ITT: Sup Forums in 1979

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guys, do you think blaxploitation era is finally coming to an end?

let's settle this once and for all

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Is pic related the pinnacle of dishonest cinema?

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Oh no, That 70's Show is going to be on its final season this year!

Rumor has it the next Star Wars movie will show Luke training on some planet with Obi Wan kenobi ghost and another Jedi that's half gorilla and half zebra

My uncle works at Fox studios so I would say this is 99% true

Did you guys see Eraserhead? LYNCHED LOL

this board has been shit for years. it never recovered from the namfag invasion

Jimmy Carter is a peanut farming faggot

Is Bondshit finally over, lads? This was fucking garbage

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I fapped during last night's Three's Company and my Mom caught me.

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I'm guessing it'll be Moore's last movie, he starting to look a bit old

Man, Apocalypse Now is the best movie to come out this year. Probably the best I've ever seen.

Francis Ford Coppola has made nothing but masterpieces. He literally can do no wrong, I can't wait to see what he comes up with next.

>not fapping to Wonder Woman instead

What does Sup Forums think of this kino?

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Why not both?

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>half gorilla and half zebra
Holy shit Lucas is a fucking hack. Calling it now, it'll be a worse movie in every single way.

Take that back.

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Who's /trek/ in here? My hype is unmeasurable for this.

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What are you using to post in Sup Forums?

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We're back!

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>1971 movie trailer

pleb tier. PDP-11 here (pic related).

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Just got back from it
it sucked no one will remember it in like a year

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Only maximum betas use Betamax

Beta is superior to VHS in every way. Only porn addicts use VHS. Fact.


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>not coding in basic then pumping it out over dial up on your Deuce E

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Just watched pic related at the theater. Ask me anything.

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Does that one chick get naked?


Anyone excited for Cimino's next film Heaven's Gate? I'll be there opening night. I hope it doesn't bomb.

Who? Weavers character? Unfortunately, no. But we do get a glimpse of her ass crack towards the end when she stris down to her panties. Better than nothing I guess.

Based Heaven's Gate poster.

Got the new Zeppelin album. Hoping the next ones better.

hey guys im -26 years old hahahh nobody cares about bane cuz he hasnt put the mask on yet

Anyone here watched The Amazing Spider-Man series? it was amazing!
Spiderman kino is going to be huge in the 80s, you just know it!

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I hope Bonham sticks around. That dude carries the band.

Who should we cast as Tetsuwan Atom in the inevitable live action?

I loved the cylon eye effect, I hope they use that more.

betamax is the superior medium
>higher quality frame
>faster frame rate
>cheaper to produce
>greater amount of picture can be stored
VHS is a trick of the jewish media

Video 2000 is superior, 4 hour tapes and you can turn it around and record on the other side as well.

I'm sick of all these movies for adults. I wish Hollywood would make nothing but kid shit and adults would eventually become the primary consumers of it.

wouldn't be surprised if 80% of this board has never even bought a vhs because they grew up with dvds

Is anyone gonna watch The Warriors it was kino

Marcelino Sánchez was THE MAN in that movie, dude's gonna be a huge hit with the ladies I tell ya.

In my dream we are connected


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I'm from the future, Batman will get 2 decent movies, and one meh movie, and one Plan 9-tier.
Screencap this.


sick battlestation

Best foreign fu comein through

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Why do they keep hiring that hack Arnold Schwarzenegger? dude can't act or talk proper english. yet they made like 6 movies with him already and they all suck!

I'm from the somewhat-further future, there will be a trilogy of batman movies, with the first one being alright, the 2nd one being great, and the third one being worth it for the first 5 minutes.
Screencap this.

Have you caught that new show Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. That Erin Gray is really foxy.

I'm from an even further-farther-future, I came back to 79 because everybody loves trannies and niggers in the future, don't screencap this.

I heard a nigger is gonna fuck leia with his bbc. So excited

I loved season 1, I can't wait to see what they're gonna do with season 2.
I really hope they show much more of the ruined earth and the zombies on there, maybe they will show more sexy scenes with the evil princess Ardala.

She was great in The Driver
very popular film with this board

Who will play the Ayatollah in the inevitable biopic?

He's going to crush President Carter next year

Screen cap this

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Pffff this guy? He's a fucking (((Hollywood))) Actor, what the hell is he going to achieve? Plus he was a Democrat.

Damn Kubrick's been working on The Shining for a while now... will be ever see it bros?

how can one woman be so perfect, bros? it's not fair
what can i do for her to notice me?

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kill this guy


When the f*ck is he gonna come out with a new album?

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That's where you're wrong kiddo

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That John Lennon guy sure comes off as one big phony,

I know this isn't roleplaying right but I'm literally watching the Sep 12 1979 season premiere of Charlie's Angels right now

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>Marlon Brando is top billed
>barely has even 10 minutes of screentime

What the fuck?

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Hey man get with the sexual revolution stop oppressing childrens' sexualities

Wait, with commercials and everything? Where and how?

Because the movies filled with a bunch of nobodies.


I'm from the even further future. They fuck him up again.

Would kek again

Severely, severely underrated

tf is that

At least he hasn't turned into some fat fuck. He'll really star in something good again. Screencap this.

I mean he was turning into one but i'm guessing this is gonna reverse that trajectory

what the fuck is a dvd?

Who's still watching All in the Family? It jumped the shark 3 years ago but I need muh Archie

Bullshit! Batman will never get a movie, just like Star Wars will never get more than one sequel!

Screencap this.

>All Boobs Channel
Just buy Hustler, ya fag

>muh heart of darkness
>muh flares
Everyone will forget about Larry Fishburne too, he sucked

Shakedown 1979

>whites get drunk and destroy disco records at a baseball game
>All their grandchildren listen to nu-disco

Post impossible to adapt comics

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I am from the further future, this guy here will be president.
Screen cap this nigga

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The Rolling Stones is the patrician choice

>Star Trek and Batman both had 3 seasons
>boring shit like Bonanza and Gunsmoke went on for decades
Why do the kikes hate kino?

Cast it.

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Scorsese is Pong, he is Space Invaders, he is pizza dust

Stones don't have shit on Zeppelin