>actors have to memorize a novel sized script for each movie they do
How the fuck do they do it?
>actors have to memorize a novel sized script for each movie they do
How the fuck do they do it?
memorizing a scene at a time
Thats the work of the extra
or just take the jennifer lawrence approach and show up and have the director give you the lines for the day.
this. it's not live theater.
Good scripts are easier to memorize because each line logically follows the next
They don't film it all in a single day. Only the main character might get a lot of lines.
yeah they shoot the movie in one single take
>Implying they don't just memorize the lines for the scenes they're doing that day
Acting is the easiest job in the world. The only hard part is being either attractive or ugly in a memorable way i.e. Steve Buscemi.
only those with eidetic memory are allowed to be actors. didn't you know?
this is the literal definition of kino I think
Marlon Brando didn't do even that. Fucker read lines off camera as he delivered them
A script is tiny compared to a novel, and they only need to remember their lines and cues which will be a very small part of it.
no, she just shows up, gives the directors bjs, collects free checks, and then complains about toxic masculinity
They only have to memorize their lines, brainlet
To be fair live stage acting is pretty damn tough.
are you fucking kidding, reddit?
working at McDonalds for 3 months is much harder than that
Working 3 months in fast food is harder then most things. A lot of people would walk out just from the shame western society imposes on you.
in real life,in between,cuts the actors can read the scripts and memorize the few lines they need for the shot and forget it afterwards,they dont need to memorize the entire script
brando has like two lines in that entire scene
How did they record with that actor holding literally holding script? Did they CGI it out?
Close ups and from behind the cue card guy.
>not having a photographic memory
Brainlets are scum.
If you're Johnny Depp then you have the lines fed to you through small headphones
I miss the days when films were about trickery of the eyes and slight of hand rather than having the geek in post photoshop it out.
A lot don't even read the fucking script and rely on the director to tell them how and when to emote. The average scene takes hours to do and the actors can just memorize their lines the-day-of while in hair and makeup. A lot of times they'll come in during post-production and rerecord the lines in a VA studio with the script right in front of them. Why else do you think so many borderline retards can make it as actors?
If anything, it's TV soap actors that work the hardest. They shoot a ton of scenes over the course of a week.
A-list don't even read scripts anymore. They rely on their agent or manager to do this and decide whether the role is right for their career.
Sometimes they fuck up and end up doing a role they wouldn't have otherwise, then end up embarrassing themselves by having to promote a movie they now hate being associated with. Jim Carrey did this when he started denouncing Kick-Ass 2 when he was supposed to be promoting it, revealing he knew nothing about the comic or that he even read the script before taking the role.
Nothing wrong with this approach
Steve Buscemi is a high test sex magnet just for the record
>>CGI it out
Actually the cue cards are CGI. It was the early days so they didn't have the tech yet to do it the modern way. Brando had a computer hooked to his head.
easiest job in the world is shit posting on Sup Forums. Too bad it doesn't pay anything
>being alpha enough to show up unprepared knowing she’ll get an Oscar nomination regardless
Based JLaw
How the fuck do I improve my memory? I'm 90% sure vidya has destroyed my short term memory.
>a novel sized script
Have you seriously NEVER seen what a script is really like?
Memorising lines is a lot easier than you think. I've acted in a couple of plays as a main character with a fair few lines (about 30% of a 200 page script). You can quite easily lock down your lines in rehearsals - a lot of the memorisation comes from using other people's lines, set changes or stage actions as cues. After a while you pretty much absorb the entire script. I guess with film/TV it's kinda different as they don't have proper rehearsals like you do for plays.
Just read or force yourself to learn something online like Codeacademy or Coursera.
Using your brain makes it work faster in general.
The rote learn the scene using flash cards.
It is a short term learning method, and does not facilitate long term memory.
Its why they cant remember anything they've specifically said in movies, when they're asked about it in interviews.
if youve smoked weed its already too late. your brain is hardwired instantaneous relief now, go watch some rick n morty.
Never. My memory simply went to shit when I was a kid and never recovered.
I'm pretty sure that he only meant movie acting
Buscemi is a fucking chad my guy
Some of them don't. Marlon Brando had lines taped to the back of other people.
The good thing about being ugly is that you don't age poorly.
Actually film actors get prompted all the time, studios don't want to bet on the memorization powers of an airhead prettyboy or walking pair of tits. There's a little thing called 'editing.'
Serious question: How do theatre actors remember all their lines and marks for a 2 hour stage play??
Adderall and gaffer tape
By studying a script and rehearsing.
depends how many scenes you're in
for example anthony hopkins is only in about 16 minutes of silence of the lambs
>Robert Duvall
>cue card guy
The stage manager whispers their lines to them from the wings if it looks like they're about to forget them
>Have the lead in a play in June
>Got the part in December
>Rehearsals start in second week of April
>I am in every scene except the first
>I have every second line almost
>I have only learned the first scene I am in and that is only two pages long (play is 104 pages)
You've got 2 months, that's plenty of time. What are you, a bitch?
Do actors use something like Anki to memorize lines? That's what I use to memorize music, works really well.
Who the fuck is off book before rehearsals even start? All that does is fuck you up so that you can't respond to the other actors naturally since you already have the shit set in your head one way.
Legit advice from another actor though, the best way to get your lines down is to put your script down as early into your rehearsals as possible, too many people are too scared to call for lines in rehearsals so they don't get off book till the show starts and fuck everything up.
You would be surprised how easy it is to memorize lines since 99% of it is just conversations.
You gotta remember people sperg out about Shakespeare being hard and complicated and shit, but all the actors performing it originally were illiterate
>Hey guys it's me Steve Buscemi!
This. Lasted 3 days at Weinerschnitzel. Worst and most humiliating job I ever had and I've worked as a janitor cleaning puke, piss and scrubbing diarrhea splattered toilets.
>all the actors performing it originally were illiterate
So, would the playwright read them their lines to memorise or something?
He wasn't exactly big at the time. Most people would have known him either from broadway or as Boo Radley before the Godfather.
ain't no stage play
>implying actors actually read the whole script and know what the movie is really about
You see in the interview that they are actually not sure what the movie was about.
He looks like the virgin meme with his bug eyes, dumb hair and small chin. Only good thing about him is his mouth
>if anything, it's TV soap actors that work the hardest. They shoot a ton of scenes over the course of a week.
>a novel sized script
I don't think you know what the fuck you're talking about brainlet crossposting pleb.
You can find scripts online with a simple google search. Pic related is a WORDY page from a screen play.
Also the rule of thumb is a page a minute. So if your movie is 90 minutes, the screenplay is about 90 pages
There's not a ton they need to remember, and even then they aren't filming the whole movie in a day. They know what scenes they're working on and when because there is a shooting schedule and call sheets, so you just worry about what you're doing tomorrow and the next day.
>Pic related
Nice pic there retard
>Pic related
>Pic related
what is over the shoulder close up retard
Based Nolan does
Cos they reread it the day before shooting and on set before every scene is filmed. It usually takes a day to film a couple of minutes, which could be what? Two pages, maybe more.
>continues to post on Sup Forums instead of memorizing his lines
My first theater performance was a monologue and wasting time on Sup Forums almost ruined it.
By lines you mean coke, right?
>"How do you do, fellow fucking chads?"
Think about it as an investment: the most successful plays are often being played like 200 (or even more) times in a year. It's worth to memorize the lines, especially with classics.