Name a better ship

Name a better ship

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Needs more bumper cars on the bridge.

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looks like a shower head

Was about to give you a (You), then I realized you were a tripfag... That's a shame.

Fucking what? Post a picture of a shower head that looks like that. The Slave I is cool and unique.

I am so sorry.

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Miranda Class is my comfy choice, but it never really got an upgrade and was basically replaced by the Nebula.

Poor thing never should have been to war, should've been on a comfy survey mission.

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Hands down the best Star Wars ship.

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Another good one.

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andromeda ascendant

You are now hearing the Deadalus' engine sound, manually


Halo ships are pretty cool.

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space gun

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Nebula is comfy too

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Anons, I'm picking up something on my radar. I'm not sure what it is but it's shaped like a giant...

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Where was this from?

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Halo vs Star Wars would be interesting.

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Galaxy is probably the comfiest Trek ship desu. Excelsior would also be a good choice.

Works on my machine.

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Austin Powers. It's basically a Carry on Camping bit.

Just passing through your universe, don't mine me.

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I don't think so. Star Wars ships would run circles around Halo's human ships. Star Wars vs. Covenant specifically would probably be more interesting.

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This only reinforce how badass Boba Fett is. Even with all those flaws and inconveniences he has still survived and even thrived as a bounty hunter as long as he has, even becoming the most famous and feared one in the galaxy. In the 20+ years he has operated the Slave I never got shot down and probably shot down a lot of ships.

Posting ship kino

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The Sulaco was the original in that style

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>give Boba Fett this """""""""""death""""""""""""
>EU shit for the next 30 years creates this epic persona where he's the baddest motherfucker in the galaxy and is feared by everyone

Because the EU is literal fanfiction made by autists in denial about fett being a scumbag who got lucky

>This only reinforce how badass Boba Fett is

Boba Fett was killed by a blind man with a stick

>we will never see the lost footage.

>that huge ass star wars destroyer
So when a star destroyer is destroyed do like millions of people die inside it? Star wars is so fucking shit

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Miranda was originally conceptualized as a pure warship with the rollbar containing like 8 goddamn torpedo launchers (4 front, 4 aft) and two MEGA phasers. She was gimped so the Enterprise could stand a chance.

why the long face user?

Star Trek ships always look silly

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You are as dense as a block of lead

those donuts should be covered in solar panels

>Name a better ship


his reputation was enough for Darth Vader to hire him to find Han Solo.

TNG makes the Galaxy-class look like a five-star hotel in space. If I were onboard I'd literally just hang out in my quarters and on the holodeck all day, amusing myself and ordering shit from the replicators.

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The Avatar ship. I read an article about how much thought Cameron put into this thing and he tried to make it hard science.

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>no one posted best ship yet

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No one?

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>name a better ship
>names literally every spaceship in television and film
every time

One of my favs

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what happened to mr bigglesworth?

Darth Vader hired a bunch of bounty hunters to find them, not Boba Fett specifically.

This. Dderidex is best.

season 3 soon GET HYPE

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Yeah, presumably the best bounty hunters in the galaxy, and Boba is the one who found him.

Presumably, Sheev did maintenance on Vader's robopenis every single night.

well yeah, there wasn't anyone else after the budget cutbacks at the emperor palpatine surgical reconstruction center.

I don't know what you're getting at but you can honestly be implying that the empire wouldn't hire the best bounty hunters in the galaxy. Also
>robo penis
He didn't get his penis cut off.

>the empire wouldn't hire the best bounty hunters in the galaxy
Maybe they had a budget meeting and decided that the Empire simply didn't have enough room in the budget to hire competent bounty hunters because the Emperor's birthday was coming up.
There's nothing in the original trilogy to suggest Boba Fett is some kind of super badass bounty hunter extraordinaire.
>He didn't get his penis cut off.
How would you know, fag.

>The one ship escaping the complete destruction of a planet using a random jump while carrying the last of a breed of supersoldiers

Pic related

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show me what you got lads. looking for some new shit that rreally blows my fucking mind.

>How would you know, fag.
Because he's a fag

Bug obviously

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How does it dock with DS9?

I just realised it shaped like thorĀ“s hammer.....

the sounds it makes are great too

out of my way cylon fracking shits

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wasn't it named Mjolnir or something too?


*gets blowed up by plasma fire*

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Most of the ships look amazing. Except the angular designs of the corporate french.

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No Argama class/Pegasus 2 MS carriers? Da fuck are your problems

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Why never beam nukes near wraith ships

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>not choosing the superior Pegasus class assault carrier

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*stands in your vector*

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Utterly forgotten and underrated.

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Why are no battleships equipped with i-fields. Where is your defensive technology? Fuck the ship design in the series. 20-30 years later they're still using salamis etc pre-MS era ships, upgrade your fleets, you can spam thousands of MS but not better equipped ships?

A very sensible choice.

>his favorite ship has "anti gravity plating"

Nippon ship allowed?

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