Who here /movingtoamerica/ if Trump wins?

Who here /movingtoamerica/ if Trump wins?

I finish my finance degree in 2 years and plan to move over there if Trump wins, England is getting a bit shit desu

Fuck off were full

>finance degree
As if anyone wants you.
Get a useful degree.

>tfw physics degree

If Trump wins then America will be filled with leftis, nigger and spic riots. Not good place to be desu, maybe after few months if they won't impeach Trump for whatever reason.

Moving there to do a post graduate soon.
Only problem is its NYU so I have to live in kike central.
It was that or Northwestern.
NYC or Chicago.
Rock and hard place.
Either way at least I'll be living under Emperor's gracious rule.

shit attitude. you need to stay and make the uk great again.

Lol idiot, leaving evropa to a third world country. Leave already you traitor

Yeah with mexicans you daft cunt, make room for bongs.

fuck off

Bongs and Aussie cunts welcome. Leafs stay home.

You'll have to beat Juan and ahmed.

If you're white then welcome aboard.
No muzzies and no niggers.

>finance degree

Shouldn't have listened to your Tory parents and actually got a degree in something you can actually get a career in, take a shower.

Move to California and make us white again.

i would move to texas. it's #1 for finance jobs. maybe we'll meet one day

make sure to use your accent to change the minds of simple minded lefties

don't come to MA faggot we're full

>tfw physics degree
How's that working out for you?

I am

Trump is not gonna win, though. Screencap this post.

Ill finish school this year, maybe going to the uni there if Trump wins.

even if trump wins and deports all spics and stops immigration anglos are still becoming a minority fast due to being only 50% of newborns and not being united, unlike spics

America is over

Considering California.

Where else are there tech hubs that have good network effects for startups?

That sounds like a great plan! Or maybe I decide to stay and help restore Europe?

Yep. White christian getting tired of Europe, I've seen most of it. It's great but it's time for something new.

I'd wait for results first.
Mr. Farage was a good talker too and probably twice as gifted in terms of actual capacities, but he failed nonetheless as your parliament's delays allow the UK's capacities to be silently hollowed out and pillaged before departure from the EU.

What about french people?

I hate the language, das why I'm moving to an anglo country

Shut up, you autistic 16 year old.

Move to rural PA. The cities are trash but suburbs and rural areas are nice.

Still in it desu. But I've seen actually good job offers from good companies looking for some physicists.
And literally everyone in the higher semesters in the physics apartment at my university already has some kind of job or work they are going to do after they graduate.

It's hard, but pretty useful afterwards. not like all those economics, literature and philosophy faggots. They end up job less or at a shitty job anyone could do after finishing school.

I would like to move to the US (British nationality) but I'm not sure whether a Trump presidency would make that any easier for me.

Fucking traitor. Post Brexit we'll need educated Sup Forumss
But then again
>finance degree

Just look online for a host to sponsor you

Jelly because I'm more useful than you for mankind?

Guy I know had been trying to move to the US for like 6 years

Why do they let all the spics and pakis in but no white Brits?

Probably San Francisco,but unless your loaded forget it. I'd say Seattle is a bit better but not much

I'm thinking of doing it if Trump's victory triggers some kind of a conservative renaissance. Texas always sounded nice until I found out that it's only 40 % white, so it's either Montana or Alaska.

I am moving to Japan when I finish college.

Still really hope Trump wins for the sake of world peace.

Participating in an exchange program. Also playing DV, though I probably won't win a visa.

Come home

How does a 16 year old larping sandnigger like you contribute to mankind?

Fuck off we're full. Stay in your shitty country.

King Obingo

(((finance degree)))

so that you can cuck this place up too you fucking cuck?

demove kebab and make england great again you fucking cuck

ay lmao, jelly as fug

We've never let a nigger run our country

fuck off brit, you cuntrag

So. Doesn't change the fact we don't need your Muslim ass moving in. One in the White House was bad enough.


Good goy you wouldn't want any more right wing white people in your country

>implying that theres such a thing as a right wing european

Hey everybody! Get a load of this fucking retard

We need more like OP in this country to balance the illegals who had their 10 legal children,

brits welcome. stay out of northern virginia, i live here i know the close proximity to DC is very appealing (jobs) but northern va is the reason why virginia always goes blue. it's a fucking liberal hellhole

We're never too full for white European immigrants, you can fuck off with that attitude though.

You're going to end up code monkey like all the other physicists. Get a real degree.

In. The. White. House.

asap senpai

We don't want you unless you're an actual conservative.

You European type socialists and 'classical liberals' fuck our shit up even more because you tend to side politically against white people.

Why are colonialcucks so stupid? fuck off, leaf

And? Your country has been cucked so bad by Muslims they're now running the show in London entirely. It's time for you to go to the mosque anyway, Abdul.

