Great Horror movies

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The first half undoubtedly was. The second half was just terrible.

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Let the Right One In

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These two are more bleak than horror but they are technically horror.
I like my horror bleak and jumpscare-free

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I wanted to fuck the female alpha vampire

They made some good vampire movies and the True Blood fucked everything up.

Great premise, but it fell flat once the vampries took over the town. The whole second part of the movie was boring which is sad sincei really enjoyed the first part.

30 Days of Night is not one of them

I just got around to watching 'Sleepaway Camp'. Even knowing the twist the film was fucking disturbing. I feel like I would have called the twist early on though. Still amazing.

i like noroi, despite contrarians

You meant Twilight, right?

Noroi is kino, Occult by the same director is also great

That was probably it. They both became popular at the same time. True Bloods first 3 seasons were good. I guess You're probably right, it was Twilight that got to it.

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Never watchted it but girls always told me it was good therefore it's probably pretty bad

Next movie manages to be bleakcore/waifucore

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haven't seen a horror kino in years. It's all pure shit nowadays.

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It's a competent, but not great horror movie til the end when it just shits itself.

I assume we're just going with recent stuff.

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I really only like ones that are built on tension than scares. Also horror comedies can be good because I think scaring you and making you laugh are pretty close to each other.

and the absolute worst are fucking "horror" franchises. Here's a tip, dipshits: THERE'S NO FUCKING HORROR IF EVERYTHING IS ALREADY ESTABLISHED. ARRRGGGHHH.
Anyone seen puzzleboy 9 lately? The fuck was that?

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the fact that it skipped a week or two ahead was lame

Nah I I didn't see that despite being a teenager when the first ones came out I've been told it's a hard series to get into unless you went along with it organically as they were released/watched them in theaters with friends

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>I really only like ones that are built on tension than scares
totally agree, some scares can be nice too if used wisely. Far worse is that some people confuse gore with horror (again, nothing against good gore and lots of blood, but that's not what makes anything horror).

yeah, martyrs was nice little flick, during those 2 or 3 years some horror kino came out of fucking france (out of all places). Then... nothing. What happened?

>I've been told it's a hard series to get into
your frendos must be retards

Who is this tumescence luminescence?

P.S. just watch the first one in case you haven't. All the rest is trash, welcome to franchise "horror" kindergeburtstagsparty

Killer Klowns

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Oh my god!!!

>no god

30 days of night? Pretty good one for sure, I love horror movies

OG Halloween
Haunting in Connecticut
The Grudge
The Ring
Carpenter's Cigarette Burns

What's your take on Eli Roth's stuff? Hostel and The Green Inferno? I'm pretty sure they qualify as horror to some people but I think they're "fun" movies since they're a bit difficult to take seriously and I assume that's what he's going for.
They are but they're usually right
Raffey Cassidy you probably saw her in Disney's Tomorrowland
I might eventually but not any time soon and especially not sober

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You forgot THE THING
adding it to the bleakcore category

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It Follows is the only recent horror kino I can think of, nearly everything else is Blumhouse bargain bin trash

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I just watched the Green Inferno. I liked it, though it had some very weak CGI that killed it. I like his other stuff too. 'Knock Knock' was disturbing.

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>take on Eli Roth's stuff? Hostel and The Green Inferno?
Fun movies? Yes, totally. Classic popcorn kino.
Horror? No, absolutely not.

what the fuck is this

That poster is great

shame the movie isn't that good

this is objectively the best horror film of all time.

Did I just spoil the movie looking up this image?

>Carpenter's Cigarette Burns

Gonna watch this. Is it kino?

it follows was dull and uninteresting. the hype is absolutely confounding to me. i have to just chalk it up to soyboys first edgy horror.

A guy in other thread just told me to watch Banshee Chapter, it looks like it's based on a Lovecraft story. Is it good?

Read the book. It’s much darker than the movie, but excellent movie encompasses all things Sup Forums: crushing autism, the horrors of jr high, the murders of chads, and the lure of the transgender...

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Surprisingly I haven't seen it but god damn it it's going at the top of my watch list now seeing as Roth's cutie wife and Joi are both in it
I wouldn't argue with that I love meeting people that haven't watched it and then watching it with them
Sup Forums hyped this movie to shit I really expected to love it but it ended being just okay I wonder if I had never heard of it if I would feel differently but I doubt it, obviously it had a nice soundtrack but it didn't scare me at all and didn't really build an ambiance hell if anything the soundtrack was distracting because it was so nice

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No director ties my stomach in knots like Polanski can. Rosemary's Baby and The Tenant made me queasy the whole time even though the plots didn't make any sense.

It was definitely the best thing he'd done in a decade

>Roth's cutie wife
Oh shit that's his wife? How did I miss that?

I have read it I've been pushing that book on Sup Forums for years now the author is great have you read "Littlestar"? It's pretty great.
>that part in the book that goes into detail on Hakan's public library transgressions and kids with no teeth

it was a slow burn, sorry it didn't have enough jumpscare, loud noise bullshit to keep your attention

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Why does this board hate Wan kino so much

googled it just now and the description alone made want to watch I miss these simple setups.
Yeah I had no idea who she was until I watched Green Inferno

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I mean it's not a bad movie but I was never that crazy about it, I liked the X-Files spin-off on it though

Yeah bro its pretty kinosque the whole Masters of Horror series is good every episode is done by a different director

>even though the plots didn't make any sense.
one of the most difficult things in horror is exactly to find a balance between things the audience understands, and things it doesn't understand. Too much of the firmer and you end up with dull franchise crap, too much of the latter and you just went full Tetsuo. IMHO much more important than mere gore/blood/disgusting things or jump scares, which both might help a horror, but don't make it. More often than not, there's just no substance to any of it. Same sad story with oh so many things in modern live. Smokes and mirrors no matter where you look and where you go...

