Low-quality first look at the suits.

Attached: Justice League.jpg (750x480, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:

D.J. Cotrona as Superman.

Attached: Superman.jpg (628x786, 39K)

Megan Gale as Wonder Woman.

Attached: Wonder Woman.jpg (1128x1335, 422K)

Is this a joke


What does a George Miller movie have costumes out of Party Galaxy?

It was a different time.

WTF is with that skirt?

Aquaman looks like he came out of a gay porn parody.

Why does Sup Forums obsess over superhero movies? Aren't they aimed at children? All you do is put shit on them, yet chuck huge hissy fits when they don't meet your expections.

The cast.

Attached: Mortal.jpg (600x887, 149K)

I would eat wonder womans discharge 2bh

>potentially the greatest movie in the DCEU
>Disney kills him, set it up like some old age problem
>no Mad Max: The Wasteland

Attached: 1521273883455.jpg (1127x685, 89K)

thi is going to tank so hard

>thi is going to tank so hard

Do you not understand this was a movie that was never made years ago?

Attached: ....jpg (640x480, 64K)

Ignore the retard


She's a fucking skeleton. Why cast some anorexic supermodel? Wonder Woman would not be calorie starved and she would have some muscle. Should've cast a gymnast.

Ew, all the human characters are white.

Gymnasts can't act.

Me on the right

>She's a fucking skeleton. Why cast some anorexic supermodel?

Attached: megan-gale-mad-max-fury-road-4.jpg (600x906, 126K)


reminder, these are screen tests, which means they likely still would have gotten changed before production. Christian Bale screen tested for batman in a previous schumacher movie bat suit.

it would have been kino

And Cavill wore spandex.

Attached: M9G2g4J.jpg (728x1093, 56K)