Why are North American malls dying?
How is yours doing?
Why are North American malls dying?
How is yours doing?
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Because Amazon is the best and malls nowadays are infested by niggers and hispanics and indians.
It depends on the neighborhood.
The malls in the black side of town is almost empty.
The white side is thriving.
Amazon much?
Well, what do you go to a "mall" for that isn't much cheaper online? assuming you're over 16 and don't wanna just go "hang with the guys". Overpriced businesses with shitty dated business models are getting rekt by tech. Expect a lot more of it in the future.
Because it was a shitty concept that relied on a relatively rich lower class.
Lower class lost their money as they couldn't be carried anymore so the concept lost its viability.
That and internet.
I never understood the appeal of malls. So many fucking stores and you're barely interested in 10% of them.
It's much better to just go to individual stores you need to go to, or to buy your shit online
Too many malls built during the mall boom, as anchor chains merged and roads became quicker and better connected, supply outstripped demand.
Also tax depreciation schemes.
Are you trying to trigger and distract me CTR?
malls are a stupid outdated concept
I don't understand this meme. Every mall in my area is doing just fine.
As an addition to my previous post, the black majority counties also have slightly higher tax rates than the white majority counties, which directly affects prices.
internet and niggers/arabs/beans
dot or feather?
I thought you genocided all of your indians
>niggers and hispanics and indians.
Consumer society my man
There always needs to be more than enough
>americans saving more
>shitty economy
>Americans can't fit into our cars anymore
Online shopping, I guess. The movie theater is the only reason I ever go to the mall.
I wouldn't know how mine is doing, been there twice in the past seven years to take the kids to build a bear. There isn't anything at a mall that I can't find on Amazon for much less. Although it still seems like a popular hang out for teens, I don't picture many high schoolers with significant disposable income.
A whole bunch of stores are about to close in mine. I don't really understand why, as it actually gets shit ton of business from Canada because Pennsylvania doesn't have a clothing tax
They got rid of the arcade.
Large retail spaces with limited inventory and a group of employees with limited knowledge is an antiquated business model. It's dying because a warehouse and an internet site is a far better business model.
It's wall to wall niggers. Even the high end stores are filled with niggers just hanging out.
Because it's easier to just order something on Amazon. I don't have to trek through endless hordes of fatties and kids.
Get comfy with Dan Bell's Dead Mall series.
Always empty. I think the only reason why it's still around is because it's leased by the Hudson Bay Company which started out as a fur trading company that literally owned half of Canada.
Amazon monopolizing retail
I have to ask though, what's gonna replace malls as a place to hang out? I remember going to the mall just to hang out with people and now barely anyone does it. Is everyone just gonna stay on the internet?
>live in atlanta
>expect anything not to be wall to wall niggers
There are three huge malls within 25 minutes of my house. Arundel Mills, Columbia Mall and the Annapolis Mall. they are full of people most of the time.
Marley Station is in pretty sad shape. One whole wing of that mall is now a server farm or completely empty.
>using Amazon
>willingly supporting the digital jew
>not shopping exclusively at mom and pop stores
It's like you hate America
convenience > convictions to the majority of individuals
>Even the high end stores are filled with niggers just hanging out.
If this is the case you should always demand clothes from the back if you buy there.
I wouldn't wear a piece some lowlifes already wore and took photos with etc.
For example, last night, when I was naked sitting in my office chair, I ordered an internet dongle thingy for my Linux computer. Go ahead and try to do that at a mall. Be my guest.
I personally think malls were a 1950-1990 fad. People seem to prefer more of a downtown shopping experience these days. The internet killing department stores doesn't help them much either.
In my area, the smaller malls are dying while the larger malls are doing fine, so we're seeing some kind of consolidation. Outlet malls also thrive because the brands themselves own the stores, not the dying department stores.
Turn half of it into an Amazon warehouse when you can come up and get things for the advertised online price with a shorter wait than delivered and turn the rest into a massive market space with numerous stalls selling different food and cuisine and other fixtures with small sellers selling their niche products and services in exchange for a far cheaper rental space than previously offered.
You say that like you would even wear t-shirts printed with silver, blackletter writing all over them, or jeans with extra embroidery design on the pockets.
True but even in white areas, niggers are over represented at the local mall. It's a climate controlled space that they can hangout in all day at no cost. This is part of the reason why brick and mortar is moving to open air "lifestyle centers".
