Daily reminder that Rick and Morty got cancelled because of Sup Forums

Daily reminder that Rick and Morty got cancelled because of Sup Forums.

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please let this be true

There's a lot I don't care about.
Caring about no more Rock and Marty is literally at the bottom of an entire shitheap of fuck.

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Looks like the science budget just got cut!

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there were a couple watchable episodes in season one.

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Neither of them was Dimensional Cable, the worst episode of anything.

Nah, *burp* they got canceled because Dan and Justin fight all the time and never get anything done. The only reason they got the green light last season was by agreeing to hire new female writers to try and mediate between the two of them. It didn't work. The show still has strong market value potential, however, so it is possible someone else may buy up the rights.

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I hate this place
don't give me a reason to love it

It's not cancelled

Meseeks episode was funny the first time.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day

This Atheist's life has no meaning without Rick and Morty, a tip of the fedora farewell.

Rick and Morty forever...100 years Rick & Morty.

Can't wait to see how they top Pickle Rick.

The first two seasons were actually pretty good as an out-of-the-way show. Then of course going mainstream was (and is always) regrettable especially because this was not the kind of show that could survive being mainstream.
Then the third season was just plain awful and killed it, and hopefully it stays dead. It had the chance to die with dignity and failed most completely.

Just fire Dan.

I think harmon thought he could pretty much ask any figure to adult swim and it seems even they got fed with his bullshit.
that and the massive egos that the show popularity birthed (grew in harmon's case), the infighting, shit season 3, and the obvious creative stagnation
They make something interesting they chickenshit out from the very themes( ohhhhh nothings is unique morty! that's why this show doesn't have the balls to kill off morty only to have rick find a replacement, or something along these lines)

Time to start thinking big, Sup Forums.

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Sup Forums didn't hire a bunch of unexperienced women who wrote fanfiction tier garbage episodes.

bring it on weaboo

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S01E01 was actually pretty great, pure Roiland kino
Dan Harmon is the problem

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>harmons growing ego and infighting
Not doubting you but could I get some examples of this, any cringeworthy tweets or interviews or something like that?


Sup Forums didn't do shit
it hasn't been cancelled, it's just Dan Harmon being a raging alcoholic and can't deal with Adult Swim executives
you guys are not important, you never will be

you don't know what cancelled means, user (and that's okay)

I'm pretty bad with specifics, but in some interviews, they mentioned they remeined in a 'tug-of-war' so to speak, with ideas clashing and neither willing to compromise. and from harmons arrogance i'm willing to bet it was him more.
>In January, the Detroit Cast spoke with series writer Ryan Ridley, who said that, at the current pace, new episodes might not be ready until late 2019.
>“They really take their time,” said Ridley. “I never understood why everybody — all parties, Dan [Harmon], Justin [Roiland], and Adult Swim — didn’t get their shit together, and make the show fast; I just don’t get it. It doesn’t make any sense to me. I’m sure they all have their reasons.”
quote from a recent

and that's a good thing

I'm inclined to side with Roiland here, but what is his track record like as a creator/showrunner?

>Rick and Morty got cancelled because of Sup Forums.

I thought it was because they hired female writers and season 3 was very female focused?

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I woudn't be able to answer that, but from his IMDB page, pre rick and morty a bunch of no-name shows and a few collaborations with comedians.
Harmon on the other hand, gets bad mouthed by the cast of Community, and if you watch a single snippet of Harmontown you'll see why.
this is after rick n morty fame and in public, so you can gauge when people start to have a problem with him; he seems to belive he can absolutely do no wrong, and his world view is the correct one(except when it comes to sexual assault, since today a mere insinuation from someone high-profile can obliterate your career). take a gander into his twitter feed, feels like watching the zoo

Already a thing.


That ugly fat bastard deserves a haymaker.


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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Keit愛 (Keit-Ai to you normies). The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of multiverse theory most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also the MC's deterministic outlook as he longs for the AU version of his crush instead of his crush, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Philisophical Taoism literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE.

