ITT. Sup Forums users you recognize
I'll go first
>That egyptian poster who shitposts threads
ITT. Sup Forums users you recognize
I'll go first
>That egyptian poster who shitposts threads
okay, that's a fucking bogus image.
Dude posting about millennials and Soe pics.
I support israel so much that I believe every single jew must live in israel without exception.. it can be a giant concentration camp
That Leaf that shitposts constantly.
Histrionic Dutch homo troll from Sup Forums.
American spic obsessed about pure white hispanics and getting mad about mestizos, writes in caps
can you imagine what it's like having most of the world put your culture on a pedestal?
That Croat that always shills for Hillary.
The ducking ctrl serb
That Indian who poos.
This will really happen though. They won't leave unless we force them.
Malaysian faggot shilling his patreon comic
That """"norwegian"""" subhuman who spams homo threads
The """"south korean"""" faggot who posts a BLACKED thread with 5 replies and get banned until the next day
The australian who roleplays about aliens sometimes
the eternal anglo spammer from germany
haven't seen him in a while
this. I wouldn't mind the jews a bit if they would all fuck off to their israel. heck, they can even have their "Eretz Israel" with the sinai and west syria. but only if that disgusting international jewry diaspora would all fuck off to israel. filthy kikes with their fat noses should all fuck off to their holy land and keep away from us as far as possible. they can whine about muh holocaust as much as they want if they would just all go away from here.
Ideally, every single kike would be dead in my eyes. but that cant be accomplished, so deporting all jews to a shithole in the middle east doesn't sound so bad
The Jew that posts the fucking machines webms.
>Egyptian who posts blacked threads
>CTR serb-nigger
>Card Number Protected kike
>Aussie who always posts guaranteed red states as blue with song lyrics in all caps
That's it
The guy who obsessively posts AM/WF threads.
Some TCR thread regulars:
>Nathan Bredford Forrest, also known as G
>Norwegian Capitalist
>Squid Girl
>That Ukranian Inner Circle member
That dark-skinned Argentinian who keeps posting about how white his country is.
Probably just the Serbian flag on the post.
That Greek furry guy who likes hairy guys.
The Israeli kike who posts anti-trump threads everyday
today, i will remind them
The estonian dude that used to do avatarfagging
The norvegian that posts daily the thread about bannin guns since the military has tanks and jets
The turk living in germany
Somalibro, however it's been a long since i last seen him
That turk that used to get angry everytime you mentioned turkey
The one pretending to be a Japanese woman living in the Vatican or some shit.
That swede that hates slavs beyond reason. Usually goes on an autistic rampage of ~60 posts per thread
Also, can't forget about the Jap who wants to be American.
>tfw nip
here's an example of the dumb aussie
That American who has his name as Anonymous with 10 stars and that Australian who has 5 stars and that Indonesian who appears every time to talk about the shit going on in his shitland.
that Moor who spams the holocaust threads
That guy from the island of Jersey.
That butthurt Irish guy
Who am I kidding that's all of them
All the jew proxyshills pretending to be from countries they are not to divide and conquer.
Fucking jews, kill them all.
Sup Forums found the steam of the Munich shooter and it was full of our memes. That was probably him since he went quiet after the shooting.
>"Nazis won't reply to this. Proof!"
>7 replies
>"Nobody has replied to that post!"
>the extrmely belligerent Canadian that loves obama
That American who continually shills his soopa spoopy occult youtube channel.
oh yeah, that british guy who keeps posting "RACIST" and other shitposts to every reply to a thread, essentially his posts become about 50% (~150 posts) in a thread.
The Brazilian user/proxy that shitposts Drumpf threads
The Canadian user/proxy that shitposts Drumpf threads
The Swedish proxy that shitposts Drumpf threads (doesn't speak Swedish)
But that's the croatian black girls lover from Sup Forums
>Canadian spammer who used to post the same things hundreds of times per day, used a Serbian proxy as an alt but stopped using it after it was proven that he couldn't speak Serbian, singlehandedly created the "cruzmissile" meme by posting it ~4000 times
It's a Canadian
That leaf poster that only posts in French with pictures of tenniswoman Eugénie Bouchard
I feel like this can made into a book/show "The People of Sup Forums"
The Isreali kike who spams anti-Trump propoganda
I made that image and shitposted it every day for a week straight
This guy is easiest to recognize. same person every time
That fellow Brit user who spams Natalia mummy pictures and wanting to, and I quote "Cummy in mummys tummy".
Still makes me laugh.
only neo-Sup Forums redditors support israel
Not this thread again
That faggot "Nationalist View", or some shit, from Portugal who starts Holohoax threads.
>ITT. Sup Forums users you recognize
The "hey fellow white people, i hate everyone in the middle east but israel is way better than those mudslimes, am i right? heh. lets buy some israeli government bonds." - jew poster.
oh wait, all jews are like that.
Ga wat doen man, luie hoer!
do you mean the English Hapa guy that spams up threads related to Asia with his insecurity, or someone who actually posts threads about amwf?
this guy yeah
That 'proddie' britfag poster. I hate him so much, probably more than anyone else on here.
And the Emilia Clarke poster
Oh fuck yeah he crops up now and then. Still can't tell if he's autistic yet or just has a deeply depressing sense of humor. Probably both.
Also dubs... praise him
Called it. Also hello 56
Turks are white and based
All Scandinavian posters that argue about useless Scandinavian bullshit
that swede who thinks he's ceasar's grand-grandchild
The poster who takes over milo and lauren threads with Aurini posting.
Bless his soul.
Not really. Brevik was an anti-semite Zionist because he hated Jews and Mulsims
I support Isreal. Deportation is favorable to genocide.
The intensely patriotic indian who posts 'vote-by-text for hillary' psyops material.
The finnish guy who posted "we must seize the means of production"
I know this one
I know the korean
this one also i know
top kek
I know this guy
Ohhhh this fucking guy I know him yeah hes a faggt
this. Scandinavians are irrelevant, especially because they are black
The malay fuck who ruined drawfag threads
I think I know that guy yeah, always shitposts strawmen about muh shitty capitalism and whatnot
Ah fuck. It ain't me I swear mom
The assblasted Turk who keeps making threads with pictures that have titles like "dead_amerifat_43.jpg"
Yeah I know this guy
Although that could be all of them
>based Islamic State
I just want all the kikes concentrated in Israel
to make it easier to wipe them all off the face off the earth with a big bomb.
I agree
Kek, I remember him
that fucking brit autism posting a hundred pics in hillary deathcult threads called gronk
The Romanian poster who always responds in an extremely polite way when I troll him about his gypsy activities.
That one fag who makes almost every day a thread about how can atheists base their morality without religion
Jokes aside, Islamic State is very closely aligned with Sup Forumss worldview, just more focus on (preventing) degeneracy
I've seen picrel a couple times when gypsyposting, are you the Roma-American who posts in Romania threads?
>Jokes aside
stopped reading here, mate.
and, you know, establishing an Islamic Caliphate to control the world through the word of Allah?
So how does Putin's cum taste?
I once followed him around a thread shitposting about black cocks and telling him to "get under the burqa you cute little trap :3"
If you ever see him just call him a bbc loving trap
That guy who can show up with any flag, and the estonian guy.
You know who he is.
The Aussie who hates Europe and hopes that Russia destroys it
>sweden defending isis
Russia taking over Europe wouldn't be a bad thing :^)