Has everyone on the #altright gone full retard with this one?
She's a Serbian Orthodox performance artist, not a Jewish Satanists, you idiots.
You're making us look like uneducated children.
Has everyone on the #altright gone full retard with this one?
She's a Serbian Orthodox performance artist, not a Jewish Satanists, you idiots.
You're making us look like uneducated children.
Other urls found in this thread:
She looks very semitic. Is that normal for Serbs?
Hillary is with el diablo. My abuelita is crying.
>MA: It’s really funny that now, right now during this interview, I’m in my country house in Upstate New York, and this house is in the form of a six-pointed star. I didn’t build it; somebody else built it and then put it up for sale. When I drove up here, I couldn’t believe that the house was a six-pointed star! So it took me 30 seconds to decide: This is the house I want. It’s a six-pointed star, not a five-pointed one. So I’m making progress. Though I’m not Jewish, I find the six-pointed star is very harmonic.
>Though I’m not Jewish
>"Spirit Cooking" was an art project Abramovic created in 1996. Although Abramovic's cookbook does reference recipes containing bodily fluids such as semen and breast milk, Abramovic told ArtNews that her home cooking events don't actually feature these items.
>“It was actually just a normal menu, which I call spirit cooking. There was no blood, no anything else. We just call things funny names, that’s all.”
>she's just pretending to be satanic
>it's art, goyim
Ayo my moms saw that shit with Clinton and legit switched her vote. No Christian pulls that shit man.
Clinton is fucked up, and almost all of the people at my church are switching after I posted that spirit shit to the church fb group.
It's just gross.
>666 in her twitter name
Yes. Google any Serb.
Yeah. I guess every edgy middle schooler is also a Satanist.
Fuck no, look at that nose man...THE NOSE KNOWS!
And that last name, that Aбpaмoвић!? Are u kidding me?
No. She's at least half jew. Probably half or 3/4. Also Abramovich means "Son/daughter of Abraham", so her father was a jew surely.
No, Abramovic is not a Serbian surname. She's a Jew
>uneducated children
what did you expect? that's exactly what they are
go away
Literally the synagogue of Satan
kikes are removing any reference of them being a kike in their wikipedias to hoodwink the goyim
What "shit with Clinton?" What is the actual connection between Clinton and Abramovic? Can you prove they've ever even met?
My jew senses are tingling
I'm worried all of this stuff is a MASSIVE slide to distract us from the real issues at hand. This shit is making you seem like the conspiracy nuts the MSM is trying to portray you as.
Whatever you say Jew
Dont be fooled they are all like this
>deletes all references to being jewish
>expects us not to reinforce our belief that she's a jew
Top cunt, even if satanic.
She met w/ Huma, mentioned by hill in one email.
Kys op
I can confirm this. She was born in belgrade. I was her nurse. She had tails.
My friend, the name tells no lies. Jewish heritage is certain.
Your grandfather was too, Kurvat.
Her father's family were the priests you fucking retards.
Abramovic is one of the most common surnames in Serbia. A good comparison would be the surname "Jacobs" in the States -- just because the name is Hebraic doesn't mean its Jewish.
The alt right were always uneducated children
>everyone I don't like is a jew
>every jew I like is a non-jew
This is the Sup Forums credo. What are you doing here if you don't adhere to it?
kill yourself degenerate
Not necessarily, it's a fairly common surname here.
It really does.
It denotes Jewish heritage. You cannot attain this name by any other means, unless you intentionally change it.
Occam's Razor applies.
>t. hymie schlomo jacobs
>Abramovic is one of the most common surnames in Serbia
I dont know a single person with it.
The actual credo is "A fucking leaf."
This whole things has blown up in Sup Forums's face, as expected. Didn't even trend for a whole day and nearly everybody not already in Trump's camp is laughing it off.
No one cares her origins, creed, sexuality, etc.
She adds 666 behind her name, which is the mark of the beast. This will deter many Hispanics from voting for Clinton because she has a Satanist performing blood rituals at her retreats.
So in normie terms Clinton = Satan worshippers.
I couldn't care less if she was a transsexual gypsy. I'm just glad she's scaring the Hispanics.
the problem is, people say "a jew" when they should jusy say "jewish"
>not a jew
pick one
>You're making us look like uneducated
Birds of a feather...
>Abramovic is one of the most common surnames in Serbia
T. Talking out of your fucking ass
No John, it's not one of the most common names. It's exact opposite of that.
that ID wtf?
and on the other hand I know several abrahamovic here and they're all jews
Literally spend 2 minutes googling the name, you retards.
In Croatia, Abramovic is the 208th most common surname.
In Montenegro, where Marina's family is from, it is the 185th most common surname,
Are retards trying to saying they're all Jews?
Stop trying desperately to fit a narrative that isn't there -- it makes you all look uneducated. She's not Jewish.
Heh. Amazing what two minutes of research can do. An exception to the rule.
I guess she isn't a kike.
