If you can't solve this problem then you don't deserve the right to vote

Why should we solve your homework?

>dumb tween trying to get us to do his homework

Get fucked kid

>implying you can even understand the problem in the pic

if this were true, literally 99% of the population couldn't vote therefore the actual right to vote would be useless

Fuck off

>babby's first quantum homework
Do your own work, brainlet

What's this then?

Dude we kicked your fag ass countrys ass with just enough mass to fill mortars and move troop supplies fuck off

Based Finn


Underage please leave.

Just have to use Schrodinger's equation, it's really not difficult
try again OP and suck dicks

>implying brainlets can run a country which resembles anything other than an anarchy or banana republic

>particle has zero energy
>what is potential energy

Fuck off nerd virgin
Math is gay and nobody needs that crap after they finish school

Is that why you're such a poorfag in life?

>This is considered 'hard' in UK
>Trying this hard to get your highschool homework solved

Newfag detected.

>tfw going through college, getting good grades, but don't feel like I'm actually learning or remembering anything

Is this normal?

Is this NatSci Part 1B Chem A?


Name me one irl situation that would require math knowledge

>Gaussian wave function


>if you haven't sat through a class like me you shouldn't vote

what other skills you got big guy?

>baby's first wave theory course

you cant outsmart a bullet you homo

oh no a first year college physics problem THE HORRORS

>quantum psychics
>relevant to politics

stick to your field of specialty autist. u might be able to solve a hypothetical math question but u wouldn't have a clue as to the inner working of politics and human social life.

>Britbong trying to tell us once again what we can and can't do in our own country.
Sure, you guys have a tradition of it, but it's fucking annoying, so, in your country's words, sod off.

>wave function
>relevant to politics

kek please find one nigger Hillary supporter who can answer this, and no, black science man does not count

Integrate you mong.

I may not be smart enough for your mathematics homework but at least I can shot you from 50 yards away with my AR15.

at first I was like
>hurr durr do your own homework
but then
>probability distribution
>potential energy
potential energy needs a zero set somewhere (somewhen).
Probability distribution, is that even needed?

am I missing something or is this mathemathical dhiarrea? sage in doubt

lol this nigga pulls a question out of the most pedestrian of freshman QM books and thinks that it makes him some sort of supergenius

sage hide report

It's particle in a box.
The energy is just the eigenvalue you get out when you take the second derivative of the eigenfunction (multiplied by a factor including the planck constant and the mass of the particle).

How much your burger and fries cost, sir.
Oh, wait, I can just ring that up on the till...

a)Normalize \psi (x)

b) Find the Potential Energy (U) as a function of x

c) Make a plot of U(x) versus x

Yes. Should've done an internship or gone to trade school.