTR crowds asks, my reply is "I'm With Her!" as enthusiastic as ant illegal immanent

But when I get in the booth Tuesday, will be pulling the lever for Trump

Britbong here. I know American's are extremely vocal about their political views (bumper stickers, flags, signs etc) but I think you guys might, for the first time, be experiencing what we call the Shy Tory Factor.

fucking autocorrect

>live in washington
>lots of trump signs
>virtually no hillary
>lot of johnson where hillary should be
>saw a powder blue prius with huge duct tape letters on the side that said HUCK FILLARY

I noticed this too. Only houses with Clinton signs are 1,000,000+ McMansions.

Vote Republican for the down ballot, let's get the State House out of the hands of those fucking douche bags

enthralling story by t. jellyfish over here.

I think this is literally what is happening

It's fucking hilarious to know that Hillary lives in the same county as me (westchester) and yet a lot of the people prefer trump.

My brother works in Putnam and passed a house with a ton of republican candidate signs... nearby, next to a graveyard, he has a Hillary sign. But "FOR PRISON" and "THE DEAD VOTE" were written on it. It was up for a couple weeks, guess some liberal finally noticed the true message and removed it a couple of days ago.

I have seen a few Trump bumper stickers and even a Trump sign in a patch of grass in the middle of the road. This is also a very democratic city (Alexandria)

I'd like to believe that. Sadly, I think there are two Americas now. Real America that wants MAGA and the other America that wants the status quo. Real America is based on rural American values. Other America is urban and has been indoctrinated to defer to the judgement of others.

Other America is wealthier and winning the war.

Should McDonalds just rename the Big Mac to a Trump Burger?

Small town PA, same kinda stuff here. If we didn't have fucking Philadelphia, we would be red for all elections. We need Philly to be it's own state

I drive from Southern Maryland to Baltimore often and there are hundreds of trump signs and 2 hillary signs on the 3 hour trip.

Oh yeah I also saw a Hillary scarecrow hanging from a noose in a tree

rofl that's just called being a fucking pussy, white people are cowards

>from Southern Maryland to Baltimore

That can't possibly be true in PG county.

The only Hillary sign I've seen is from someone that's a backstabbing cunt that works with another neighbor that tries slander other neighbors and try to use the association as a weapon against everyone that doesn't fit their perfect. Otherwise I've seen a Hillary bumper sticker in the same neighborhood but from what I know the woman who drives that car is a socialite bitch.

Fitting how the personalities match the vote. Otherwise no Hillary sign afterwards nor Trump signs since none of us want to have the association levied against us as a weapon and our houses firebombed shortly after (Mind you, 7 figure houses) by sociopathic psychopaths with little impulse control.

San Antonio here. Voted early and everyone in line was 50+ and only trump stickers on parked cars. Nobody really talked about how they were voting or anything.

I happened to be wearing a blue shirt that day and didn't think about it until I was standing in line with people staring at me.

I work in a school district and write/edit tests. Needless to say some people here (teachers mostly) are extremely anti trump. But almost everyone I've talked to who are higher up or who are actual editors are voting for trump. There's a large van here that's covered in MAGA and Come and Take It stickers.

Fellow Connecticutian here, Trump is very popular everywhere expect Hartford, Bridgeport, and New Haven.

I live in the suburbs of northern NJ and see Trump signs and bumper stickers quite often. So much so that I'd comfortably say that the visual support of our God Emperor outweighs that reptilian Jew sorceress 15 to 1. If it wasn't for the Jews and minorities in the shittiest areas of the state, NJ would be comfortably red in this election. I can only hope but I'm still extremely pessimistic. The street in which my house down the shore is located has 8-10 different houses with Trump signs. No Hillary signs at all there actually.

Guys if people like Trump so much how come Hillary has same number of votes?
Where do those people crawl out from.

Or are most of those guys "monster vote" we expect on 8th?

How do you even deal with this election?
It's driving me insane.

Central California here. A lot of Mexicans on visas and Chicanos are supporting Trump? I guess they want less job competition for Packing Houses and other agriculture jobs. Less border jumpers = easier chance at getting jobs.