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>Masters of Horror series is good every episode is done by a different director

Neat, I never knew about it! I'll check it out. Thanks, friend.

from outer space no less

I really liked Green Inferno because I have a thing for wilderness and because of the natives. None of those tribes along the river don't ever practice cannibalism, and you tell they were having fun making the movie.

I saw this and loved it. Very bleak. It’s a slow burn.

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Literally me if i was a monster

pretty good kino actually.


shit I stopped watching that around the time the lone gunmen came out but it's due for a rewatch. What episode are you talking about? also pls no spoilers

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yeah it's good
also Sally Draper is a qt

Def worth a watch. 7/10

My picks.

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>d you just went full Tetsuo. IMHO much more important than mere gore/blood/disgusting things or jump scares, which both might help a horror, but don't make it. More often than not, there's just no substance to any

Hated both of these, honestly. It Follows wanted to be an 80s movie so badly, and the soundtrack was terrible. Black Mountain Side was nonsensical, tonally inconsistent and genuinely boring.

it just wasn't interesting at any point. creepy ghost passed on through sex. oh, but i'm supposed to see be enraptured by the gritty, dark visuals and realistic characters. gimme a fucking break. it was boring version of The Ring but instead of passing the ghost on through a videotape it's passing on through sex. woo groundbreaking stuff here.

Of course bro!

Oh dude it's like complimentary watching to Twin Peaks if you like that, they're from the same year basically and there are many of the same actors. The episode is "Ice". Definitely don't sleep on X-Files the monster-of-the-week episodes are awesome

It's shit, nothing to do with Lovecraft.

Yeah, the second they realized they could kill them with UV lights I don't understand how the whole movies focus didn't shift to OH FUCK WE WIN GET BATTERIES AND UV LIGHTS KILL EM LOL

Weird bullshit, but that FUCKING soundtrack, man

You're right but it's so hard to find that balance and much easier and cheaper to just make a loud noise and startle people. The only upside to all this jump scare bullshit is that when you find a well crafted horror film it makes you appreciate it more. Hell I find myself trying to dissect them to understand why they're so good at making me feel uneasy it's pretty fun and somehow the "horror" aspect doesn't dull.

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Mothman Prophecis, I don't see this one mentioned enough, it is THE BEST modern cosmic horror story, bar fucking nothing.

Wtf, what movie? Monster grabbing by feet is one of my fears.

confirmed for not seeing it in theatre

This picture always makes me chuckle a little bit.

This picture always makes me sneedle a little bit.

>so good at making me feel uneasy it's pretty fun
Irreversible might just be such "fun" horror you were looking for, just in case you haven't seen it yet. And yes, I'd totally classify this kino as horror. What a ride.

>that pic
based footfag

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Gerald's Game

I hate watching movies alone cus its boring but I have noone that wants to watch movies with me and on the off chance they do they never want to watch horror movies? Why must I suffer bros?

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>I hate watching movies alone cus its boring

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Anyone like watching Horror/scary movies with black people in theaters? Honestly makes them funny.

pretty much this. when he infected himself to fight with vampire powers it was downright retarded.

i love this film's version of vampires though. as apex predators who are tribal and possibly lived on the fringes of human society for eons.

Whether or not it's a "good" horror film, The Grudge still gets to me and scared me for years and years and years. If someone does the croaky voice noise in the dark I will punch them in the face probably still to this day.

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I know this feel all too well bro...all too well

Never had the pleasure, unfortunately, doesn't seem to be a phenomenon in potatoniggerisland, but a friend and I have had the theatre alone to ourselves a few times for some shit movies and we act like black people yelling at the screen

You might like the Vampire: The Masquerade tabletop game then

I really liked Dexter's dad in it he had me going the first time I watched it.
Never watched Twin Peaks either but I'm definitely watching that episode now fuck I miss standalone episode series
this pic is for you guys
I'm pretty sure I saw that years ago with a bunch of people and everyone just ended up talking loudly and I never got into it I had no idea it was even horror I just remember people hooting and laughing during the rape scene and being pretty drunk
start a movie club just post some shit on craigslist if anything maybe someone will let you rub crystals

Bye bros! See you in the next horror thread! I have a feeling it's aways the same people in these threads since it's always a nice group of people and I get a good list of movies and shows to watch

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>Never watched Twin Peaks either but I'm definitely watching that episode now fuck I miss standalone episode series

Yeah dude you'd love X-Files then! There is a slowly unfolding overarching plot as well but it's the standalone episodes that make it special IMO

Haven’t read Littlestar..but sounds intense.
>mindless Håkan traps Eli in a dark basement with a raging hard-on. Put that in a movie.

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This, but the superiour US version.

We have some overlap. I don't recognize top right. What is? And is that Cure on bottom right? Recognize but can't place it.

I can heartily recommend these. Within the number ratings, IMDb orders them by recently rated/updated, so it's not in any order except by (whole) number rating.

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>the rape scene
that's not the horror part of the movie. The horror is the voyage of the protagonist of the movie. You can look at it as a revenge movie, except there was no revenge. Just more and ever more destruction. Well, in reverse. Interestingly the movie starts of at its height (in terms of tension) to slowly back off and fall down... then it hits you in your balls. The end.


Or the fapping for the school bois.


Mothman Prophecies was excellent and it really shaped my view of the paranormal. That whole speech about the window washer and what he sees; I believe that’s a great explanation of how spirits and other worldly beings can manipulate us. Trick us into listening to them. Assume the identity of a departed loved one.

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