It's cheaper because it's subsidized by the government, which means it costs you MORE, because you pay for it twice, once through retail, once through your TAXES.
They WANT you to purchase everything online because you can't use cash. Online nothing is anonymous. They have built the architecture of the internet since the 70's, they never stopped being in control of it, since the original DARPAnet.
Everything everyone does online, we do it on THEIR platform. Their backdoors penetrate everything. They leave criminals and terrorists alone because nothing on that level is worth their time, that shit is ALL chump change to them.
They are manipulating ECONOMIES through their collection and use of METADATA. The last thing they have time for is individual transactions, that's 20th century skimming. They skim the whole thing now.
That's what price you pay for convenience, you are getting fucked fifty times harder and deeper and you have NO IDEA.
Wake up.
make malls great again
>Why are North American malls dying?
Thanks Obama
Be real obesity is not even a problem anymore. At least in California.
Because anything you can get at the mall can be found online, and at a cheaper price. Honestly, who buys anything from Best Buy these days besides old people and niggers?
I personally dislike shopping online. If I can take something home from brick and mortar on the same day at a reasonable price, I'll do it almost every time.
>that 80's asthetic
Bring this back nau
Because niggers ruin everything. Constantly stealing, having flash mobs, fighting in Applebees and Buffalo Wild Wings, the list goes on and on.
Arundel Mills is pretty nice - went on a date with some chick there once.
This, basically. Even with clothes, it's just easier to use Amazon and worry about the other shit later.
amazon, ebay, the internet
Obama's recovery has been a huge success but happened so fast that Sears and most malls couldn't adapt their business model to the booming economy 2.0
Life is a bitch.
The thing is, no one could hardly blame you for being ignorant of all this 20 or even 10 years ago, but post Snowden?
This is like 101 stuff everybody should know. There is really no excuse to be so ignorant.
1) Internet
2) Niggers
Lots of nice memories at that mall. Mostly at that cool Egyptian we wuz movie theater.
Malls are pretty gross man, I feel like I'm gonna get MRSA in those places.
The only times I go to the mall are for small things like cheap sunglasses... or to shop for clothes because unless I want to pay $200+ per shirt, all clothes are made in southeast Asia and sizes are inconsistent across every brand.
>go to mall
>minority kids running RAMPANT
>trying to walk, little 5-10 year old shits cutting across my path and running underfoot
>I look the "parents" directly in the eyes and they just continue on their way and don't say anything
The thing about the kids is it is really depressing because those kids are gonna be absolutely useless in 10 years once they are old enough to make their own choices. If I ran around in public like that my mother would have just curb-stomped me into the ground until I died, and then reanimated my corpse and made me clean the mess.
There was a store like that back in the 70s and 80s called Service Merchandise that operated like that. They were simply too ahead of their time and had to convert into a traditional department store because the IT and robotics weren't available at the time to make the warehouse part of the business plan to operate quickly.
Am I the only one that hates online shopping? Sure it's cheaper, but it makes me feel uneasy and suspicious when there's no face-to-face interaction and hard cash exchange. Does that mean I'm a retrograde?
- Amazon
- People are poorer
- Muslims and Mexicans colonization us ruining them
I don't think they are demoing a building with an excavator bucket.
When you stack their promotions on open box appliances, you can sometimes find decent deals at best buy. I just picked up a high end range and dishwasher for about 50% off recently. I won't be buying from them again due to some bullshit with their website and CS, though.
I'd be suprised if they make it another 5 years without closing at least some stores.
Subsidized... how?
How much do you pay the government each year to maintain the internet?
The cleaning fees from all those sharts are costing malls so much that they no longer make any profit.
You are in Russia, you shouldn't give anyone money unless you already have the product in your hands and you've tested it yourself
Online shopping is going up, places like Walmart are making it more convenient to shop in one go, etc.
Mine are fine, I've only seen one go down where I live before and it was probably because there were two larger and nicer malls within the next few blocks. I rarely ever go, and if I do it is because of store excluslive items being sold at a store there. so I can beat the scalpers.
also most malls require asbestos abatement
prior to demo
which most cities can't afford/don't want to pay for
so the building sits..
It was ran down my Mexicans the anchor stores are leaving and they are trying to sell it
confirmed, unless i need it today, Amazon to avoid niggers and normies
malls are dying because cool people dont buy their shit at malls anymore and almost anyone at a mall is now a disgusting teenager or minority.
