Can one of you Sup Forumsitical scientists pls explain why Florida is going against the trend by suddenly going all in for Shillary despite all the recent shit?
It makes no sense to me. Is it more scheming tricks by the pollsters or what?
Can one of you Sup Forumsitical scientists pls explain why Florida is going against the trend by suddenly going all in for Shillary despite all the recent shit?
It makes no sense to me. Is it more scheming tricks by the pollsters or what?
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It's more scheming tricks by the pollsters.
Turns out the people making the polls also donate quite heavily to the Clinton camp.
>Trump at 44.4
KEK wills it
yeah it's the pollsters fucking up their data like before.
Hillary knows she's going to jail if she loses. The question isn't "is she going to rig it?" it's "how obviously is she going to rig it?"
They are prepping the public for the results of the rig, in order to make it seem like a natural groundswell.
Broward county's head of the voting commission met with Hillary in private, and set the plan in place months ago. The meeting is public record, and the county has an established track record of vote-fuckery. Remember the names for after the election, see justice done.
it's already decided who will win
When Trump said he'd "drain the swamp" of DC they took it personally as an attack on all swamp dwellers everywhere.
That or they're so senile as a demographic they forgot what they were doing in the booth.
Bretty much this.
People won't think too much of Florida turning blue because of the Hispanics.
They tried to meme Texas blue to pull the same shit but it was more likely for someone cheating to catch a .45 than getting away with it.
>Trump starts winning
>Random ass Hillary surge out of nowhere
ballot stuffing
It's rigged.
They always program it like that.
In Florida, black turnout is down by as much as Hispanic turnout is up.
Hispanics vote Republican more than blacks do (especially in Florida with all the Cubans).
whoops, wrong pic
Delayed reaction?
The answer is very simple. Florida IS NOT going against the trend. Just on the RCP average it APPEARS that this is the case, as the RCP average does not factor in all available polls.
Even (((Nate Silver))) gives Trump a 53% chance of winning Florida based on polls.
Predictit, however has Clinton at 60% chance of winning Florida (which includes early voting trends) and Trump at 43%.
its lies. Those graphs are supposed to be "zero sum game". Also
bunch of lations shilling.
RCP stopped using the polls from Siena and Trafalger that both had Trump up 4 points and added two polls from Gravis and Fox that have Clinton up 3 and 4 points. So now it looks like Clinton went up, even though it's still tied.
538 has Trump with 53% chance of winning FL. Also republicans have been doing better in early voting, so I'd say it's red.
Can we just wall off Florida?
She's spending money there and a bell of a lot more than him. That's it.
Also a lot of these polls have upwards of a 55% non-reponse rate.
That's how you get the "1 in 3" women are raped meme. You ask 30 people, 27 ignore you, 2 day no, 1 days yes and now a third of women are rape victims.
It's not as bad as that obviously but it's a factor.
Well, you got people to actually wake up without doing much.
So yeah, basically poll fucked this election with the huge wake up call to the democrats at a time when they still could react.
Isn't Trump slightly winning early voting when Obama had a massive lead? Or is that just a meme.
>tfw Trump has to flip the coin to his side so many times and Hilldog gets a free ride due to liberal indoctrination and mass immigration of 3rd world subhumans
Something good better come out today or the meme might be up
No that's spot on. Last I heard he was up ~20,000 in early voting.
Is Trump counter rigging? He should outdo the filthy dems and commit voter fraud bigly.
Voter fraud my friend.
They just reported on tens of thousands fraudulent absentee ballots.
There are three kinds of lie
Damned lies
And Statistics
>evidence of multiple Florida counties being rigged
>polls suddenly start favoring Hillary again
really makes you think
I was thinking the same thing user. None of this shit makes sense. See picture for reference. She goes up for literally no reason. Under FBI investigation now and her poll numbers increase? what a load of shit. Its to make it look like she is winning after they commit fraud with that cunt DWS. Luckily we jumped on that shit right quick.
RCP polls are combination of different polls, thus the data depend on them. The 2 latest polls favour Clinton, although is interesting that on polls from 2 conclusive days, one from 30.10 have trump +4, while one from the next day, 31.10 has Clinton +3.
Cubans love spirit cooking.
I like how they're both rising lmao.
Do they honestly think they're going to get away with it?
Doesn't seem "real clear" at all.
>polling companies aren't paid to measure trends, but to influence them.
Because the polls are wrong, the polls were wrong for Bernie, the polls are rigged in Clintons favor as much as 20% even. Clinton is absolutely hated in Texas
The statistics offer a lot of place to manipulation. All those polls have a bit different samples. For example, one use only registrated voters, who voted on previous election, while the other have likely voters for this election from general population.
The RCP is good because its a combination of different polls, so they neutralize themselves to a degree. The bad side is, the data is not so clear as you must check the polls on which is it based and it has some time error (the polling in last poll was ended at 2.11, it was published on 3.11 and I dont know when they calculated it into mix and older polls have still some influence.
The polls are biased. Look at Nate Silver's adjusted numbers instead.
Trump is going to lose because a lot of spics live in Florida and he campaigned on "Fuck the spics"
>B-but my Cubans
Cubans aren't even the majority of Spics in Florida, and third generation are all commies anyways.
Well, I'm in Florida and voted for her.
Maybe people don't like your batshit crazy narcissistic meme candidate as much as you think they do?
Fluff polls and fraud. The support for Trump in Florida is very high from what I've seen. Higher than some on the guaranteed red states.
Mate you've been shilling in Florida threads for the last 2 hours. Get a life.
Havn't you read the shit proven by Wikileaks?
Democrats are rigging polls to crush the "moral" of Trump voters.
Poll workers filling out fraudulent absentee ballots by the hundred
>having anything better to do than trigger people on Sup Forums
What is the "grade" supposed to represent ?
The quality of the pollster ? then if it's the case, you can clearly see the worst pollsters giving Clinton the lead.
We're basically just fucking with the rest of the country at this point.
Keep in mind there was that, confirmed report and signed affidavit that the people running the early voting poll stations were filling out stacks of ballots behind closed doors. And they fired the person that witnessed it. Not sure what's going on though
Just those two are not a zero sum game because there is also Gary Johson, whose support is collapsing. That's why both lines are trending upwards.
Anyone there legally loves him. They see illegals as bottom feeders that don't deserve to be there since they didn't go through the process that they had to.
I'm not even going to vote since it will just be voided by fraud
fuck Florida
>I'm not even going to vote
Unless you're in Broward there's nothing stopping you.
(((postal votes)))
wtf...Im in broward and I love trump