Is it degenerate to go to college after you are 25? I am 24 years old and I am thinking about going to college next year.
I am afraid to be surrounded by 17-18 highschooler and feel like I am in a goddamn Kindergarten.
Is it degenerate to go to college after you are 25? I am 24 years old and I am thinking about going to college next year.
I am afraid to be surrounded by 17-18 highschooler and feel like I am in a goddamn Kindergarten.
Stop being a faggot. It's not degenerate anyway.
>is it degenerate to try to correct my/my family's failures and follow a career path
I'm in the exact same situation though. Fuck it, you can hump the 18yos there, learn faster and drink much more then them.
Going for computer science, so not many chicks for me, but the booze is still there.
>If you didn't go to college you are a failure
i am not sayinh that, but if HE didn't go to college and he is considering it then he probably failed to get the career he wanted.
You have to be pretty exceptional to succeed without college
Do not ever be afraid of the inferior
Not if it helps you advance in your career.
Also assuming you aren't obese/autistic chicks will be all over you as the cool older guy.
Too bad you need to be equally exceptional to succeed with it lol.
It's not. in my university we have many students in their mid 20s.
t.heidelberger jurastudent
No, but you really need to take full advantage of your classes, get a good degree that is market applicable, and make connections with professors who have contacts in the industry.
It's not something you can afford to fuck up the way people do when they're 18.
>WoW memes
nah you'll fit in just fine.
Nope, all it takes is a little thinking and a few friends who understand local market / politics.
Any asshole can succeed w/o college.
You're supposed to study, not mingle.
I do have a good job. I am making 35k€/year but I don't feel like being stranded on my actual job for the next 40 years.
This is not the USA. College here is payed with tax money, which means only best people get in college, while there are plenty of options for the rest of us. In the USA, however, since they are all for-profit and costs thousands of dollars, the system has made sure that you need to be in college (and therefore in debt) to "succeed".
A good friend of mine went to college between the ages of 26-28.
Currently has a nice paying job and a condo inner city.
I went back at 24, graduated last year in ECE. It's actually a huge advantage being older, more mature, confident and smarter than your peers. There's no downside socially or acedemically.
I already have a nice paying job and a condo inner city
Sorry, sometimes I forget not everyone lives in Freedomland.
Degenerate to want to learn more stuff?
>literally the opposite. It will stop you from becoming mentally degenerate
Freedom? Jews own your money. Faggot.
Im 25 and went straight into the workforce. Managed to save up and work enough to buy a 15k car and pay it off and have plenty left over after rent. Im planning on going but iv'e had this thought before. If anything, I have an edge over the fresh 18yr old ones going in, I can supplement my education without gov help and aren't driving my parents car or taking a bus. If I dont go to college, ill just take up a second job to kill time.
>only best people get in college
now this is baiting.
I mean in no-meme degrees
>not playing Blade and Soul for the honor and dignity of good
stop already, you got called out.
>Playing videogames
>weeaboo grinder
no thanks.
t: Azubi
> Counting himanities in.
> lmao
It's not like you would talk or otherwise interact with them if you were 18 anyway, you sperg. Just go in, listen to the courses, take your notes or whatever, and go home. The social aspect of college is entirely unnecessary. College should be taken with a businesslike no-bullshit attitude.
Nope, after class I always need booze and laughter. Been this way since I was a kid.
>shitposting from uni
>wagecuck calls me azubi
Having contacts is as important if not more than a degree
I did it, at 24, I was surrounded my retards and felt awkward most of the time... But did make some friends who were my age and in the end got a STEM degree and a good job... Ymmv
>On saturday
>what is the library
>Going to the library on a saturday
You network up - among profs and PIs and shit - they're the ones that know some people. If you think networking with a bunch of 18 year olds will help you in a way that won't make you hate yourself, you are mistaken. To each his own, though, I'm not judging. Some even enjoy that.
>I dont have reading comprehension and everyone must know
Only if you are there to """"study""""
Fuck off Achmed, your classmates are less than useless.
Unless you're getting a shitty meme degree like gender studies, where the only future is in getting reabsorbed back into the academic circle-jerk, in which case your "professors" are also useless
>I am afraid to be surrounded by 17-18 highshoolers
You should have went right after high school you fucking retard, you're the one who put yourself in that situation
I went to College when I was 19 and it was full of old people
>OP thinks of university as magical place full of intelligent people
You are right. Please lend me a time machine and I will solve it.
Read the fucking OP. It's actually the opposite you retarded nigger