Is the educational system in the US really as cucked as we yuros believe it is?
>All the worlds most prestigious universities are in America
really makes you think
Yes m8 but:
>America will Either elect Drumpf or The Shill for prez
Really makes you think
American schools don't teach you anything but their universities are quite good.
Because you made a lot of money destabilizing other countries and then hired the best professors of the world to work in your overpriced universities, thus making them prestigious?
Everything below uni is a mess. That includes their weird college thing they have to do, to be on par with European education.
And their unis are a mess with the insane costs.
Also the Bachelors Masters thing. Holy shit, this system sucks. But us Yurocucks just HAD to adopt it.
But I will admit I don't dislike the general format of their school system. Just needs some tweaking here and there and serious quality improvement of the education itself.
Also the US took standardized testing way too far.
This is historically true.
However, our universities have turned into little more than extensions of public schooling. They're a fucking joke-- even if they think highly of themselves and one another.
Anyone else find it weird that US colleges / universities are so political?
In Denmark people just go to uni, do their courses and perhaps drink a beer afterwards.
There are no fucking feminist student movements or gender shit.
talking to a parent the other day. 3rd graders are getting sex education, and have been heavily involved in liberal political indoctrination. The teachers involved in the school system are pushing a liberal view very heavily.
Yes, for the current generation of people in uni.
However, what's with all the crap about common core and teaching tolerance to the young these days?
How can a country be overall smart when superior studies cost a life time of indebtedness
To be fair, you unis have a lot of the best scientists in most of the fields.
>at least from the West-coast
Beyond cucked. The implicit message you get in college every day is that brown = good and white = bad. And I went to college in the conservative South.
Unless you go to a private, religious school, I can't imagine there's any escaping the leftist indoctrination.
It's destroying a generation. My younger sister was born in 2000, her entire life has been steeped in common core shit education, and now she has no aspirations. She sees no value in learning because education has been just barely teaching to the bottom.
They train kids to basically fill out worksheets like good goys, and swallow whatever shit pill is forced on you to believe. Cultural marxism is disastrous and needs to be ousted
They push Marxist shit so hard it's ridiculous. Every class that isn't maths or science they shove in class struggle and inequality, "the gender wage gap" all kinds of Marxist bs all the professors are in on it. Also these courses are required for freshman and sophomores
Is there an SJW movement in the school you went/go to?
>yuropeon education
Pretty much. HS is a joke unless you take courses that provide college credit.
From what I've seen European public schools look like American private schools. So, probably, yeah.
Fuck, we wish...
It wasn't extreme when I was there. It was more just that leftist thinking was imbedded into every class.
I knew plenty of kids from good, conservative families who left college transformed into leftist kooks. What's scary isn't the indoctrination itself -- it's that the indoctrination works.
Yes, worse even.
I've sent several probes into even some of their highest institutes, Princeton, MIT, Harvard, nothing hold up to the pretense and bought reputation.
The corruption is truly omnipresent in the US.
its fucked because rather than raise niggers to human standards we drop everything down to nigger standards
So we're dumb because we made a lot of money and hired intelligent people?