Ok lets be real. I can't decide who to vote for. Donald trump is incompetent and insane but wants to get rid of illegals and make america white again like me. BUT he wants to get rid of obamacare which saved my life from cancer and kept me from lifelong debt. He also doesn't seem to believe that pollution is a problem somehow and wants to get rid of regulations on business so they can just pay us $1 an hour like chinamen and dump toxic waste in playgrounds. Please help. I'm out of time here. Shit is fuycked up right now but at least with hillary we know what we're getting and we can cruise along a bit longer until someone better comes along.
Ok lets be real. I can't decide who to vote for...
fuck off CTR, go troll reddit
Infinity better than nuclear war.
wtf are you talking about?
>Shit is fuycked up right now but at least with hillary we know what we're getting and we can cruise along a bit longer until someone better comes along.
If Hillary wins, there will be no "someone better." It will be the final brick that will cement a criminal organization in permanent control of the USA. Voting for the establishment is voting against your own best interest and Trump is anything but establishment.
Think about it this way if there was no Obamacare you'd have gotten to cook meth and makes lots of new friends like a whacky lawyer and a bald man named after the bald green guy from Monsters Inc to go on adventures with and become a legendary drug dealer to pay for your treatment and wear a hat.
sorry but i don't really come on this board much. what criminal organization are you talking about?
i never thought of that thank you so much
what can i say. the anti hillary shit doesn't seem to go deep enough to withstand serious scrutiny. i'm trying to give a chance to the pro trump argument but it really looks like nobody has an answer.
His daughter gave birth to a jew
iwas was sort of hyped about some of trumps speeches at first but the first bit of doubt appeared when i saw that speech he gave at that israel (aipac?) convention where he almost literally sucked the foreskin off of every jewish dick in the crowd.
There's a reason he says repeal and REPLACE
He's replacing it with something that doesnt make millions of families go bankrupt.
>He hasn't watched Trump speeches or Rallies
Fuck off
>Donald Trump is incompetent and insane
is what you've been told by the media. If you trust them at this point, it's you who's insane
>make america white again
it's never happening and he knows it. America is too far gone.
>get rid of obamacare
replace it*
>get rid of regulations on business so they can just pay us $1 an hour like chinamen and dump toxic waste in playgrounds
that's not how it works and not what he intends
>with hillary we know what we're getting and we can cruise along a bit longer until someone better comes along.
choosing between Ms Clinton and Mr. Trump is like choosing between Ms. War and Mr. Temporary Economic Hardship Followed By Prosperity. If you don't pick the latter, it's your funeral and America's death
i wish people would separate pollution from global warming.
i dont think you would find anyone whos not against illegal dumping by corporations or who doesnt want that giant trash island in the pacific cleaned up.
forgot to say
>with hillary we know what we're getting
went over my head because it's something I never thought I would ever read. Good joke though. Right now, Hillary is known for doing a lot of things, but the two most well known are deleting emails and flipflopping
thank you for your insightful reply
You dickless faggot. I don't want you on "my side". Go vote for HillDog, you spineless piece of garbage. Pls KYS
the email thing is a technicality. there has to be something better. flipflopping is something all politicians do. they're playing a game with stupid rules and stupid refs. there's literally no way anyone can tell the real truth without losing.
Fuck off I'd rather you have just died from cancer stop ruining healthcare and raising my taxes.
thank you for your insightful reply. i'm sure a country run by people like you would be a true utopia.
>just die from cancer
trump supporter i assume?
No problem, cocksucker. Don't forget to drink some bleach.
i hope you're right. the way he described health care companies being finally forced to compete sounds like it might hold water.
>the email thing is a technically
>careless breach of national security while serving as Secretary of State and then deleting the evidence and lying about it is a technicality
Yep that's who I want running the country.
But if you need more reasons:
>globalism stooge
>Soros puppet
>wants war with Russia
>supports BLM and PC culture
>will raise your taxes sky high to pay for all the bullshit fundie programs we don't need
>won't bring justice to illegal immigrants
>proven to be corrupt and rigging the primaries
hopefully you'll mature a bit by the time you're old enough to vote.
>mishandling of classified information and the coverup of this wrongdoing going unpunished? nah man that's nothing
>everyone flipflops
Hillary is the flipflopping champion and the corruption champion. At best, she will strengthen the grip of the establishment on Democracy and bring in hundreds of thousands of Muslim immigrants along with other globalist kikery. At worst, she'll do all that AND cause WW3
i admit i dint read the thousands of leaked emails but last i heard the authorities determined it was a bunch of personal shit like what's for dinner tonight and favorite tv shows. i agree with the other points. that's what makes this hard. trump seems to have zero idea how things work and just wants to skate by on the power of dreams. but i like his dreams. i wish i could believe.
i'm not arguing those points but the thing about kikery is interesting because of the level of jewish cocksucking trump does. please justify this.
Nice job you fucking idiot.You realize there are more leftists than people on the right?You cant act like a massive faggot to everyone who doesnt support your view and expect to make any ground. People like you are bringing trumps campaign down..
i know this is lazy but can somebody post a leaked hillary email that shows careless handling of important classified information? i haven't heard any specific examples. i'm not saying there aren't any i'm truly interested.