As a consequence people who dislike Keit-Ai truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in the copypasta's catchphrase “Keit-Ai finds a way,” which itself is a cryptic reference to the works of Alexander of Aphrodisias. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Sup Forums’s genius wit unfolds itself on the film version of Keit-Ai, which is Kimi no Na wa. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Keit-Ai t-shirt. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid.

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It's not officially cancelled, but it's not been renewed, presumably because Harmon's head got too big for his shoulders (again) and he's a fucking nightmare to work with.

The only way the show can move forward and be successful would be to fire Harmon and make Roiland the showrunner.

ED2: youtube.com/watch?v=m4DyTjrruVo

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>creative stagnation
Imagine writing a sci fi themed show with a character whose basically a god in a infinite multiverse and running out of ideas. Fucking. Hacks.

>Rick and Morty got cancelled

Good, it was getting too cringy anyway.

Someone should fucking kill that fat fuck Harmon. The alcohol is doing a piss poor job of it. Justin Roiland is literally /ourguy/, he doesn't deserve this shit, even if 90% of the show's fanbase is fucking AIDS.

that's why I said they're not only hacks, but cowards as well. where's morty dying and rick getting another one and the show going on as if nothing has happened? nah that would risk alienationg the fanbase, better go with arm-chair psychology and ''UR NOT EVIL, UR SMART!''.
beggining as sci-fi satire and ending as a talentless adolescent cringefest

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>that's why this show doesn't have the balls to kill off morty only to have rick find a replacement, or something along these lines)
Rick's original Morty is the eyepatch one, pay attention. Season 4 would have explained it to brainlets.

>Expecting season 4 to advance anything
People were thinking these things about season 3 as well, it's like no ones paying attention

>imagine projecting this much

>ricks original morty is the eyepatch one

cool theory, reddit, got anything to back it up?

that's another thing, this show does well with one-off stories and the second they try to force some OHHH WHAT A TWIST, it all goes down the drain.
the show is way better as sci-fi satire, but the writers caved in and wen't the over-arching super secret IS ALL CONNECTED GUISE! This usually works when the story is already finished, not when it's being in constant development

I was on the fence until pickle rick. I hope the money and staff work on a better show and Dan Harmon dies.

>Rick and Morty got cancelled
One must wonder why...

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t. your mother

Good riddance. I don't understand why anyone ever liked this fedora show.

Confirmed for retarded and/or shit taste. Tales from the Citadel was the best episode of the last season by a huge margin, and probably the best of the entire series.

Didn't we though?


>we better cancel the show
>because a bunch of neckbeard losers on Sup Forums hate it
Sup Forums incels unironically believe this

you and the rest of the mongoloids that thought the OP was serious and not lazy, obvious bait need to go back

yes, and you can cross evil morty and the asnine ending from the episode and it wouldn't affect it. how would they resolve a character like rick having an archnemesis? they treated him like a god because the show was satire about the usual sci-fi tropes. adding a villain that doesn't really accomplish anything serves only to create a retarded fanbase and hook the useful idiots like yourself.

*burp* God's not real, Summer. Let's go punch Nazis and wage gaps while denigrating your dad for being a racist sexist bigot white male.

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Season 1 and 2 were alright. 3 was dogshit.

>just cut out the central story and it wouldn't affect the episode


has anyone ever went back you little shitface when you told them so on an indonesian cobratit petting sharehold?
i dont think so. up your game faggot

it isn't.

I just finished this show. It's okay. I don't get the memes? It's just an average show. A few episodes make me laugh, most are chuckle level. Why is it so polarizing and popular?

Pickle Rick episode was pretty outrageous, but not that meme worthy.

It's Harmon. Same shit happened with Community.

nobody cares

Rick and Morty is like if Sup Forums(Justin) made a cartoon and reddit(Dan) tried their best to ruin it.

I despise dan harmon

the man must go. nothing he does is funny. he's a miserable alcoholic that sold his soul to satan for fame. it's one of these weird real-life anomalies; he shouldn't be rich and famous but he is

the man must go

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I'm asking questions you fool.

