Hitler did just as much, they can be dealt with after the election through state votes -- that's Trump's master plan.
Reminder that we don't have to like or tolerate them to use them for votes
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Oh shit. That just might deliver Miami.
He could cure cancer at this point and still get bad media.
He was never anti gay.
Trump to cure cancer.
Dems outraged since Trump hates on Aids.
>I'm against gay marriage, and btw, I'm SO for the death penalty.
Really now?
Trump has never been anti-gay, that's a projection of Hillary's campaign- you know, the one who despises gay people and opposed DOMA.
Gay here
I am more upset about being thrown in with mentally ill trans and attack helicopters than about being hated by conservatives.
Count your blessings that you're not in California, then. It fucking sucks here and we're full of these people. Thanks, liberals.
>politicians use the LGBT to get votes
Yeah, and why not? This group of degenerates is big enough to pander to now for some agenda pushing. I'd promise trannies that I'd help find a way to give them real vaginas if it meant I got their vote. They're stupid enough to believe it, anyway.
Trump is a narcissist.
Trump thinks he can be greatest president.
Trump wants to be greatest president.
Trump has already changed his views to be greatest president.
When you realise that Trump isn't some gay-hating white-nationalist right wing retard
>When you realise that Trump isn't some gay-hating white-nationalist right wing retard
>Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed
"he did something seemingly contradictory, golly I guess he changed his mind!"
>this is how britbongs think
>In the Vanity Fair article, Ivana Trump told a friend that her husband's cousin, John Walter "clicks his heels and says, 'Heil Hitler," when visiting Trump's office.
>implying Trump isn't a cryptonazi
Like, I just want to suck a dick in private from time to time. That's literally the only thing that makes me gay. I don't want to do it in front of you. I don't go to Prides.
I don't want to put some creepy man into your wife's bathroom or arrest you for not calling some snowflake "xhe". I never asked for this LGBT crap.
I'm not ashamed of what I am but the "movement" is starting to make me.
Fuck off GradeAUnderA
Dont care about the fags. Incentivized marriage through perks from the government mean they should allowed to get married. Doesnt mean god wont burn them in hell
Retards in denial that Trump's narcissism is literally his defining characteristic. A characteristic that shapes his actions.
Hey Sup Forums .... we have the best retards, don't we Sup Forums
Unironically off yourself you self important twat
>this is how britbongs think
So prove me wrong. Trump isn't some gay-hating white-nationalist right wing retard
>he's a narcissist who wants to be the best president evah
I wouldn't be surprised if he won and... raised minimum wage to $15ph, then made sure universal healthcare
>he's a narcissist who wants to be the best president evah
I don't give a shit about LGBT, just the SJW types that push their shit on other people, and the overly flamboyant ones that base their entire personality around their sexual orientation.
Both of which are really just a complaint about their shitty personalities rather than their sexual preference.
Prove yourself right first you retard
guys, read his posts in a cockney bong accent, it makes it even funnier
I do, because it links me with people I despise.
>I like trump because he's honest, never breaks a promise and speaks what's in his mind
>he's just lying to pander for some fag and kike votes
Trumpfaggot "intellectuals"
enjoy the wall
>mentally ill trans
Im sorry to tell you hun that biologically being attracted to the same sex and thinking you are the wrong sex are pretty much the same amount of crazy.
IF you want to call trans people mentally ill thats fine but then you are also admitting something in your brain is malfunctioning to ignore millions of years of evolution and the single most fundamental instinct that all mammals have.
Tell me how your brain fucking up and liking the wrong sex is any different than the brain fucking up and thinking it is the wrong sex. Both times it is the brain just fucking up and not doing what its supposed to do.
>le degenerate fags are going to be ignored by muh dog emperor, but muh wall will surely be built
How's it feel to be pandered like a group of fags?
why nazis made life jackets from sausages?
How does it feel to know that one day almost no mexicans will be allowed in the US and you will be stuck in your drug cartel run 3rd world country forever?
so pretty.. would marry and live 75 years with :3
Hillary promised to bring in more third-world muslims.
Gay people literally have no reason not to vote for Trump.
oh shit, they're guys.. aren't they user..
How's it feel knowing that, no matter what you do, your skin will always be the same color as my poop?
Its actually insane what happens if you give a boy puberty blockers early enough and full hormones at the right time. Really the main thing that causes men and women to look so different is their teenage puberty growth from hormones. If you give either one the opposite they look like...well.. that.
There are lots of gay animals.
Enjoying dick is just a preference. You can't be the wrong sex. That's a mental illness.
They are, look at the filename.
This is a boy too
>trump is just pandering for votes from the groups I don't like
>a wall will be built ****IF**** trump wins
Pick one braindead trumpfaggot
>Like, I just want to suck a dick in private from time to time.
Until you realize the depth of a surgically created fake vagina depends on the length of the penis, and children who get these procedures will end up with unfuckable fake-vags.
Of course some surgeons also want to supplement them with colon tissue, so then they have a bowel resection as well as everything else...yeesh.
>he thinks Trump as a problem with gays
Trump is a billionaire/socialite who lived his entire life in NYC (gayest city on earth, except for San Francisco) and spent several years in show business (gayest business of them all, except for the fashion industry). Believe me, he is more than used to gay people, he probably has several gay friends himself.
>There are lots of gay animals.
Ok and there are a lot of animals that eat their own shit. Are you suggesting it is normal for humans to to be gay because other animals are gay?
I mean not straight myself but surely you arent actually that retarded.
