Credible source(not FBIanon) from our IRC claims NYPD and McMullin campaign will both leak documents/footage attempting to end both campaigns today. Not a joint effort but the two will happen simultaneously.
Today is the day.
Credible source(not FBIanon) from our IRC claims NYPD and McMullin campaign will both leak documents/footage attempting to end both campaigns today. Not a joint effort but the two will happen simultaneously.
Today is the day.
>from our IRC
Real "October surprises" never get teased in advance.
Waiting... Doing the happy dance!
>Credible source
Mudshitbrit lies
As usual
>our IRC source says new leaks will shut em down today
>you must be tired, take a break from digging through those emails goyim, heh heh heh
He's a very credible Mexican Intellectual staying in Brisbane.
>Clintons campaign will end any day now
>McMullin campaign
Does Egg McMuffin even have a campaign?
>attempting to end both campaigns
Yeah no.
What irc channel, what server
Why is Evan McMullin so insane to think that would work?
Trump's supporters are so ardent that nothing could sink him.
>current year
remember remember, the fifth of november
Irc is a good tool, might come in handy again if censorship gets too bad on the web
The thing is its not really trump vs hillary. Trump is part of the anti-hillary group. Hes simply part of the plan. Shes going down whether he gets elected or not. Im not sure him having a chance at winning was ever part of the plan, so the fact that hes doing so well and could win is just a bonus.
Yeah.. I fired it up a few days ago. Old sites I remembered were dead.
Do you tards realize how many people have already voted?