I haven't even seen 5 minutes of this gay shit

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i can't put my finger on why this pic is so good
it works on every context

No it isnt.

>people unironically believe one of the most popular animated shows in the world is cancelled

Yes, networks sure do hate money!

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I really do hope I had a hand in getting this shit gassed.

>Daily reminder that Rick and Morty got cancelled because of Sup Forums.
OP, you're smoking interdimensional shrooms like a pedophilic mosit lusting for your wife's boyfriend's son's cock.
Cut your cable plan like your rabbi cut off your shmuck and give it to some lunch lady bitch, why don't 'cha? Maybe then, you'll stop having wet dreams of your mother being ohffd by an interdimensional vampire wearing a spiked gauntlet.
While you're at it, pack up your crusty underwear into a black box, you mong.
And don't even THINK about getting vestigial cable. That shit's made for kikes who can't pay shekels outta their pockets. They'd be better off dreaming about biting off the peens of young infant Jewlings with their herpes-infected mouth parts like the freaks they are.
Also, stop using ghetto wifi, you ghetto fuck. How're you supposed to jack off to your mom's penis that way, bitch nigga? BAKA. GTFO.

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Did normalfags even like Season 3?

>every episode rated 8+ on IMDB

What do you think?

>Did normalfags even like Season 3?
Shut up, normalfag.

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i am very important faggot, but in my crowd I cant speak the way I want about the things I hate and like without the threat of losing my income and status. I come here to feel alive believe it or not. but youre right on this one, Harmon is an insufferable fat sweaty mess of a drunk and even the sycophants and the druggies and the degenerates of our business can barely stand to work for him. he is solely responsible for this cash cow uncertaint future, in a business where the name recognition alone gets funding.

>comes to Sup Forums to "feel alive."

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Cool parroted opinion but the latter half of season 2 was also shit. Unless you think IDC2 and the melodramatic finale were even remotely watchable.

exactly right. Im surrounded by suckasses and automatons who want something from me, or degenerate backstabbing coke heads who want me to help them and brag about the disgusting shit they do ill appreciate it, and nothing anyone says is ever genuine. Its all front. Protected by anonymity I get to hear and say real thoughts and ideas and feelings.

Dan Harmon is very good at making shows I find entertaining, but by all accounts he also seems to be a raging prick and impossible to work with long-term. Memes aside the first two seasons of rick and morty were fucking funny and unique--albeit in that "nihilism bro lol" way that has become popular. Community was great too, and the nosedive the show took in Season 4 when Harmon was sacked shows that he was a big part of the magic.

Seriously though, Rick and Morty may be the first show I've enjoyed that was ruined by the fans and not anyone on the staff--though that last season was...rocky, to put it nicely.

>Dan Harmon
>rich and famous

Rick and Morty has always suffered from Harmon's shittiness. Roiland and Ridley are the real geniuses, listen to Grandma's Virginity Podcast if you don't believe me. Harmon meanwhile loves to shoehorn monologues, redditology, and his own personal horse shit into the show. Every word he writes seems like a desperate plea for approval from the audience. He's absolute trash and honestly I think people look at Community with rose-tinted glasses. The characters got Flanderized to hell and back and, again, the monologues were fucking out of control. I know the show addressed its own crutches, but that doesn't make up for it and honestly just makes it worse.

Ugh Ballers was garbage. The Rock had some charisma but even his character was boring as hell. The show was literally about nothing


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Like all cancelled shows. The studios will give into the fans and give them a movie.

Considering the popularity of the show. I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't released in cinemas.

>allow females to "help" with the show
>gets cancelled

Sup Forums would like Rick & Morty if normalfags didn't.

Nice internalized misogyny and cuckspiracy theory.

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>obviously in negotiations with Adult Swim

You guys are so fucking stupid sometimes, networks don't just drop popular mainstream shows.

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Plenty. Not going to post it though, wouldn't want you running off to your preferred website and getting those upvotes.

Eh it wasn't as good as S1, but it was still worth watching at least once