starting off with some OC
Political Compass Memes
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make some oc you bitches
not oc, but good
>have you ever seen the greatest story never told
holy fuck this is so accurate I ain gon lie
This is excellent.
That's all I got folks. Upvote for more memes
>armchair hitler
haha so normie
>I'll kill the ancaps too if they refuse to pay for my helicopters
>Party dropouts who read Jacobin
this image just keeps on giving
Helicopter rides are the best rides.
these are hilarious
I find no joy in this
STOP insulting my POSITIONS
What am I? I love God and country. Normal conservative?
change purple to "It's the state's fault I'm a failure"
>tfw can't take the political compass because half the questions are between kike shit and more kike shit
You're closer to Joe Biden than you are to a conservative
but you dont love them enough to protect them from their enemies, pretty pathetic
>I have a long distance relationship with Stefan Molyneux
I don't know why, but I lost it at this one
Fight me stormfags
I'm against animal cruelty tho
Damn, I guess I have more learning to do. It's a start, at least it's not in red or green
Now that is more disgusting than a commie.
Does anybody have the one with George Costanza? I thought I had it saved but I didn't and I can't find it for the life of me and it's one of my favorites.
Here we go
Nietzche is bestche
got an audible kek out of me
>dude you know how human beings have had problems and solved them in the past?
>that won't happen in the future LOL
>i'm a philosopher :-DD
Does anyone have non-meme one of these with where actual political positions line-up with the chart? I curious where they line-up on here.
on the actual website
Is that really how most Sup Forumslacks progress?
I sort of started lower left blue, went full hitler and now I'm sitting middle right blue,
Im not a commie you tard, commies are on the top left
Yeah, he said you were more disgusting than a commie.
nice reading comprehension, degenerate
I said you were even more disgusting THAN a commie
I started dead center and slowly went left. Haven't diverged up or down much.
>Upper leftists are SJWs meme
To score upper left on the test you have to be socially conservative with an undertone of American Christian traditionalism. The opposite of SJWs.
they are more of /leftypol/ than sjw.
literally me desu
Fucking nutjobs.
change hates poor people to hates poverty
The political spectrum is not a square, it is a straight line, with anarchy on the far right and totalitarianism on the far left.
t. every idiot who gets in the bottom left
Why are you complaining the square literally details anarchistic and authoritarian...
holy shit my sides
Did the Jedi violate the NAP?
>if I knew how i'd seriously set a carbomb off outside a major US city police HQ
fucking kek, that whole collage of cringe
What I was saying is that it's almost impossible for an SJW to score upper left on the compass. Even if in theory they're authoritarian, there's almost no authoritarian answers on the quiz they'd agree with. Abortion and religion in schools for example.
>not authoritarian
wypierdalaj borko
This one is objectively the best
>((Autistic screeching))
>tfw I started a little northeast of the Start (in green still) and have only gone directly up
help me lads, where am I going wrong
I want to bash marxist and communist heads in, when do I move right?
>that fucking get
I understand what must be done, Lord Kek.
Love these threads, kek'd hard af
This was almost perfect but you need to ad the power within guy
Get ready for the redpill
Jokes on you, I've been on this shithole for several years and haven't budged from middle-bottom.
Am I being detained Master Jedi?