Serbs are basically dumb, inept jews.
to think that after WWII we got stuck with them instead of croatized germans that fought with the Ustashe makes my blood boil...
spirit cooking has been one of the biggest successes of this campaign
ignore the concern trolls
Marina is a famous performance artist. She's also a famous occultist who does, among other rituals, satanic rituals
I dont give a fuck but Christians do and most people are Christians
Jews are Jews by race. Converting doesn't remove the blood of Cain from them. As Jesus said, they will do the deeds of their father, the devil, and they are of the synagogue of satan.
You been posting your Jewish lies for two days straight
Time to stop
>She's a Serbian Orthodox performance artist, not a Jewish Satanists, you idiots.
She performs for Satan. That doesn't make her a Satanist.
For once, it's actually true. Turns out Abram was a popular name for christians in Serbia centuries ago.
185th in Montenegro.
Maybe a learn a little something about your own neighboring countries, shut-in.
Uh that's just uh because you know uh colleges and shit are liberal indoctination camps uh it's better to not be educated because we're the real uh smart ones...
208th and 185th is common?
Those are all countries with less than 13 million people when put together.
That is not common you retarded burger.
Then Jesus is Jewish aswell.
Can confirm. Looks like rather orthodox Christian worship to me.
>not jewish
So close to ThePope
Her wikipedia has been locked and a comment in the editing section says she is Jewish
She was trolling people before it was cool:
>be woman
>move overseas because reasons
>get job and shit
>get fired
>get really pissed
>take a huge loan and buy expensive clothes
>go to some art club and talk shit
>the absolute madmen take the bait
>become famous performance artist
>eventually bite your own bait and become satanic unironically
How could you not pick up on her being an Ashkenazi Jews, look at her nose and eyes.
Can't hide your skellington anons.
1, Montenegro is a different country to Serbia, so irrelevant
2. 185th means it's extremely uncommon
>googles some random statistics
>meanwhile I'm 24yo, never seen an abramovic in 8 years of elementary school, 4 years of highschool, and currently in the 5th year of college
yes, very common name, trust everything you read on the internet like a good goy that you are, hehehe
>not a jew
Hey rabbi, whatcha doin'?
>it blew it our face
>religious people got spooked as hell by it
>obviously this was intended to convert leftie democrats
>church sunday soon
Is this a joke?
Montenegro has 600k people
That Surname has maybe around 200-300 tops.
These CTR shills today...
>has a knife specified for cutting serbs
Is that a real person? What are they doing in this photo?
What did she mean by this ?
You can't hide the nose (unless her mother is armenian)
It's sad that this point has to be clarified so much on this board of all places.
Which is why Podesta had a bandaid on the exact finger the ritual instructs to cut?
Op I've been telling people for the last few days it was a CTR attack.
They new the story of Hillary confessing was coming out so they decided a plan to hit Sup Forums.
>twitter username is AbramovicM666
If they perform rituals for the elite. Yes.
>religious people got spooked as hell by it
They're already voting for Trump because of his views on abortion.
Shes not a satanist, and for people to stop making that assertion.
I mean it's pretty cut and dry.
>>degenerate "performance artist" with a jewish surname
>>obviously not a jew
>there are people in this thread who don't think that THIS is genetically/ethnically a Jew
I think they just want all information out, there's so much dirt everywhere that if they do that then maybe some will be missed or slip away.
even if you pretend, you can still accidentally cook a spirit. if you do, then the demon will posses someone who eats the dinner. we can't allow for even the slight possibility that HRC is possessed by satan.
And now they also think Hillary is a devil worshiper and will vote out in fear just in case.
>implying Hispanics arent religious
>implying blacks arent superstitious as fuck
Vote is a vote lad. It doesnt revolve around you.
She said she was Jewish you retard.
Research a little before you shitpost for Hillary.
There is absolutely no difference between what she does and what satanists do, retard.
Shills are getting dumb as fuck.
a lot of neocon evangelical pre trib rapture zionist turds are refusing to vote for Trump because of that whelp Rubio saying Trump is immoral.
we really know it's because Rubio is a godless pile of shit only in it for the cashout.
I dont know why everyone else is saying no
Serbia was a conquered land of the Ottomons, of course they're semites
Her name is abramovic that's a Jew name if I've ever seen one. Abram is Abraham and I'm assuming ovic means son of or something
Dinaric race
Except it wasn't....
Serbs has that fashion to turn B to V, so let me teach you something:
Avramovic is a serbian last name, Abramovic is not.
Avram is a serbian name, Abram is not.
Not a single Abram or Abramovic you'll find among Serbs or Croats. They are jews.
>Shes not a satanist
Possibly true. From what I've seen, they are worshiping some of the old Roman/Greek Gods.
Paganistic nevertheless.
>old Roman/Greek gods
Old slavic gods actually.
But it makes hell of a pitch for evangelicals no?
weak concern troll brah
Le persuasion guy was on it so it's a legit tactic
It's all Satanism, bro.
It says so in the Bible.
Your opinion isn't really relevant when the Bible says that paganism is Satanism.
i like those tiddies
>twitter account
Most likely situation is shes legitimately a performance artist and the Wiener connection comes because hes a liberal sex addict who attends her shows so he can fuck the mentally deficient liberal women who attend such performance art exhibitions or whatever.
I mean, even the Minerva / Moloch stuff, if true to begin with, i would say is entirely unrelated to this.