No matter what you do, you will grow old in a meaningless life. This movie is so depressing

No matter what you do, you will grow old in a meaningless life. This movie is so depressing.

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if you are posting on Sup Forums you rolled a natural 20 in like 90% of the starting stats of life, why not just enjoy it instead of being a bitter retard?

I enjoy my life but that makes it even worse. I'm growing old and I will be old soon, sooner that I'd like to.

I don't think that was the message of this movie.

You only need a working body, a browser, and internet access to post on Sup Forums. Hardly a natural 20.

>meaningless life
for you

>"a shimmering coup de cinema"

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>meaningless life
Ah to be 16 again

This looks gay as shit

It's really good, nothing gay about it.

My disgust with democracy grows with every threads like this one. This movie is great, Sorrentino is great, and some people only happen to have shit tastes.

Youth was funnier, but the Great Beauty remains my favorite.

>m-mine isn't i swear to god, you're 16 hahah!

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Agreed, Youth never reached the same highs as The Great Beauty. It seemed to me like he was trying to replicate Great Beauty, but it was still a entertaining film.

The Young Pope was pretty great as well, even though it was a bit unneven.

"Meaningless" is a meaningless statement. Stop whining that you didn't get to be a celebrity or a superhero. We're all just animals doing the best we can, so enjoy your comfortable shelter & access to modern medicine

>"Meaningless" is a meaningless statement
No, it's not
The rest of your post pretty much confirms that
>dude just be a comformist

Do whatever you want with your life, m8, just stop sharing your Jaden Smith-tier "insights" with the rest of us

Spewing ad hominems woun't give you the reason, comformist brainlet

this is some serious 15 year or existential angst shit. How's high school these days?

not an argument

Get ready for Il Divo/Grande Bellezza crossover Berlusconi biopic kino

>tfw too non-conformist to do what the spell-checker tells me

>he made a typo lol

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Notice how the poster distorts the meaning of the Time Out quote, which just says "this is set in Rome, like La Dolce Vita".

Don't even try to argue with people like that, they're like that because they can't deal with reality. World is filled with them

>No matter what you do, you will grow old in a meaningless life.
why are so many plebs so impressed with such boring and cliched 'nihilistic' statements like this? where the fuck were you for however many years you've been living? did it really take a movie for you to realize that you will die someday? what the fuck

so deep brah! nothing matters take the grips pill just do whatever cray-z shit u want shall be the whole of the law

OP watched a movie about a charismatic, likable character with an incredible life, and found it depressing because "life is meaningless." That sounds to me like someone who can't deal with reality

It added a bit more with all the meta about the actor and the director, but it was less impacting, agreed.

Also spot on with The Young Pope, which also had a great OS and the whole thing thing with the coke cherry.

Any other recommendations? You just dropped all I've seen from him.

Il Divo is a great film. This Must Be The Place had its moments, but overall it didn't make a strong impression on me. It wasn't terrible, but definitely the weakest film I've seen from him

I don't find people like that likable.

Everything by Sorrentino earns him a kerb stomping, it's all fag lip-smacking, no depth.

Nihilism is the absolute truth, if you're a thinking man you realize life is meaningless sooner or later, but you eventually move on and keep living your life because that's really the only thing you can do.
But movies, books etc.. can remind you of that existential dread every now and then and it's a powerful feeling that you might be able to bury but it's always there

I don't find you likable


No, Christianity is the absolute truth, nihilism is an amusing con trick to see others fall into.

This Must Be the Place is Sorrentino's worst film. Don't bother with it. Do bother with Le conseguenze dell'amore, which - along with Il Divo and Le Grande Bellezza - is one of Sorrentino's best.

>Yes, Nihilism is the absolute truth, religion is an amusing con trick to see others fall into
fixed, my dude

>No, Christianity is the absolute truth,
an absolute truth about 99.9% of the worlds population missed out on when the shit went down
thanks god... thanks a lot...

You have to be deeply, unreasonably arrogant to think this way. You're the type of person who can't appreciate the good things in life because deep down, you'll always believe you were entitled to something even better. You can't respect people who accomplish great things with their lives, because you'll always be able to nitpick a flaw in their personality, or grumble that they SHOULD have done even more, and say "he's a fraud, life is meaningless, waaah"

It's just fucking childish, you'll outgrow it someday if you don't kill yourself first. You're basically just giving yourself an excuse to not even try

Not everyone here is white, male and from a non-shithole, you know.

