ITT : We discuss politics, culture, and identity in the 1950s
Best Decade General - /bdg/ #1
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Anyone up for discussiom on 1950s femininity? Its sad how far we've come from actual women being women and looking the part.
Does anyone else want women dressing like pic related again? I have a few others I can show.
If you think the culture wasnt already heavily eroded by 1950s you are an idiot
>1950s best decade
>Blacks were treated like subhumans and women were treated as inferiors
Ugh, gag
Stalinism was not so cool
>treated as inferiors
I wonder why
The bigger thing I can take away from this is that people right now are shitty illustrators.
Good pics, saved.
Hope you enjoy them. WAY more over here :
Also Remuslupinart is making a 1950s Unteralterbach based VN for 8ch dot net /loli/ using these pics as reference if anyone was interested
this thread sucks
stop fantasizing over kids
OP, you are a faggot.
Its the fashion m8
Its so undegenerate its holy. But i guess you'd rather kids wearing booty shorts you kike
but 70s was best you fucking retard
>women plagiarizing men's fashion
ahahah says the faggot living out his sexual fantasies over (see the large eyes and artifical hair, faggot?) anime-drawn little girls. hahaha fucking creep, stop masquerading your degenerate and misguided sexual fantasies as being 'discussion of culture'
no u
50s were shit.
Everything but 1920s till 1945, and 2000s is shit.
The birth and the rebirth of the National Socialism.
What's the appeal of the 50's for someone who didn't get to live in them? Can you even nostalgia over something you never experienced?
>not suitable for chubby girls
haha fat fucks BTFO'd
>buying into the 1950s the tv told you guys about
Hahahaha pol is pathetic
the only thing 70s were good for was sparking a conservative revolution
>wearing trousers
Why havent you eaten at a 50s reanactment diner user?
Dont see the problem
bad how?
Who was everyone favorite politician from that era?
And why was it based Ike?
As a white Briton born in 1958 my love of 1950s America grew from all the sci-fi movies of that era that were showing on British telly throughout my childhood. It Came From Beneath The Sea. It Came From Outer Space. Conquest Of Space. It, The Terror From Beyond Space. The Incredible Shrinking Man. THEM. Tarantula. Destination Moon. The Thing. Conquest Of Space. Flight To Mars. Red Planet Mars. The War Of The Worlds. The Creature From The Black Lagoon. The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms. Invaders From Mars. When Worlds Collide. The Day Earth Stood Still. Invasion Of The Body Snatchers. Earth Versus The Flying Saucers. The Satan Bug. Twenty Million Miles To Earth. This Island Earth. Forbidden Planet. Masculine, intelligent men in neat clothes with crew cuts and sharp, feminine women solving problems and getting the job done. Your finest decade.
Our 1950's sucked.
The 1960-70's were pretty decent though...
ITT: 20 year-olds discussing periods when they weren't even in their fathers ballsack.
fuck off
We need to go back to Christian values
50s culture sucked dick you faggots
to add to my point, 60s was better
other than Dr King