>I am pro-refugee. I live in the United States. I'm more afraid of white dudes than anyone else in this country.
why do so many white women think like this ? what have you done to them ameribros.
>I am pro-refugee. I live in the United States. I'm more afraid of white dudes than anyone else in this country.
why do so many white women think like this ? what have you done to them ameribros.
Other urls found in this thread:
Misplaced maternal instinct/cultural acclimation(brainwashing)
Nothing. Women are just so retarded they confuse blacks and Mexicans with white males.
Also, was that a quote from someone particular?
This is the SJW ideology. It's because they live like pic related and only consume media like Tumblr, Salon, HuffingtonPost, Vox, etc.
These people are just useful idiots. If you believe how Islam is a religion of peace and how it's tolerant to women then you're unbelievably retarded.
Women are sensationalists.
Sensationalist media knows how to target their emotions, tells them white men will kill and rape them, despite statistical unlikelihood.
They want to "MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE!" so they want to end borders.
Women who vote with their emotions are political newbies, they don't understand the concept of consequences and they can't conceive the idea that the reason our nations are so great is because they've been run with certain principles for so long, principles like law and order, borders and personal responsibility.
Mm that delicious chunky cheesecurd ass on the left
Brehs i just cant handle myself around those mozzarella mommies
They are probably uninformed if they think whites are an especially problematic people
They increasingly don't have fathers so they don't understand men. This lack of understanding means they have a complete inability to predict a man's actions. Being around a man is like being around a sociopath to them.
>the adderal pic at the end
What's the problem with Adderal ?
from reddit
I don´t get it. Stabbing their countries in the back after society gave them nothing but freedom and acceptance like no where else on the world (USA and EU). It´s even worse than muslims because they atleast don´t betray their own kind.
Rolls out some stats and facts. The response?
>"You seem not to understand my point
HAHAHA that dude got beated up by a bearded kindergartener.
Why is baba always attacking people? every video i see.
1. He's tiny, you'd be eternally pissed off too.
2. It's his youtube shtick. It's just what he does.
Women reason with emotion.
pick up that can
You must be using a lot of it if you think there is nothing wrong with it.
Instead ask yourself why you have to use it, how it came about that you have to take it regularly and why you can't deal without it.
birth control destroys the prefrontal cortex. Autopsies confirm. google it.
I have that same spice rack
Ignorance. Plain and simple.
delet this
White men still have standards
They forgot how to make a good sandwich
They're just parroting what their girls on Tumblr learned from professor Shekelstein.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe your standards are a little twisted?
White women = trash.
Nice bait.
Its a meme. Most anons here are early 20's "incels" and therefore they lean towards misogynist views (for the record, I cant score shit either). A completely natural attitude.
Its like that "gaming community case" of the past which we cannot mention.
>don't feed the troll
>SAGE goes in all fields
>OP is a roach that lives under a third world dictatorship
Crab in the bucket mentality, the same one that shuns black people for acting "too white." For young women it means you have to virtue signal to minorities to show that you care, and lash out at white men because they're the bad guys. It's just what's "popular" nowadays for women, and it doesn't help that every form of media echoes this.
Left them alone for jews poison their minds.
It causes emotional numbness in many cases.
Add to that the fact that it's prescribed when it's not necessary and you get the perfect kooky 'its da joos' theory.
Penicilin has the same problems, docs are just being lazy and instead of trying to prescribe specific drugs for specific issues they just prescribe the one that solves the problem most often.
Fuck off we're full
you can usually achieve similar ends with less addictive substances (for those who actually have ADD)
Shit your video basically says we are all gonna die at the hands of muslims.... fuck
God bless Jewess2
Don't worry if need be go full Wahabi and start throwing bitch's off buildings. Paybacks a bitch.
Would smash left one over the right one to be honest.
I have those nike trainers
White people are crazy and unpredictable. As far as being pro refugee I dont think they care. Our "refugees" are mexicans (central americans). Syria is your problem.
Only dykes say that shit Mehmet. If you lived here you would know.
We broke up with them in middle school.
>Syria is your problem.
Wat, the syrian problem was entirely created by the u.s
that thigh gap chick on the right
Nothing, they just know they can use white men as a scapegoat for their hate because they're part of the same culture and ethnicity.
They can attack it all they want without the possibility of being labelled "intolerant" "racist" etc.
It's the same way that they'll attack christianity but won't say shit about islam.
They don't necessarily believe it, but playing into the narrative is self benefiting and turns into group masturbation
It is our fault, but they live with your people. I think we have only accepted 2000 or so kek
>it doesn't help that every form of media (((echoes)))
the media portray refugees as children and helpless sick people
women are nurturing by nature and fall for it
Koksal Baba hits pretty hard for a little guy
Liberalism is a mental illness.
Thigh gap is truly a gift from the gods.
He's a former 4 time mini flyweight boxing champ.
Like pot man
That's because everyone lets him get away with it, what're you gonna do, pick him up and throw him? I'm subscribed; it's comedy gold.
Notice how she claims she is most afraid of white dudes but she has taken no steps to move to a majority non white country.
That's some major cognitive dissonance or a lie to gain sympathy from white dudes.
Point this fact out to every white girls who talks about white men this way. That is how you break their brainwashing.
Feminism. They fear the kitchen! They're going back whether they like it or not!
Burgers are no whiter, than you, mehmet.
Nice feet AIDS whore.