>You're the type of person who can't appreciate the good things in life
I do appreciate them, nice strawman

>you'll always believe you were entitled to something even better
Yes, i do believe we all as a race should be entitled to something better than just being rotting flesh
>You can't respect people who accomplish great things with their lives
strawman again
>You're basically just giving yourself an excuse to not even try
You can't even understand it if you haven't felt it

Wew, if i were to delete all the fallacies in that post you'd be left with literally 2 sentences

>dismissing the content of an argument by critiquing its structure
Isn't that a "fallacy" too?

They day assumptions are valid arguments i'll embrace religion

>Nihilism is the absolute truth
Oh my, PLEASE fuck off, PLEASE

No, the original version was correct.

100% missed out on nihilism, they were too busy surviving to pretend that their suffering was special. Why don't you stop being a failure and embrace reality?

It'd probably do you some good

No, the reason you don't want to embrace a religion is that you haven't been really scared or depressed yet. You always assume religious people understand less than you, but in fact they understand more - that's why they pray.

Nice consensus anons, thanks. I'll check out Il Divo, and then Le conseguenze dell'amore.
>tfw actual film discussion on Sup Forums

If you never lived in Rome, you literally cannot get the movie. This is a fact.

your mom is gay

>blinding yourself is good bro
>you haven't been really scared or depressed yet
nice assumption again i'm sure you know what i've suffered and what i've not
>that's why they pray
they pray because they're weak people, idols are powerful
be it religion
be it whatever
it's all terror management because of self-preservation

meant to say symbols

>they pray because they're weak people, idols are powerful
Aren't you the one who keeps bitching about assumptions and strawman arguments? And what have you done with your "meaningless" little life that makes you so much stronger & smarter than the entire religious world?

>tfw this is true

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>assumptions and strawman arguments?
then stop making them if you want to be taken seriously
it's like this is your first fucking argument
>And what have you done with your "meaningless" little life
this doesn't matter at all in relation to what i'm saying
there's plenty of both atheist and religious people that have made it
atheism as a movement is also a form of coping with reality
none of it matters

I used to think the same. Then my brother died and I felt pain for the first time, pain that drives you mad. I gained some respect back for religious people at the time, but I still think it's a spiritual crutch.

Nihilism, in the Nietzschean sense, is definitely a step to be overcome, though.

>then stop making them if you want to be taken seriously
>they pray because they're weak people

>>they pray because they're weak people
hadly an assumption when i was raised in a catholic family with my mom saying stuff like "i gotta believe otherwise what's the point"

So all your grand sweeping statements about religion and the meaningless of life are just a way for you to rebel against your parents. What a surprise.

That's hardly the only example, it's just the closest to me user

>I used to think the same. Then my brother died and I felt pain for the first time, pain that drives you mad. I gained some respect back for religious people at the time, but I still think it's a spiritual crutch.

You forgot the narrative of this paragraph. You said "I used to think the same", which means you used to think religious people understood more than you, then you say "I gained some respect back". Make up your mind.

Yes, it's the only example. Become adult.

Nah, I used to think religious people understood less than me, and I despised them. Then life kicked me in the teeth, and I understood I was being conceited.

Now I still think religious is bollocks and that I don't need it, but I have a little more respect for religious people.

>nice assumption again i'm sure you know what i've suffered and what i've not

Yes, I do.

why do you cunts get so fucking threatened by anything past brainlet millenial water cooler talk

Cool. Well there'll always be more to fear, and less time left to live, so you'll have plenty of chances to reassess that position.

>Yes, it's the only example
Nope, it's not
No, you don't

>Why don't you stop being a failure and embrace reality?
how do i do that?

It's not being threatened, it's that anyone who's dealt with even the average difficulties of life knows that this nihilistic bullshit is kids' stuff. You've just scratched the surface of despair when you still have the energy to talk like that.