I live in western MD
Its astounding how little support she has here. I've met 2 supporters, only one of which is still voting for her

A couple of places, Serbbro:
1) They bus in minorities to different areas to all vote. This is why liberals say asking for ID is racist.
2) The grave. This is why liberals say asking for IDs is not necessary.
3) They stuff the ballot box or conciously make efforts to skew paper ballots and early votes. This is why they say voting early is imperative, so they know what work they have cut out for them come Election Day.

When you love in a place full of Niggers and where kikes run all the jobs, you've got to keep your Magas on the DL. Open means public shaming, job loss, Niggers showing up to your house to kill you

The only trump supporter I've met in Boston was a man on a subway who was literally retarded. I'm not making this shit up.

I have met a lot of trump supporters in Philly though. Lots of asians.

So you basically say USA is Republican but Democrats are rigging you to hell and back?

Why is that surprising western maryland has always been based?

I've noticed the exact opposite. I live in Florida, and truck bros that I thought for sure would VOTE trump are voting hillary. It's crazy.

Pretty much

I honestly think Mexican-Americans see through Hillary's narrative of (((ALL MEXICANS))) and see that Trump is in support of American business interests. If you're legal, you're fine.

Well I live in the blue part that is Frederick

Will Trump push voter ID laws?

I live in NJ by NYC.

When Obama was running for the first time there were tons of Obama signs all over.

Now, I see several Trump signs and 0 Hillary signs. There used to be a lot of Bernie signs but not anymore.

It's an interesting shift. I don't know if my town is majority Trump or not now but this is just based on what I see driving around. Not a single person outwardly supporting Hillary here.

The state will be red besides those cities, maybe Stamford too

I certainly hope so
There's larger issues right now (mass importation of democrat voting third worlders)

Pretty much any area that isn't full of poor blacks looking for gibs controlled by Jews bleeds red. Upstate New York, NJ suburbs, California outside the metro areas are all super red.

Jersey fag here too. My county and local towns seem to be all pro Trump. Less obvious though since half my graduating class believes in HRC. Fuck I hope Trump wins NJ. Too many Mexicans and niggers tho

It's a shame blue is the color of democrats, and red republicans. It's always bugged me that red is the color for socialism/communism in the rest of the world.

Thank CNN
They swapped it on election night in 2000 and it stuck. Republicans used to be blue

This is absolutely a thing. Reminder that the polls were off in the Pennsylvania GOP primary by FOURTEEN PERCENT. And that was a closed primary, where only people who were already registered republicans could vote. Imagine what happens if all the blue collar white democrats and independents could've voted.

Trump is going to BTFO Hillary in PA. Especially if the SEPTA transit strike doesn't resolve by tuesday and the nogs in Philly can't get around

Exactly. Don't think for a minute that Dems actually care about third world citizens.
>Haiti, anyone?
They care about the open and vocal support they will have from those people voting Democrat for allowing them to come here and the indoctrination of future generations.

I'm in Wayne, where are you guys reporting from?

I promise despite being a nyc fag, I'll vote for the Don.

Most people at my job are for Trump.

Nobody talks politics tho bc the two or three bleeding heart liberals will throw a fucking tantrum.

08 & 12 Obama stickers and signs EVERYWHERE. I barely see hillary signs or stickers at all. Trump signs and MAGA hats fucking everywhere. Even on a trip to lib ass manhattan you don't see hillary shit anywhere and trump signs all over. It's really weird.

Any news on SEPTA strike?


>Salem is blue

Well, they do have a history of witchcraft I guess.

How slow are you? Hillary's support is all bought shills on social media and brainwashed leftists taking womans studies degrees.

Notice how nobody irl supports her? Thats because the real poll numbers are closer to 70/30 for trump.

Just pay attentiom to what the msm is doing and you can judge accordingly. All of this anti trump shit is bought with dirty kike money.. they are hired fucking shills.

This is why you see nobody at her speeches, yet trumps rallies are full. All of the peoples supprt is with trump.. but these filthy disgusting subhumans want hillary in so she can continue the globalization open border two class system that all those disgusting jews want so bad.

Where are you user?

Still ongoing. The city offered an olive branch saying "okay, we're willing to talk, but can you at least open up temporarily on election day??"

...and the transit union told them to fuck off. Fucking excellent. I'm not sure if talks continue throughout the weekend, but if they don't and they don't negotiate again until Monday, then that gives them a single day to make an agreement. Otherwise Red PA is guaranteed.