You also have to remember that most animals that exhibit homosexual behaviour will still always choose to mate with the opposite sex when they are in heat. Humans are the one rare oddity where we can be exclusively homosexual.
>Wants states rights
>Against gay marriage
Chose one and only the first one
>>trump is just pandering for votes from the groups I don't like
1. I never once said that
2. iv admitted to not being straight
3. That wall will be built with or without Trump. Most of America is waking up to the cancerous plague that is your country.
>e the depth of a surgically created fake vagina
You are the only one mentioning the retarded surgery user, that has nothing to do with hormones. Plenty of trannies dont get the surgery.
It's common to be gay, not normal.
Eating shit is not something apes do, but lots of monkeys have gay sex. Animals that eat shit are mostly doing it because they are ruminants that need to pass it through their digestive system a few times.
> Humans are the one rare oddity where we can be exclusively homosexual
This is not true. Any farmer will tell you there are gay bulls. There are birds that form same-sex pairs for life and even steal eggs to adopt.
I dont think you realize what sex is for. Mostly it is not about reproduction in apes. It's about pair bonding.
If your shit looks white then I guess you have some severe diet issues
Nice to see homos put national interest ahead of their simple pandering to their sexual fetishes for once.
>Eating shit is not something apes do
Are you willing to bet ?
Like holy shit you are dumb im not going to bother reading the rest of your damage control if you are so dumb you didnt know monkies eat their own shit.
animals eat their young too, that doesn't make it normal for humans to practice infant cannibalism
Same thing for gorillas though. They have to digest some very non-nutritious stuff. They have to recycle their food a few times.
I don't think eating shit is morally wrong or should be illegal, just disgusting, and very few people do it.
it only works with asians, because they already have a high degree of neotony
But very few human cultures eat their young. I can think of maybe one or two that do eat children.
Whereas men have sex with men about everywhere.
>Same thing for gorillas t
>this much damage control
>apes dont eat their shit
>get compltely btfo
Just stop posting and never post again.
it works with whites sometimes too but its more rare.
Being wrong about something doesn't make me "BTFO". It just means a particular claim I made was not valid. But humans don't have a nutritional need to eat shit.
Like, do you know how an argument works?
>Being wrong about something doesn't make me "BTFO".
Stap. Your damage control is getting really pathetic at this point. Getting proven wrong is the exact definition of what it means to be BTFO. Now pls, kill yourself.
No, it isn't. That's called the fallacy fallacy. Being wrong in one particular does not mean your argument is entirely invalid, or that your point is wrong.
You have now been proven wrong about something, and by your own logic, have to leave the thread.
>Being wrong in one particular
The lengths that some homos will go to to convince themselves they arent as bad as trannies is truly embarrassing.
Your sexuality is 100% proof that something in your brain is going wrong and if you wont admit that then I dont know what to tell you. The most basic of basic evolutionary biology tells us why opposite sex's are supposed to be attracted to eachother. Notice the supposed to be. This means what your brain is doing is... wait for it... NOT what its supposed to be doing. It doesnt matter how many other animals fuck eachother, they will STILL ALWAYS try to mate with the opposite sex eventually.
does anyone ever consider homosexuality might be a biological form of population control?
I mean sociological positives of having gays is there are men with the women when the hunter males are out and that means that not only are the children and women "more protected." they can also serve as invaluable people in dealing with the emotional ups and downs of being human.
I have researched various cultures approach to this and found that many times there is a place for them in society.
On that note if you dislike them chances are you are a giant fag like those dirty, disgusting orgy queers in India. Who should keep their inhibited opinion to themselves!
Shame isn't necessarily a bad thing when it makes you feel bad for indulging in harmful behavior. Although it is hard (and it might seem impossible in some cases) to fight against these and similar urges, especially because they appear harmless at first, you should try to do it so that you don't become a slave to your own desires in the long run.
The difference between animals and humans is that we can make conscious decisions about our behavior so saying that something is okay because some animals do it makes little sense. It should also be obvious that the main purpose of sex is reproduction since it is the only way to reproduce and pair bonding can be achieved through other means. Having sex with your mate creates closer bonds between the two of you because it is a convenient evolutionary trait but creating similar bonds with members of your own sex can be, and has always been, achieved through non-erotic means which are less damaging and risky then putting your dick in someones shit filled colon.
I don't want to sound overly preachy but I believe that the only way to better ourselves is to fight against self-destructive urges and in the end the more of us reproduce the better, especially now when we have dangerously low native birthrates across the west.
T. Mentally ill tranny leaf
Leftist pandering to the Muslim community has resulted in, as far as I can tell, anyway, a sort of "liberal nationalism" among some gays. Which is appropriate. So much of the tolerance and liberal ideals these people appreciate are products of Western civilization. There are good and "liberal" reasons to defend it.
>The lengths that some homos will go to to convince themselves they arent as bad as trannies is truly embarrassing.
Homos aren't going to lie to me and tell me that they are women and try to trick me into a sexual relation with them like trannies will. That alone makes gay people better than trannies.
Even if the population control theory is true it isn't necessarily a beneficial trait since human societies and human relations are always affected by the human factor which makes them less predictable and circular than the wild biosphere. You can take the current situation in the west as an example where native birthrates are dangerously low so any additional population control is detrimental to our societies. I understand that all evolutionary traits aren't supposed to be always immediately beneficial and that in the future some traits which seem detrimental now might prove to have been beneficial in some way but that is not something we can reliably count on.