Does whatever a spider can

>Does whatever a spider can

What are these for

Spinning webs any size.

Well, those are his Spider Cans, of course.

Read Spider-Man 2099 cuck

They’re Wonder Woman’s bracelets. He just nicked them and painted them black.

Catches thieves just like flies.

Go be a fag cuck elsewhere

fuck off

Spider-Man is a little boy who pleases old men for webshooters!

No, you fat faggot.

Then enjoy the shitty Tobeys movie which are just half assed 2099 sloppy seconds.

Benis Barker should have 8 eyes and shoot web out his butt.

2099 is garbage mate

Says the man with no taste

>which are just half assed 2099 sloppy seconds
Hahaha wat.

I read somewhere that the species of the spider that bit him was one that only the females could make webs, that's why peter couldn't but silk could

You tried to force this meme back when the movie came out and it's still not funny.

Why do superhero costumes all look like neoprene or plastic these days?

Something so he can do whatever a spider can.

I'd rather have no taste than shit taste, mate

I thought Marvel made the new comic spider man a nigger so i naturally assumed that they were handcuffs.

Whatever you say.

haha epic my Sup Forums brother

I'd read this

Reminder: Spider-Man's powers aren't spider powers, they're radiation powers that he attributes to various spider characteristics to fit the motif. Spider-Sense is just precognition and sticking to walls the way he does is completely different than how spiders do it, he's legit applying electromagnetism.

Completely reasonable assumption to make.

>he's legit applying electromagnetism.
>implying anyone on Sup Forums reads comics let alone The Return of The Sin-Eater

but muh totems

So Magneto can stop him from clinging to things?

Magneto could do a shit ton of things.

Like, you know why you don't fall through the floor? Electromagnetism. The charge of the atoms in your body repel the atoms in the wall.

Electro especially. He won a fight that way.

The song isn't 'does whatever a spider can unassisted'

Actually its native american

Ezekiel, pls go.

>forgetting the extra pair of legs and arms
Also he should have lots of bodyhair.

Ebin, simply ebin