>Everything everyone does online, we do it on THEIR platform. Their backdoors penetrate everything.
software developer here, i have worked on web applications and I can confirm that i've NEVER been approached by shadowy government agents to paste their backdoor into my sourcecode...
Ours is doing alright, because some smart decisions were made when it was built.
>the mall was built literally at the east end of Main Street, so it was downtown and not off on the opposite side of town
>the city maintained ownership of the property, so the city has been able to vet all buyers and include covenants in the sales agreements
>the city invested heavily in redeveloping the defunct industrial lots directly north and directly south of the mall and main street, pulling more retail/service businesses into the downtown area
And when the Sears anchor closed last year, the city promptly cut a deal with Cinnemark to knock it down and relocate to the south end of the mall. The new theater will bring massive amounts of new foot traffic downtown.
Half the stores are closed.
The UI of online shopping, even at leaders such as Amazon, still needs lots of improvement. Once I'm in a store it's easier to compare options than it is to click page after page online. Even most of the online compare tools are shitty due to poor quality meta data. Amazon is especially bad when it comes to not standardizing unit sizes for similar items. Perhaps AR or VR will create a better interface than the current 'gird of items' UI.
Walmart and the internet.
Malls are a generation x phenomenon. A place where teenagers could go to hang out, play games at the arcade, spend their generous disposable income.
It will come back in. Amazon will eventually need more warehouses and giving customers and option for pick up/impulse buys is just good business sense.
Large retail space is a dinosaur. If the body corporates don't reduce their rents significantly and offer up market space for enterprising small businesses that just need a stand with foot traffic they'll be gone very soon.
malls are dying because they let niggers in
this is a fact
>all clothes are made in southeast Asia
this is what gets me. all of these name brand clothing companies with established branding yet all of their clothes are made in asia. is higher quality control in the sweat shops what we pay for in the end?
Sometimes some stores have special offers to compete with online but outside of that the physical market is useless.
Funnily enough online even has better policies than physical stores, where most dont even give you back your money if you buy something that comes broken out of the box(shops for consumer electronics are especially bad when it comes to that).
[slowed down Diana Ross intensifies]
That's the main lesson of my childhood, but people around me happily indulge in online shopping and scarcely anyone is ever scammed. It seems the infrastructure is more or less in place, the shipping is somewhat reliable and you can get a refund more often than not. Or so I'm told.
>that reference
I get it
you poor poor summer plebs.
Wait until the malls are all dead and Amazon becomes concerned about profit. Then we will see you gnash and wail through the desolate marketplaces, in search of the low prices that shall never return.
We're fat and don't like having to walk all over a mall to get to the stores.
Shopping plazas where you can park in front of the store you're going to are replacing indoor malls.
Kill it with fire. Nothing of value was lost.
Lidl lohnt sich. K.
Nigga who the fuck drives from Canada to PA to go shopping?
Walmart isn't exactly "the mall". It's Walmart.
That looks incredible. Everything seems so plain in comparison these days.
Malls are more convenient than traveling a whole city for shops and the internet is more convenient than malls. Same principle with tv killing film and game consoles killing arcades.
This also. The big mall in my rich-cosmopolitan-college-hometown got bought by some dutch or danish company. They built a big vestibule, put up sculptures, murals, filled the interior with new seating, more modern art, and jacked up the rent driving out good businesses like a hobby shop and general store. It's still full of Laquishas and Jesuses (the mexican kind) walking around talking loudly and not buying anything.
ahahahah I KNOW RIGHT
it's also nice to be able to return it easily and look at it with your hands
Dead and dying malls should be redeveloped into self contained live/shop communities.
Use the existing structure to make apartment and condos. While one part is reserved to be a grocery store, super Walmart, pharmacy, barber, post office. Tera out most of the parking lots. Give residents secure covered parking garages. Some parking for the stores. Rest is made into green space. Then plaster solar panels on top of the mall.
Not only this but also these days people are more likely to go to cheaper places that have everything or more expensive ones that specialize in one thing. Malls are in that mid-priced range that no one really cares for anymore because there's no real middle class.
Because only rabid niggers go to the mall now?
Retail is horribly overpriced and you can get absolutely anything for way cheaper through amazon, ebay or craigs
Unless you immediately need something, Amazon is often more convenient and cheaper.
I hate amazon with a passion but I can't beat leeching off my parent's amazon prime for free shipping
Amazon already has started a drop box service and does two hour delivery on some items. A warehouse pick up location certainly could be part of their future but they seem to be mostly focused on automated quick delivery.