>last i heard the authorities determined it was a bunch of personal shit
and she deleted them along with the actual classified information because she didn't want the DOS to know she took yoga classes? Get fucking real. The investigation was reopened a few days ago anyway
Trump has teams of experts backing him up. The president doesn't have as much power as you think, but he does influence the people, represent the country on the world stage (the US needs a strong, high energy leader) and take certain initiatives that have to go through Congress (currently majority Republican)
>B-but muh emails user! She go jail cuz muh emails!
>this person is probably more informed than the average voter
thanks for the 2 serious answers in the entire thread. i still haven't heard anything new.
Dude depending on the job I would totally work for a dollar an hour.
Not all jobs are valuable, why do you want to prevent me from working?
Also good thing you survived cancer. Because now we have to move to a cheaper state because we can't afford to live here because of higher rates on obama care.
I hope you are pleased with yourself.
The Jewish are known for their trickery and deception. That involves being discrete about your being jewish, or working for jews. Trump is not doing that.
I think he's supporting them because helping their nation become more prosperous will give them less incentive to continue with their plans to bring down Western civilization. I wouldn't want to make an enemy of a race that thrives on deception. I would use their strength against them
for the record i don't care about trumps lewd recordings or rape accusations. none of that shit is any worse than 99% of other men have said and the rape is most likely bs. my issues with him is how he responds when cornered by facts in the debate. he sounds like a grade schooler talking shit at recess.
You're right, you are lazy.
>email that shows careless handling
so you've called the issue a "technicality", but with this one little part of your sentence, you've made it clear you don't even know what the issue is
great. lets go back to the 1930's and get all these pesky human rights out of the way so we can finally thrive as a people.
Grab them by the pussy!
i'm openly admitting that and trying to learn something. time is of the essence. please show me.
CTR just stop. "Lets be real"
>Trump is insane
This applies to Clinton, not Trump. She is literally mentally unwell.
>BUT he wants to get rid of obamacare
So does Clinton. She admitted outright in the Wikileaks e-mails that she will to repeal the ACA and replace it with a single payer system which is run by both government and the insurance companies. Trump wants to repeal the ACA and let market do the rest.
>He also doesn't seem to believe that pollution is a problem somehow and wants to get rid of regulations on business so they can just pay us $1 an hour like chinamen and dump toxic waste in playgrounds.
Again, this is applicable to Clinton, not Trump.
If the biggest, most widely reaching, international crime syndicate is not "deep enough to withstand serious scrutiny", then you're beyond any hope. The information is plain to see, you can find it. I'm not talking about the spirit cooking shit either, but the real, hard facts of pay-to-play, giving weapons to ISIS through proxies, "wetwork", starting WW3 with Russia because they're in the way of the realization of your agenda in the Middle East, possible evidence of a fucking True Detective level pedophile racket, voter fraud, election fraud, the list goes on.
You think someone "better" will come along? The reason for opening the Mexican border is to flood the U.S with people whom the Dems know will always vote for them in exchange for free shit. If this happens, their hegemony will be locked in...forever.
But if you could not see any of this before, you won't now.
Go to the booth right now, press "Barabbas" and walk out with your head held high. After all, Trump says mean things.
A nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.
So: Vote for whoever lives up to the true patriotistic spirit of protecting the core a country: Its land.
While i am not certain if they fulfill that role properly in the US the greens are usualyl the best choice to that end.
Are you asking us to post unreleased classified government documents? What kind of question is that? The FBI has already said that she had classified information on her off-site, unsecured server. Are they lying? Even Clinton admits it. Is she lying? The question was always over intent.
Here's a question for you. Here is the law in question that Clinton is being investigated for violating (one of them anyway, several may apply):
Read it. It's literally of national importance. And you'll be hearing a lot about it once the FBI concludes their investigations.
Do you think this law should be applied to everyone, or just everyone but Hillary? Why? Where in the law does it say that Hillary Clinton is exempt from it? Should we just ignore the law? Answer these questions directly, please.
And remember, the investigations don't go away if Hillary is elected.
I don't have to educate you. If you care enough to learn more about it, you'll watch this
thank you i'll check it out
The only thing Obamacare has done for me is double my deductible and triple my premium. Fuck Obamacare. Fuck Obama, and fuck you.
holy shit. it looks like civil war within the government.
you're retarded.
i don't believe you
You forgot the meme president aspect of Trump.
That's a tipping point for me to vote for Trump when I'm evenly split on issues.
You can't wait until next time with Hillary because she is going to import so many immigrants and refugees that you will never get to have another non Democrat president again. Look at voting patterns. Your vote means nothing ever again if hillary gets elected.
my iq is over 100. you don't know me.
I linked you to the wrong video
This is the one I've actually watched:
at the 1h46 mark, there's Ted Deutch. He's jewish and he tried to change the topic of the hearing in order to shit on Trump
what makes you ignore the fact that HRC and her entire 'charity' (criminal) organization is under federal investigation?
IMO the best parts of this are when Gowdy, Marino and Collins speak by the way
these videos are pretty long and this thread will be gone by the end but thank you for the posts. i have a place to start and a lot to watch. thank you.
>my iq is 101
lol. Anybody with access to the facts will find very quickly that a vote for HRC is indefensible.