And DESU it's probably guaranteed regardless.

is this a Trump? This is not a Trump. I can see pixels of notTrump

Met an older guy here in Hong Kong like 2 days ago, he was from California. I thought he would be for Hillary and we talked about the elections for a while and he stated that both Clintons should be in the jail and went on about how CNN is totally controlled by the democrats etc etc. At that point I realised Trump might actually make it.

Foothills of the Blue Ridge in NC. In the last few weeks Trump signs have sprouted up everywhere, most people were for Cruz but got over it. Now the trucks that drove around with giant confederate flags are driving around with the giant Trump flags instead. Saw one with the Trump flag and the Blue Lives Matter flag the other day.

>(((they))) did it
well I'll be damned. I hope the Republican party does something about this. Democrats would certainly be fags and throw a hissy fit if we tried to take blue back. Then there's the ecoweeny Green party. Yellow means cowardly. White would be memed as racist. Brown, black is ugly. Gray is boring. Orange seems like the best choice if we ever want to get rid of communist red.

One of my coworkers who I thought was super liberal said to me "I'm relieved that we have paper ballots here, at least my vote will count"

Trump should send a guy to negotiations and tell them to stall it.
Then he can push local goverment to agree on the deal?

Finally filled out my absentee ballot for Trump, mailing it tomorrow with whatever express options are needed to make sure it makes it in time. Damn it feels good. I'm a weeb who's been living in Japan over 10 years and more or less despise America, have no desire to ever go back. I've never given enough of a shit to vote absentee before. Parents are very liberal, and I was as well until gamergate/SJWs started to blow up on Sup Forums and associating ones self with the left became toxic, then I just stopped caring. If someone told me a year ago that I would be going to the effort to register, print out, and mail in a ballot for the 2016 election, much less for the Republican candidate, much less considering that candidate is a reality TV star, I would have told this person they are full of shit. I bet this is how those people feel on those shows where some master persuader convinces them to do something ridiculous, namely in that right now at this point in time I don't find it ridiculous at all.

I think there are a lot of people out there who probably feel the same as me.

That's actually very surprising that the union wouldn't budge since unions are unapologetically Democrat, knowing that a majority of their riders would vote for Hillary.

Hey look, it's black pidgeon speaks! You're quite late. I hope the fastest express option is fast enough.

Not everyone has the luxury of being able to move to less shitty places.

Also lived in Philly area. You really wouldn't want to openly support Trump in many areas. Too many shitty Spanish "speaking" communities.

I'd imagine that if more news of that...whatever cultist crap leaks out, it's going to scare ethnics away from Hillary. They REALLY don't care for that kind of shit.

I already associate that with the dumb fucking NDP but that's due to being an ex-leaf.

Trump is literally going to win. I mean just look at these digits.

Not burger but people give me weird looks when I wear my MAGA cap. My country is still cucked

my wife was browsing her fb page on my pc the other day(i dont have one so i watch sometimes) she is an OG sjw.(i know, i know) anyways i see a shit ton of back and forth about how its white privilege to vote 3rd party and all these fags arguing back and forth. i turn to her and say " dude, if u have people on ur feed that hate hillary this much you know trump is going to win". she quietly shakes her head in agreement.p.s. shes voting green which i totally respect

Massachusetts has a ton of yard signs that show support for people in local elections, and nobody has anything visible showing support for either Trump or Hillary. But I'm pretty sure this state is a deep-blue liberal shithole until a Deus Vult happens.

100s of Trump signs from northern rhode island to mount washington in new hampshire. ~7 shillary signs

Trump supporters are basement dwelling retards

Michigan here, Trump signs and bumper stickers litter the state, I've seen maybe 4 Hillary signs and probably 100 Trump signs. A lot of them are the big ones too.

thats my crooked ass governor. john kasich in the corner

I live in Delaware which ALWAYS goes blue.

I have seen so many Trump signs, I'm honestly surprised. Conversely, I have only seen one Hillary sign in 6 months.

Madison WI here. No signs at all for anyone, except a few old Bernie signs. You wouldn't know an election was happening. I've seen two Clinton bumper stickers, both in the past two weeks, and both on cars with a bunch of other Democrat and progressive bumper stickers. I suspect low voter turnout here, though not enough to swing the state to Trump.