>Moving to America
>Only if Trump wins
Looks like you won't be moving to America lad.

>I have no idea how immigration works, the post

Good luck UK anons, I got my US residence by being a "nobel class" immigrant (kek) but chances are almost zero that any of you will unless you marry an American.

It was super hard before Obama and now its even harder

Is that why Obama was so unpopular in the USA?

Except we are. You can fuck off though with your bullshit
>hurt anyone white Euro brother

>telling white europeans to fuck off

Fuck off, they're full.

America (if Trump wins) is nice place to live, but pretty expensive.
I'm gonna move to Austria if Hofer wins

fuck off, fix your own shithole coward.

sounds like a great place to be for open season on niggers and lefties desu.

He wasn't popular, he didn't break any non-black turnout records like Trump has.

Conservatives were demoralized because our candidates in both elections were neocon cocksuckers.

Hoping I can get a carpentry job there once I finish college. I'm going to be set back if they want joiners instead.

"studying finance"

hahaha faggot and/or liar detected. Provide the name of your course, the university at which you are studying it, and stimestamped proof of your attendance at said university

dont move to the big cities
youd probbly like New Hampshire. Most european immigrants seem to like New Hampshire, Maine, thereabouts.

Why would anyone move to Japan? Maybe you're a scummy English teacher web, but excluding that, Japan has shit hours for jobs, it's why they don't have sex.

I was a Finance major and I've had a lot of success with it. I'm a financial analyst making $80k as a starting salary, and that doesn't even include the returns I make on investments. Finance is a useful degree because you actually learn a useful life skill in the process.

Aren't you supposed to be smart to study physics?

>telling white immigrants to fuck off from a white immigrant country


Come on in ya cunt
We need all the white people we can get

i might setup a US-based company if he wins. at 15% corporate tax, it's bretty good.

I have a high paying job with good hours thank you very much

The average Japanese person is just not very highly qualified or punctual in going home on time

note: doesn't mean i'd move there personally

It's going to be awhile. Right now it's setup so you can only move here if you're uneducated and unemployable so you'll vote democrat.

Don't hold your breath waiting for Trump to unravel all of this.

You mean a company to support a work visa?

I talked to a recruiter from London the other day and he said it was difficult getting one but then again he seemed a bit clueless himself.

they won't let me to legally work there, because hairdresser there needs a lot of bullshit papers, that require month to get, to be practicing. I already worked all over UK and Denmark, so it's not a big loss. To say the worst: US is incredibly boring

Whites welcome, I came from Germany, its a great place, but I live in Illinois. I'm moving around trying to find the best place. I've been thinking about New England or Alaska.

>The average Japanese person is just not very highly qualified or punctual in going home on time
Yeah because off the record companies expect you to stay on and give you attacks of guilt and bullshit if you don't. Japanese are conditioned to be collectivist cucks that never stand up for themselves.

> insane drumpfies believe this

Enjoy the inevitable landslide for clinton because the only argument against her to normies has been "muh emails" for the last year and a half

Today on things that are a lie

I agree I majored in finance and have a 55k + bonus and returns on investments straight out of university. I've paid all my loans off in under a year and am debt free. 24yo

California is expensive but has many many start up positions. Seattle is a huge tech hub but is filled with immigrants who take all the entry level jobs and doesn't have so many start ups as they do established tech companies. San Francisco is better for start ups, while Seattle has Microsoft, Valve, etc.

If you cant qualify for an O class visa then don't waste any more time thinking about coming here, unless youre an illegal Mexican.

If you wont be making 6 figures, generate millions for your employer and be mentioned in magazines then look forward to 10+ years of indentured labor on a peasant H1B trying to transfer it to a green card, then being sent home when your company downsizes you.

If you don't need a ton of money, the Portland area is known for a lot of microbusinesses that may also be of interest. But it's covered in cockroaches and liberals (same thing, really)

Lol why are Americans so fucking hostile against us for no reason? They call us arrogant but look at you.

What's wrong with Finance?
Also how's accounting?

I'm white and English, would I be welcomed in the USA if I have a nip wife?

Well if it wasn't for my family and my shitty English, i'd be pledging allegiance to the flag right now.

but ya gotta admit that it would be better that he stayed to remove kebab

here we go with the role playing again

post your degree

I know some Brits that emigrated to USA.

Now they shill for Hillary all over social media and have turned from normal reserved British families to posting all this inspirational shit and writing Oscar acceptance speeches about every event in their lives.

The fuck?

Just shitposting dude, hope you don't take it personally. I love England and the connection that we share. You people produced some of the greatest stories and poetry in the English language, and we share a cultural bond that can't be replicated by some midget mestizo. Hope you guys can make Britain great again.