Why did i enjoy this show that was targeted towards 13 year old girls?

why did i enjoy this show that was targeted towards 13 year old girls?

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>TVD will soon have a second spinoff
>The Originals is still going
>already outlasted Buffyverse seasons
>will outpace Supernatural(verse) seasons soon
is this, dare I say, /ourdarkfantasykino/?

getting to know your prey?

early seasons are good user

only insecure faggots care about demographics, pic related is one of my top 5 favorite shows and I'm definitely not the target audience

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Love this show. Trashy drama with hot people to look at

>and I'm definitely not the target audience
but their target audience is faggots


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No, are you?

what are you implying?

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>The Vampire Dianes

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Why did I enjoy this so much?

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Why was everyone incredibly hot and beautiful on this show?

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Yeah, what could it possibly be about CW shows that makes grown men want to watch?

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Was he /ourguy/

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based Aunt Diane poster

Unironically yes.

Why'd they fuck up Katherine's character development so much? The final episode wasn't even fun. They should have just brought back the nigger devil and had a subplot of Katherine helping Bonnie destroy hell from the inside so she can find her daughter. At the very least Katherine could have smugly said that she finally gets to die together with Stefan in his arms and then Stefan says not a bad deal tb honest. But she begs instead and it's her own fault her plan didn't work b/c she's fucking lazy.

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she left cause she cheated on her boyfriend who was her costar

Nah he wanted babies and dobrev was like peace

if she cheated on him why does he still consider her a friend?

I'm still obsessed with Blair from Gossip Girl

she gives him her back hole

Some of the songs on her album are pretty good.

he wanted to settle down, despite his appearance, he's an old man. As soon as they broke up, he immediately had another woman pregnant and married to him. It didn't even take a year.

That's how you know.

Nina wanted to be a movie star and completely failed at that on top of not having ian's beautiful kids. She just'd herself hard.

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also she has massive feet

At least she's not Victoria JUSTice or Vjuicstice/Vjustice

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probably won't get picked up past pilot

I really liked the first few seasons of this show and the originals but after a while there was just too much going on to keep up with and I ended up dropping it

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>ywn fuck prime nina

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Pretty sure the Originals is done after this season

she was such a qt

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>woman turning down the chance to get pregnant in her prime by a man who loves her

He dodged a bullet.

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It's their final season, yes

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Not just regular pretty but like stunningly hot.

well, you kind of answer yourself there