Pray the following words:

"Lord Jesus Christ, I am sorry for the things I have done wrong in my life. I ask your forgiveness and now turn from everything which I know is wrong. Thank you for dying on the cross for me to set me free from my sins. Please come into my life and fill me with your Holy Spirit and be with me forever. Thank you Lord Jesus Amen.”

You sound pretty threatened to me

Yes it is, yes I do.

Psst... atheism abolishes the idea of free will too. Looks like there's no such thing, scientifically speaking. So if you disagree, thinking you exist, pray!

>i'm a special snowflake jesus exists and cares about me

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>Yes it is, yes I do.
No it isn't, no you don't
Cand do this all day retard, prove your claims otherwise you're just a charlatan

if you've been in despair you'd know it takes many forms.

wait a second. if i did this id be only doing it to save my skin from damnation. so god would see my faith is not real.
is that still cool?

Jesus cares just as much about you.

Gotta love you Christfag, I swear. I still dig the scriptures, if that counts? But the more I read the more I dig literature and not God, so that might be a problem for my entering the Kingdom.

he doesn't exist though

Your faith would be real, because you'd believe that the prayer is neccesary in order to save your skin. Fear is perfectly valid, none of us is excluded from the fear of damnation.

Not really, providing you believe enough in God to pray for stronger faith, you don't have to be more excited by God than by anything else - although that may happen naturally once you get underway. If you have enough intellectual faith to pray for felt faith, and enough felt faith to get you through the times when you have little intellectual faith, you're doing good.

so lets say im a good person and give to charity and all that jazz but never say this words, opposed to a scumrag fuckface who rapes murders and steals all his life but occasionally says a prayer.
which one gets to go to hell and heaven?

Fortunately, you're wrong.

the rapist
Nah, i'm not
It's sad you have to believe in imaginary friends because you can't face the terror

Thanks user! I really have no intention whatsoever to start praying though, or to start believing in God. But I always appreciate good will from a fellow human.

I hope good things come to you.

Presuming the latter sincerely believes the truth, repents and is praying for God's help to do better, the latter, obviously. I doubt you'd have asked if you didn't know that.

the rapist? goes where? he gets to to to heaven while the nice dude who actually helped people goes to hell for never saying a few words?
if that is so i cant buy into this religion because it makes zero sense.

Fuck off faggot

Then the essential problem for your entering the Kingdom is a lack of faith, not any specific feeling about God.

I've prayed that you will be led into an awareness of God's truth.

Dude XD god is vengeful and you shall fear his wrath

If the nice dude doesn't believe in God, why would you expect him to then be with God? In any case, we don't know what choice confronts us, or how, when we've passed on. It may be that there's a final opportunity to accept God, or that this will come at the final judgement - we have no way of knowing for sure.

this is really pathetic and sad

Yeah, you are. I'm sad that you've permitted yourself no reason to be happy.

hey buddy, are you fucking retarded or what? like I don't get it. Don't you think the people who wrote sacred fucking scripture that has endured for thousands of years probably already considered that if you're really repenting for your sins, you have to mean it? Are you legit on the spectrum my man?

Would you rather I said the guy goes to hell for sure? I don't think he neccesarily does, so I'm telling you the truth.

ITT: atheist nihilists who believe that "nice people" exist.


Of course it fucking is, but who gives a shit you may as well enjoy the time you're here instead of pondering a non-existent purpose.

>no you're the sad one

No, I feel sorry for you, I expect you have strategies to avoid feeling sad.

no such a thing, it's your own fabricated illusion

No, I feel sorry for you, i hope you stop hiding in a lie some day

Epitome of dishonest cinema. For people who want to claim they watch film but refuse to watch the classics. What Sorrentino does with The Great Beauty is to product a mere imitation of the far greater classics it pays respect to, namely La Notte, 8 1/2, and La Dolce Vita. His other film, Youth, can also be seen as refutation of 8 1/2, which begs the question where someone in his position gets the audacity to do so. Sorrentino's got his own distinct style, but he'll never be able to reinvent the films he so idolizes (and despises). And the CGI in his films he so eagerly misuses (e.g. the flamingos) is out of place and terrible, and has aged and will age poorly. Meanwhile, 6-decade old film stock can be blown up to +8k. The Consequences of Love is his only decent film. Watch La Dolce Vita, OP, for your own good.

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